coverage library


Bazel URI resolver.
Contains line and function hit information for a single script.
Converts the given hitmap to lcov format and appends the result to env.output.
Loads the lines of imported resources.
Converts the given hitmap to a pretty-print format and appends the result to env.output.
Resolver resolves imports with respect to a given environment.


collect(Uri serviceUri, bool resume, bool waitPaused, bool includeDart, Set<String>? scopedOutput, {Set<String>? isolateIds, Duration? timeout, bool functionCoverage = false, bool branchCoverage = false, Map<String, Set<int>>? coverableLineCache, VmService? serviceOverrideForTesting}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Collects coverage for all isolates in the running VM.
createHitmap(List<Map<String, dynamic>> jsonResult, {bool checkIgnoredLines = false, String? packagesPath, String? packagePath}) Future<Map<String, Map<int, int>>>
Creates a single hitmap from a raw json object.
mergeHitmaps(Map<String, Map<int, int>> newMap, Map<String, Map<int, int>> result) → void
Merges newMap into result.
parseChromeCoverage(List<Map<String, dynamic>> preciseCoverage, Future<String?> sourceProvider(String scriptId), Future<String?> sourceMapProvider(String scriptId), Future<Uri?> sourceUriProvider(String sourceUrl, String scriptId)) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Returns a Dart based hit-map containing coverage report for the provided Chrome preciseCoverage.
parseCoverage(Iterable<File> files, int _, {bool checkIgnoredLines = false, String? packagesPath, String? packagePath}) Future<Map<String, Map<int, int>>>
Generates a merged hitmap from a set of coverage JSON files.
runAndCollect(String scriptPath, {List<String>? scriptArgs, bool checked = false, bool includeDart = false, Duration? timeout}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
toScriptCoverageJson(Uri scriptUri, Map<int, int> hitMap) Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON hit map backward-compatible with pre-1.16.0 SDKs.