CountlyConfig class
enableCrashReporting ()
→ CountlyConfig
Call to enable uncaught crash reporting
enableManualSessionHandling ()
→ CountlyConfig
Enable manual session handling
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
recordDirectAttribution (String campaignType , String campaignData )
→ CountlyConfig
Report direct user attribution
recordIndirectAttribution (Map <String , String > attributionValues )
→ CountlyConfig
Report indirect user attribution
setAppKey (String appKey )
→ CountlyConfig
app key for the application being tracked; find in the Countly Dashboard under Management > Applications.
setConsentEnabled (List <String > consents )
→ CountlyConfig
Sets which features are enabled in case consent is required
setCustomCrashSegment (Map <String , dynamic > customCrashSegment )
→ CountlyConfig
Set custom crash segmentation which will be added to all recorded crashes
Map<String, dynamic> customCrashSegment
- crashSegment segmentation information. Accepted values are "Integer", "String", "Double", "Boolean"
setDeviceId (String deviceID )
→ CountlyConfig
unique ID for the device the app is running on.
setEventQueueSizeToSend (int threshold )
→ CountlyConfig
Set the threshold for event grouping. Event count that is bellow the
threshold will be sent on update ticks.
setHttpPostForced (bool isForced )
→ CountlyConfig
Set to 'true' if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests
setLocation ({String ? country_code , String ? city , String ? gpsCoordinates , String ? ipAddress })
→ CountlyConfig
Set user location
String country_code
- ISO Country code for the user's country
String city
- Name of the user's city
String gpsCoordinates
- comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325"
String ipAddress
- ip address
setLoggingEnabled (bool enabled )
→ CountlyConfig
Set to true of you want to enable countly internal debugging logs
those logs will be printed to the console
setMaxRequestQueueSize (int maxSize )
→ CountlyConfig
Set's the new maximum size for the request queue.
int maxSize
- Minimum value is "1".
setParameterTamperingProtectionSalt (String salt )
→ CountlyConfig
Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request, using the &checksum field
setRecordAppStartTime (bool recordAppStartTime )
→ CountlyConfig
Enable the recording of the app start time
setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload (bool enabled , dynamic callback (String ? error ) )
→ CountlyConfig
If enable, will automatically download newest remote config values.
enabled set true for enabling it
callback callback called after the update was done
setRequiresConsent (bool shouldRequireConsent )
→ CountlyConfig
Set if consent should be required
setServerURL (String serverURL )
→ CountlyConfig
URL of the Countly server to submit data to.
Mandatory field.
setStarRatingTextDismiss (String starRatingTextDismiss )
→ CountlyConfig
the shown dismiss button text for the shown star rating dialogs.
Currently implemented for Android only
setStarRatingTextMessage (String starRatingTextMessage )
→ CountlyConfig
the shown message text for the star rating dialogs.
setStarRatingTextTitle (String starRatingTextTitle )
→ CountlyConfig
the shown title text for the star rating dialogs.
Currently implemented for Android only
setUpdateSessionTimerDelay (int delay )
→ CountlyConfig
Sets the interval for the automatic session update calls
min value 1 (1 second),
max value 600 (10 minutes)
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.