CountlyConfig class


CountlyConfig(String _serverURL, String _appKey)


appKey String
Getters of private members
no setter
consents List<String>?
no setter
customCrashSegment Map<String, dynamic>?
no setter
daCampaignData String?
no setter
daCampaignType String?
no setter
deviceID String?
no setter
enableRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload bool?
no setter
enableUnhandledCrashReporting bool?
no setter
eventQueueSizeThreshold int?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpPostForced bool?
no setter
iaAttributionValues Map<String, String>?
no setter
location Map<String, String>?
no setter
locationCity String?
no setter
locationCountryCode String?
no setter
locationGpsCoordinates String?
no setter
locationIpAddress String?
no setter
loggingEnabled bool?
no setter
manualSessionEnabled bool?
no setter
maxRequestQueueSize int?
no setter
recordAppStartTime bool?
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serverURL String
no setter
sessionUpdateTimerDelay int?
no setter
shouldRequireConsent bool?
no setter
starRatingTextDismiss String?
no setter
starRatingTextMessage String?
no setter
starRatingTextTitle String?
no setter
tamperingProtectionSalt String?
no setter


enableCrashReporting() CountlyConfig
Call to enable uncaught crash reporting
enableManualSessionHandling() CountlyConfig
Enable manual session handling
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
recordDirectAttribution(String campaignType, String campaignData) CountlyConfig
Report direct user attribution
recordIndirectAttribution(Map<String, String> attributionValues) CountlyConfig
Report indirect user attribution
setAppKey(String appKey) CountlyConfig
app key for the application being tracked; find in the Countly Dashboard under Management > Applications.
setConsentEnabled(List<String> consents) CountlyConfig
Sets which features are enabled in case consent is required
setCustomCrashSegment(Map<String, dynamic> customCrashSegment) CountlyConfig
Set custom crash segmentation which will be added to all recorded crashes Map<String, dynamic> customCrashSegment - crashSegment segmentation information. Accepted values are "Integer", "String", "Double", "Boolean"
setDeviceId(String deviceID) CountlyConfig
unique ID for the device the app is running on.
setEventQueueSizeToSend(int threshold) CountlyConfig
Set the threshold for event grouping. Event count that is bellow the threshold will be sent on update ticks.
setHttpPostForced(bool isForced) CountlyConfig
Set to 'true' if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests
setLocation({String? country_code, String? city, String? gpsCoordinates, String? ipAddress}) CountlyConfig
Set user location String country_code - ISO Country code for the user's country String city - Name of the user's city String gpsCoordinates - comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325" String ipAddress - ip address
setLoggingEnabled(bool enabled) CountlyConfig
Set to true of you want to enable countly internal debugging logs those logs will be printed to the console
setMaxRequestQueueSize(int maxSize) CountlyConfig
Set's the new maximum size for the request queue. int maxSize - Minimum value is "1".
setParameterTamperingProtectionSalt(String salt) CountlyConfig
Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request, using the &checksum field
setRecordAppStartTime(bool recordAppStartTime) CountlyConfig
Enable the recording of the app start time
setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload(bool enabled, dynamic callback(String? error)) CountlyConfig
If enable, will automatically download newest remote config values. enabled set true for enabling it callback callback called after the update was done
setRequiresConsent(bool shouldRequireConsent) CountlyConfig
Set if consent should be required
setServerURL(String serverURL) CountlyConfig
URL of the Countly server to submit data to. Mandatory field.
setStarRatingTextDismiss(String starRatingTextDismiss) CountlyConfig
the shown dismiss button text for the shown star rating dialogs. Currently implemented for Android only
setStarRatingTextMessage(String starRatingTextMessage) CountlyConfig
the shown message text for the star rating dialogs.
setStarRatingTextTitle(String starRatingTextTitle) CountlyConfig
the shown title text for the star rating dialogs. Currently implemented for Android only
setUpdateSessionTimerDelay(int delay) CountlyConfig
Sets the interval for the automatic session update calls min value 1 (1 second), max value 600 (10 minutes)
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.