verifyHashString method

Future<bool> verifyHashString(
  1. String password,
  2. String encodedHash, {
  3. Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i,

The Future method to handle verifying a String argon2 hash against a String password

Needs a UTF-8 String password, a UTF-8 String encodedHash, as well as an Argon2Type type used for the actual hash. This method gets the byte arrays of both Strings and calls verifyHashBytes with that info.

Returns a Future with the bool of whether the hashing was a match or not


Future<bool> verifyHashString(String password, String encodedHash,
        {Argon2Type type = Argon2Type.i}) =>
    verifyHashBytes(utf8.encode(password), utf8.encode(encodedHash),
        type: type);