parse method

(List<Map<String, String>>, {List<String> columns}) parse(
  1. String data

Parses the specified data, which must be in the delimiter-separated values format with the appropriate delimiter, returning an list of maps representing the parsed rows.

Unlike parseRows, this method requires that the first line of the DSV content contains a delimiter-separated list of column names; these column names become the keys on the returned maps. For example, consider the following CSV file:


The resulting Dart list is:

  {"Year": "1997", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "E350", "Length": "2.34"},
  {"Year": "2000", "Make": "Mercury", "Model": "Cougar", "Length": "2.38"}

The returned record also exposes a columns field containing the column names in input order. For example:

data.columns; // ["Year", "Make", "Model", "Length"]

If the column names are not unique, only the last value is returned for each name; to access all values, use parseRows instead (see example).

There is no automatic conversion to numbers, dates, or other types. To convert the maps during the parse process, use parseWith.


(List<Map<String, String>>, {List<String> columns}) parse(String data) =>
    parseWith<Map<String, String>>(data, (d, _, __) => d);