Summarizing data topic

Compute summary statistics.


count(Iterable<num?> iterable) int Summarizing data
Returns the count of values in the iterable.
countBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) int? Summarizing data
Returns the count of values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
cumsum(Iterable<num?> iterable) List<num?> Summarizing data
Returns the cumsum of all values in the iterable.
cumsumBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) List<num> Summarizing data
Returns the cumsum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable, as a list of the same length.
deviation(Iterable<num?> iterable) num? Summarizing data
Returns the standard deviation, defined as the square root of the bias-corrected variance, of all values in the iterable.
deviationBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Returns the standard deviation, defined as the square root of the bias-corrected variance, of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
extent<T extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable) → (T?, T?) Summarizing data
Returns the minimum and maximum values in the iterable.
extentBy<T, R extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) → (R?, R?) Summarizing data
Returns the minimum and maximum values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
greatest<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [num comparator(T, T) = ascending]) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the greatest of all values in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
greatestBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T), [num comparator(R, R) = ascending]) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the element with the greatest of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
greatestIndex<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [num comparator(T, T) = ascending]) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the greatest of all values in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
greatestIndexBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T), [num comparator(R, R) = ascending]) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the element with the greatest of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
least<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [num comparator(T, T) = ascending]) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the least of all values in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
leastBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T), [num comparator(R, R) = ascending]) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the element with the least of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
leastIndex<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [num comparator(T, T) = ascending]) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the least of all values in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
leastIndexBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T), [num comparator(R, R) = ascending]) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the element with the least of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable according to the specified comparator.
max<T extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the maximum of all values in the iterable.
maxBy<T, R extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) → R? Summarizing data
Returns the maximum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
maxIndex<T extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the maximum of all values in the iterable.
maxIndexBy<T, R extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the maximum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
mean(Iterable<num?> iterable) num? Summarizing data
Returns the mean of all values in the iterable.
meanBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Returns the mean of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
median(Iterable<num?> iterable) num? Summarizing data
Returns the median of all values in the iterable using the R-7 method.
medianBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Returns the median of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable using the R-7 method.
medianIndex(Iterable<num?> values) int? Summarizing data
Similar to median, but returns the index of the value to the left of the median.
medianIndexBy<T>(Iterable<T> values, num? accessor(T)) int? Summarizing data
Similar to medianBy, but returns the index of the element that yields the value to the left of the median.
min<T extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the minimum of all values in the iterable.
minBy<T, R extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) → R? Summarizing data
Returns the minimum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
minIndex<T extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the minimum of all values in the iterable.
minIndexBy<T, R extends Comparable?>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) int Summarizing data
Returns the index of the minimum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
mode<T>(Iterable<T> iterable) → T? Summarizing data
Returns the mode of all values in the iterable, i.e., the value which appears the most often.
modeBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T)) → R? Summarizing data
Returns the mode of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable, i.e., the value which appears the most often.
quantile(Iterable<num?> iterable, num p) num? Summarizing data
Returns the p-quantile of all values in the iterable, where p is a number in the range [0, 1].
quantileBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num p, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Returns the p-quantile of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable, where p is a number in the range [0, 1].
quantileIndex(Iterable<num?> iterable, num p) int? Summarizing data
Similar to quantile, but returns the index to the left of p.
quantileIndexBy<T>(Iterable<T> values, num p, num? accessor(T)) int? Summarizing data
Similar to quantileBy, but returns the index to the left of p.
quantileSorted(Iterable<num?> values, num p) num? Summarizing data
Similar to quantile, but expects the input to be sorted.
quantileSortedBy<T>(Iterable<T> values, num p, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Similar to quantileBy, but expects the input to be sorted. In contrast with quantileBy, the accessor is only called on the elements needed to compute the quantile.
rank<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [num comparator(T, T) = ascending]) List<num> Summarizing data
Returns an list with the rank of each value in the iterable, i.e., the zero-based index of the value when the iterable is sorted.
rankBy<T, R>(Iterable<T> iterable, R accessor(T), [num comparator(R, R) = ascending]) List<num> Summarizing data
Returns an list with the rank of each element in the iterable, i.e., the zero-based index of the element when the iterable is sorted based on the values yielded by the accessor function.
sum(Iterable<num?> iterable) num Summarizing data
Returns the sum of all values in the iterable.
sumBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) num Summarizing data
Returns the sum of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.
variance(Iterable<num?> iterable) num? Summarizing data
Returns an unbiased estimator of the population variance of all values in the iterable using Welford’s algorithm.
varianceBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? accessor(T)) num? Summarizing data
Returns an unbiased estimator of the population variance of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable using Welford’s algorithm.