verifyHashBytesSync method

bool verifyHashBytesSync(
  1. List<int> password,
  2. List<int> encodedHash, {
  3. Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i,

The method to verify a List

Needs a List of type int password, a List of type int encodedHash, as well as an Argon2Type type used for the actual hash.

Returns a bool with a true for a success and false for a failed verification.


bool verifyHashBytesSync(List<int> password, List<int> encodedHash,
    {Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i}) {
  //Create pointers to pass to the C method
  var passPointer = _setPtr(password);
  var hashPointer = utf8.decode(encodedHash).toNativeUtf8();
  // var hashPointer = _setPtr(encodedHash);
  //Get the result
  var result = LocalBinder.instance
      .verifyHash(hashPointer, passPointer, password.length, type.index);
  //Free the pointers;;
  if (DArgon2ErrorCode.values[result.abs()] != DArgon2ErrorCode.ARGON2_OK) {
    throw DArgon2Exception(
  return result == 0;