deviationBy<T> function Summarizing data

num? deviationBy<T>(
  1. Iterable<T> iterable,
  2. num? accessor(
    1. T

Returns the standard deviation, defined as the square root of the bias-corrected variance, of all values yielded by the accessor function applied to each element in the iterable.

This function ignores elements that yield values that do not satisfy any of the following conditions:

  1. The value is not null.
  2. The value is not double.nan.

Useful for filtering and ignoring missing data in datasets.

If the iterable has fewer than two elements that yield valid values, this function returns null.


num? deviationBy<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, num? Function(T) accessor) {
  var v = varianceBy<T>(iterable, accessor);
  return v != null ? sqrt(v) : v;