parseRows method

List<List<String>> parseRows(
  1. String data

Parses the specified data, which must be in the delimiter-separated values format with the appropriate delimiter, returning an list of lists representing the parsed rows.

Unlike parse, this method treats the header line as a standard row, and should be used whenever DSV content does not contain a header. Each row is represented as an list rather than an map. Rows may have variable length. For example, consider the following CSV file, which notably lacks a header line:


The resulting Dart list is:

  ["1997", "Ford", "E350", "2.34"],
  ["2000", "Mercury", "Cougar", "2.38"]

There is no automatic conversion to numbers, dates, or other types. To convert the maps during the parse process, use parseWith.


List<List<String>> parseRows(String data) => parseRowsWith(data, (r, _) => r);