d4_geo library


A U.S.-centric composite projection of three geoConicEqualArea projections.
A geometry geographic generator for creating circles.
Conic projections project the sphere onto a cone, and then unroll the cone onto the plane.
A geometry geographic generator for creating graticules.
The identity transform can be used to scale, translate and clip planar geometry.
A geometry geographic generator for creating paths.
Renders a path to a canvas using a subset of the CanvasRenderingContext2D API.
Projections transform spherical polygonal geometry to planar polygonal geometry.
A projection wrapper to mutate as needed.
Raw transforms are point transformation functions that are used to implement custom projections.
A raw transform that represents a rotation about each spherical axis.
Streams have several function-properties that are called to transform an input geometry.
Transforms are a generalization of projections.
The transverse spherical Mercator projection.


geoEqualEarthRaw → const GeoRawTransform
The raw Equal Earth projection, by Bojan Šavrič et al., 2018.
geoEquirectangularRaw → const GeoRawTransform
The raw equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
geoMercatorRaw → const GeoRawTransform
The raw spherical Mercator projection.
geoNaturalEarth1Raw → const GeoRawTransform
The raw Natural Earth projection.
geoTransverseMercatorRaw → const GeoRawTransform
The raw transverse spherical Mercator projection.


geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw GeoRawTransform
The raw azimuthal equal-area projection.
geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw GeoRawTransform
The raw azimuthal equidistant projection.
geoClipAntimeridian GeoStream Function(GeoStream)
A clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries (lines or polygons) that cross the antimeridian line are cut in two, one on each side.
geoGnomonicRaw GeoRawTransform
The raw gnomonic projection.
geoOrthographicRaw GeoRawTransform
The raw orthographic projection.
geoStereographicRaw GeoRawTransform
The raw stereographic projection.


geoAlbers() GeoProjection
The Albers’ equal area-conic projection.
geoArea(Map object) double
Returns the spherical area of the specified GeoJSON object in steradians.
geoAzimuthalEqualArea() GeoProjection
The azimuthal equal-area projection.
geoAzimuthalEquidistant() GeoProjection
The azimuthal equidistant projection.
geoBounds(Map object) List<List<num>>
Returns the spherical bounding box for the specified GeoJSON object.
geoCentroid(Map object) List<double>
Returns the spherical centroid of the specified GeoJSON object.
geoClipCircle(double angle) GeoStream Function(GeoStream)
Generates a clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries are bounded by a small circle of radius angle around the GeoProjection.center.
geoClipRectangle(num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1) GeoStream Function(GeoStream)
Generates a clipping function which transforms a stream such that geometries are bounded by a rectangle of coordinates [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]].
geoConicConformal() GeoConicProjection
The conic conformal projection.
geoConicConformalRaw(List<double> y) GeoRawTransform
The raw conic conformal projection.
geoConicEqualArea() GeoConicProjection
The Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEqualAreaRaw(List<double> y) GeoRawTransform
The raw Albers’ equal-area conic projection.
geoConicEquidistant() GeoConicProjection
The conic equidistant projection.
geoConicEquidistantRaw(List<double> y) GeoRawTransform
The raw conic equidistant projection.
geoContains(Map? object, List<num> point) bool
Returns true if and only if the specified GeoJSON object contains the specified point, or false if the object does not contain the point.
geoDistance(List<num> a, List<num> b) double
Returns the great-arc distance in radians between the two points a and b.
geoEqualEarth() GeoProjection
The Equal Earth projection, by Bojan Šavrič et al., 2018.
geoEquirectangular() GeoProjection
The equirectangular (plate carrée) projection.
geoGnomonic() GeoProjection
The gnomonic projection.
geoGraticule10() Map
A convenience method for directly generating the default 10° global graticule as a GeoJSON MultiLineString geometry object.
geoInterpolate(List<double> a, List<double> b) List<double> Function(double)
Returns an interpolator function given two points a and b.
geoLength(Map object) double
Returns the great-arc length of the specified GeoJSON object in radians.
geoMercator() GeoProjection
The spherical Mercator projection.
geoNaturalEarth1() GeoProjection
The Natural Earth projection is a pseudocylindrical projection designed by Tom Patterson.
geoOrthographic() GeoProjection
The orthographic projection.
geoStereographic() GeoProjection
The stereographic projection.