invoke abstract method

Future invoke(
  1. String procedure, [
  2. dynamic data,
  3. Options options = const Options(expectResponse: true)

Invoke the specified procedure (RPC) on the corresponding server-side socket. Any JSON-compatible auxiliary data may passed as data. The returned Future is the response from the server.

NOTE: If the options property has Options.expectResponse set to false, it will be implicitly overridden to true by the use of the invoke method. If you are not expecting a response, you should use transmit instead.

There is a default timeout of 10 seconds to receive a response from the server as defined on the client (ackTimeout). This limit can be changed by either changing the ackTimeout property in the client constructor OR by setting the Options.ackTimeout on the options property for the invoke call.


Future<dynamic> invoke(
  String procedure, [
  dynamic data,
  Options options = const Options(expectResponse: true),