cosmos_sdk library
Experience effortless interaction with a Cosmos SDK-based network in Dart, facilitating the seamless creation, signing, and transmission of transactions. (Beta version)
- ABCIMessageLog
- ABCIMessageLog defines a structure containing an indexed tx ABCI message log.
- ABCIParams
- / ABCIParams configure functionality specific to the Application Blockchain Interface.
- ABCIQueryRequest
- ABCIQueryRequest defines the request structure for the ABCIQuery gRPC query.
- ABCIQueryResponse
- ABCIQueryResponse defines the response structure for the ABCIQuery gRPC query. Note: This type is a duplicate of the ResponseQuery proto type defined in Tendermint.
- ABCIResponse
- ActiveChannel
- ActiveChannel contains a connection ID, port ID and associated active channel ID, as well as a boolean flag to indicate if the channel is middleware enabled
- AddressBytesToStringRequest
- AddressBytesToStringRequest is the request type for AddressString rpc method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- AddressBytesToStringResponse
- AddressBytesToStringResponse is the response type for AddressString rpc method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- AddressStringToBytesRequest
- AddressStringToBytesRequest is the request type for AccountBytes rpc method.. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- AddressStringToBytesResponse
- AddressStringToBytesResponse is the response type for AddressBytes rpc method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- Any
- AnyMessage
- App
- App includes the protocol and software version for the application. This information is included in ResponseInfo. The App.Protocol can be updated in ResponseEndBlock.
- AsgardResponse
- AssetBorrowerPositionResponse
- AssetLiquidityProviderInformationResponse
- AssetPoolInformationResponse
- AssetSaverPositionResponse
- AssetTradeInfoResponse
- Attribute
- Attribute defines an attribute wrapper where the key and value are strings instead of raw bytes.
- AuthGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the auth module's genesis state.
- AuthGrantQueueItem
- GrantQueueItem contains the list of TypeURL of a sdk.Msg.
- AuthInfo
- AuthInfo describes the fee and signer modes that are used to sign a transaction.
- AuthMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- AuthorizationType
- AuthParams
- AuthQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- AuthQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- AuthSigMessage
- AuthzEventGrant
- EventGrant is emitted on Msg/Grant
- AuthzEventPruneExpiredGrants
- EventPruneExpiredGrants is emitted on Msg/PruneExpiredGrants
- AuthzEventRevoke
- EventRevoke is emitted on Msg/Revoke
- AuthzExec
- Exec attempts to execute the provided messages using authorizations granted to the grantee. Each message should have only one signer corresponding to the granter of the authorization.
- AuthzGenericAuthorization
- GenericAuthorization gives the grantee unrestricted permissions to execute the provided method on behalf of the granter's account.
- AuthzGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the authz module's genesis state.
- AuthzGrant
- Grant gives permissions to execute the provide method with expiration time.
- AuthzGrantAuthorization
- GrantAuthorization extends a grant with both the addresses of the grantee and granter. It is used in genesis.proto and query.proto
- AuthzMsgExecResponse
- MsgExecResponse defines the Msg/MsgExecResponse response type.
- AuthzMsgGrant
- MsgGrant is a request type for Grant method. It declares authorization to the grantee on behalf of the granter with the provided expiration time.
- AuthzMsgPruneExpiredGrants
- MsgPruneExpiredGrants prunes the expired grants.
- AuthzMsgRevoke
- MsgRevoke revokes any authorization with the provided sdk.Msg type on the granter's account with that has been granted to the grantee.
- AuthzQueryGranteeGrantsRequest
- QueryGranteeGrantsRequest is the request type for the Query/GranteeGrants RPC method.
- AuthzQueryGranteeGrantsResponse
- QueryGranteeGrantsResponse is the response type for the Query/GranteeGrants RPC method.
- AuthzQueryGranterGrantsRequest
- QueryGranterGrantsRequest is the request type for the Query/GranterGrants RPC method.
- AuthzQueryGranterGrantsResponse
- QueryGranterGrantsResponse is the response type for the Query/GranterGrants RPC method.
- AuthzQueryGrantsRequest
- QueryGrantsRequest is the request type for the Query/Grants RPC method.
- AuthzQueryGrantsResponse
- QueryGrantsResponse is the response type for the Query/Authorizations RPC method.
- AuxSignerData
- AuxSignerData is the intermediary format that an auxiliary signer (e.g. a tipper) builds and sends to the fee payer (who will build and broadcast the actual tx). AuxSignerData is not a valid tx in itself, and will be rejected by the node if sent directly as-is.
- Balance
- Balance defines an account address and balance pair used in the bank module's genesis state.
- BankGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the bank module's genesis state.
- BankMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type.
- BankParams
- Params defines the parameters for the bank module.
- BaseAccount
- BaseEvidence
- BaseSignatureDescriptorData
- BaseVestingAccount
- BaseVestingAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It contains all the necessary fields needed for any vesting account implementation.
- BasicAllowance
- BasicAllowance implements Allowance with a one-time grant of coins that optionally expires. The grantee can use up to SpendLimit to cover fees.
- Bech32PrefixRequest
- Bech32PrefixRequest is the request type for Bech32Prefix rpc method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- Bech32PrefixResponse
- Bech32PrefixResponse is the response type for Bech32Prefix rpc method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- Block
- BlockData
- Data contains the set of transactions included in the block
- BlockID
- BlockIDFlag
- BlockIdFlag indicates which BlockID the signature is for
- BlockMeta
- BlockParams
- BlockParams contains limits on the block size.
- BondStatus
- BondStatus is the status of a validator.
- BroadcastMode
- BroadcastMode specifies the broadcast mode for the TxService.Broadcast RPC method.
- BroadcastTxRequest
- BroadcastTxRequest is the request type for the Service.BroadcastTxRequest RPC method.
- BroadcastTxResponse
- BroadcastTxResponse is the response type for the Service.BroadcastTx method.
- BrodcastTxResponse
- CanonicalBlockID
- CanonicalPartSetHeader
- Capability
- Capability defines an implementation of an object capability. The index provided to a Capability must be globally unique.
- CapabilityGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the capability module's genesis state.
- CapabilityOwners
- CapabilityOwners defines a set of owners of a single Capability. The set of owners must be unique.
- CheckTxResponse
- CloutScoreResponse
- Coin
- Coin defines a token with a denomination and an amount.
- Commission
- Commission defines commission parameters for a given validator.
- CommissionRates
- CommissionRates defines the initial commission rates to be used for creating a validator.
- Commit
- Commit contains the evidence that a block was committed by a set of validators.
- CommitSig
- CommitSig is a part of the Vote included in a Commit.
- CompactBitArray
- CompactBitArray is an implementation of a space efficient bit array. This is used to ensure that the encoded data takes up a minimal amount of space after proto encoding.
- Consensus
- Consensus captures the consensus rules for processing a block in the blockchain, including all blockchain data structures and the rules of the application's state transition machine.
- ConsensusStateWithHeight
- ConsensusStateWithHeight defines a consensus state with an additional height field.
- ConsPubKeyRotationHistory
- ConsPubKeyRotationHistory contains a validator's consensus public key rotation history.
- ContinuousVestingAccount
- ContinuousVestingAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It continuously vests by unlocking coins linearly with respect to time.
- ControllerGenesisState
- ControllerGenesisState defines the interchain accounts controller genesis state
- CosmosAddrConst
- CosmosAddrUtils
- CosmosBaseAddress
- This class represents a base address in the Cosmos network.
- CosmosBlock
- CosmosED25519PrivateKey
- CosmosED25519PublicKey
- CosmosEnum
- CosmosHeader
- Header defines the structure of a block header.
- CosmosMessage
- CosmosNist256p1PrivateKey
- CosmosProofOp
- ProofOp defines an operation used for calculating Merkle root. The data could be arbitrary format, providing necessary data for example neighbouring node hash. Note: This type is a duplicate of the ProofOp proto type defined in Tendermint.
- CosmosProofOps
- ProofOps is Merkle proof defined by the list of ProofOps. Note: This type is a duplicate of the ProofOps proto type defined in Tendermint.
- CosmosProtocolBuffer
- Abstract class providing a common implementation for encoding cosmos messages using minimal protobuf encoding.
- CosmosPublicKeyInfo
- CosmosSecp256K1PrivateKey
- CosmosSecp256K1PublicKey
- CosmosSecp256R1PublicKey
- CosmosTendermintValidator
- Validator is the type for the validator-set.
- CosmosTx
- CosmosTx contains a list of sdk.Msg's. It should be used when sending transactions to an SDK host chain.
- CrisisGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the crisis module's genesis state.
- CrisisMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type.
- DecCoin
- DecCoin defines a token with a denomination and a decimal amount.
- DefaultNodeInfo
- DefaultNodeInfoOther
- DelayedVestingAccount
- DelayedVestingAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It vests all coins after a specific time, but non prior. In other words, it keeps them locked until a specified time.
- Delegation
- Delegation represents the bond with tokens held by an account. It is owned by one delegator, and is associated with the voting power of one validator.
- DelegationResponse
- DelegationResponse is equivalent to Delegation except that it contains a balance in addition to shares which is more suitable for client responses.
- DeliverTxResponse
- DenomOwner
- DenomOwner defines structure representing an account that owns or holds a particular denominated token. It contains the account address and account balance of the denominated token.
- DenomTrace
- DenomTrace contains the base denomination for ICS20 fungible tokens and the source tracing information path.
- DenomUnit
- DenomUnit represents a struct that describes a given denomination unit of the basic token.
- DerivedAssetPoolInformationResponse
- Description
- Description defines a validator description.
- DistributionDelegationDelegatorReward
- DelegationDelegatorReward represents the properties of a delegator's delegation reward.
- DistributionDelegatorStartingInfo
- DelegatorStartingInfo represents the starting info for a delegator reward period. It tracks the previous validator period, the delegation's amount of staking token, and the creation height (to check later on if any slashes have occurred). NOTE: Even though validators are slashed to whole staking tokens, the delegators within the validator may be left with less than a full token, thus sdk.Dec is used.
- DistributionMsgDepositValidatorRewardsPool
- DepositValidatorRewardsPool defines the request structure to provide additional rewards to delegators from a specific validator.
- DistributionMsgSetWithdrawAddress
- MsgSetWithdrawAddress sets the withdraw address for a delegator (or validator self-delegation).
- DistributionMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type.
- DistributionMsgWithdrawDelegatorReward
- MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward represents delegation withdrawal to a delegator from a single validator.
- DistributionMsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse
- MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse defines the Msg/WithdrawDelegatorReward response type.
- DistributionMsgWithdrawValidatorCommission
- MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission withdraws the full commission to the validator address.
- DistributionMsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse
- MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse defines the Msg/WithdrawValidatorCommission response type.
- DistributionParams
- Params defines the set of params for the distribution module.
- DistributionQueryDelegationRewardsRequest
- QueryDelegationRewardsRequest is the request type for the Query/DelegationRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegationRewardsResponse
- QueryDelegationRewardsResponse is the response type for the Query/DelegationRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegationTotalRewardsRequest
- QueryDelegationTotalRewardsRequest is the request type for the Query/DelegationTotalRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegationTotalRewardsResponse
- QueryDelegationTotalRewardsResponse is the response type for the Query/DelegationTotalRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegatorValidatorsRequest
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsRequest is the request type for the Query/DelegatorValidators RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegatorValidatorsResponse
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsResponse is the response type for the Query/DelegatorValidators RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegatorWithdrawAddressRequest
- QueryDelegatorWithdrawAddressRequest is the request type for the Query/DelegatorWithdrawAddress RPC method.
- DistributionQueryDelegatorWithdrawAddressResponse
- QueryDelegatorWithdrawAddressResponse is the response type for the Query/DelegatorWithdrawAddress RPC method.
- DistributionQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method..
- DistributionQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- DistributionQueryValidatorCommissionRequest
- QueryValidatorCommissionRequest is the request type for the Query/ValidatorCommission RPC method
- DistributionQueryValidatorCommissionResponse
- QueryValidatorCommissionResponse is the response type for the Query/ValidatorCommission RPC method
- DistributionQueryValidatorDistributionInfoRequest
- QueryValidatorDistributionInfoRequest is the request type for the Query/ValidatorDistributionInfo RPC method.
- DistributionQueryValidatorDistributionInfoResponse
- QueryValidatorDistributionInfoResponse is the response type for the Query/ValidatorDistributionInfo RPC method.
- DistributionQueryValidatorOutstandingRewardsRequest
- QueryValidatorOutstandingRewardsRequest is the request type for the Query/ValidatorOutstandingRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryValidatorOutstandingRewardsResponse
- QueryValidatorOutstandingRewardsResponse is the response type for the Query/ValidatorOutstandingRewards RPC method.
- DistributionQueryValidatorSlashesRequest
- QueryValidatorSlashesRequest is the request type for the Query/ValidatorSlashes RPC method
- DistributionQueryValidatorSlashesResponse
- QueryValidatorSlashesResponse is the response type for the Query/ValidatorSlashes RPC method.
- DistributionValidatorAccumulatedCommission
- ValidatorAccumulatedCommission represents accumulated commission for a validator kept as a running counter, can be withdrawn at any time.
- DistributionValidatorAccumulatedCommissionRecord
- ValidatorAccumulatedCommissionRecord is used for import / export via genesis json.
- DistributionValidatorCurrentRewards
- ValidatorCurrentRewards represents current rewards and current period for a validator kept as a running counter and incremented each block as long as the validator's tokens remain constant.
- DistributionValidatorCurrentRewardsRecord
- ValidatorCurrentRewardsRecord is used for import / export via genesis json.
- DistributionValidatorHistoricalRewards
- ValidatorHistoricalRewards represents historical rewards for a validator. Height is implicit within the store key. Cumulative reward ratio is the sum from the zeroeth period until this period of rewards / tokens, per the spec. The reference count indicates the number of objects which might need to reference this historical entry at any point. ReferenceCount = number of outstanding delegations which ended the associated period (and might need to read that record)
- DistributionValidatorHistoricalRewardsRecord
- ValidatorHistoricalRewardsRecord is used for import / export via genesis json.
- DistributionValidatorOutstandingRewards
- ValidatorOutstandingRewards represents outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for a validator inexpensive to track, allows simple sanity checks.
- DistributionValidatorOutstandingRewardsRecord
- ValidatorOutstandingRewardsRecord is used for import/export via genesis json.
- DistributionValidatorSlashEvent
- ValidatorSlashEvent represents a validator slash event. Height is implicit within the store key. This is needed to calculate appropriate amount of staking tokens for delegations which are withdrawn after a slash has occurred.
- DistributionValidatorSlashEventRecord
- ValidatorSlashEventRecord is used for import / export via genesis json.
- DistributionValidatorSlashEvents
- ValidatorSlashEvents is a collection of ValidatorSlashEvent messages.
- DominoOp
- DuplicateVoteEvidence
- DuplicateVoteEvidence contains evidence of a validator signed two conflicting votes.
- DVPair
- DVPair is struct that just has a delegator-validator pair with no other data. It is intended to be used as a marshalable pointer. For example, a DVPair can be used to construct the key to getting an UnbondingDelegation from state.
- DVPairs
- DVPairs defines an array of DVPair objects.
- DVVTriplet
- DVVTriplet is struct that just has a delegator-validator-validator triplet with no other data. It is intended to be used as a marshalable pointer. For example, a DVVTriplet can be used to construct the key to getting a Redelegation from state.
- DVVTriplets
- DVVTriplets defines an array of DVVTriplet objects.
- EmptyServiceRequestResponse
- MsgExecResponse defines the Msg/MsgExecResponse response type.
- Entry
- Entry Defines all nft owned by a person
- Event
- Event allows application developers to attach additional information to ResponseFinalizeBlock and ResponseCheckTx. Later, transactions may be queried using these events.
- EventAttribute
- EventAttribute is a single key-value pair, associated with an event.
- EventBurn
- EventBurn is emitted on Burn.
- EventDataRoundState
- EventMint
- EventMint is emitted on Mint
- EventResponse
- EventSend
- EventSend is emitted on Msg/Send
- Evidence
- EvidenceList
- EvidenceParams
- EvidenceParams determine how we handle evidence of malfeasance.
- ExtendedCommit
- ExtendedCommitSig
- ExtendedCommitSig retains all the same fields as CommitSig but adds vote extension-related fields. We use two signatures to ensure backwards compatibility. That is the digest of the original signature is still the same in prior versions
- Fee
- Fee includes the amount of coins paid in fees and the maximum gas to be used by the transaction. The ratio yields an effective "gasprice", which must be above some miminum to be accepted into the mempool.
- FeeGrant
- Grant is stored in the KVStore to record a grant with full context
- FeeGrantGenesisState
- GenesisState contains a set of fee allowances, persisted from the store
- FullPositionBreakdown
- FullPositionBreakdown returns: the position itself the amount the position translates in terms of asset0 and asset1 the amount of claimable fees the amount of claimable incentives the amount of incentives that would be forfeited if the position was closed now
- FungibleTokenPacketData
- FungibleTokenPacketData defines a struct for the packet payload See FungibleTokenPacketData spec:
- GasInfo
- GasInfo defines tx execution gas context.
- GenesisOwners
- GenesisOwners defines the capability owners with their corresponding index.
- GenutilGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the raw genesis transaction in JSON.
- GetBlockByHeightRequest
- GetBlockByHeightRequest is the request type for the Query/GetBlockByHeight RPC method.
- GetBlockByHeightResponse
- GetBlockByHeightResponse is the response type for the Query/GetBlockByHeight RPC method..
- GetBlockWithTxsRequest
- GetBlockWithTxsRequest is the request type for the Service.GetBlockWithTxs RPC method.
- GetBlockWithTxsResponse
- GetBlockWithTxsResponse is the response type for the Service.GetBlockWithTxs method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.45.2
- GetLatestBlockRequest
- GetLatestBlockRequest is the request type for the Query/GetLatestBlock RPC method.
- GetLatestBlockResponse
- GetLatestBlockResponse is the response type for the Query/GetLatestBlock RPC method.
- GetNodeInfoRequest
- GetNodeInfoResponse
- GetNodeInfoResponse is the response type for the Query/GetNodeInfo RPC method.
- GetSyncingRequest
- GetSyncingRequest is the request type for the Query/GetSyncing RPC method.
- GetSyncingResponse
- GetSyncingResponse is the response type for the Query/GetSyncing RPC method.
- GetTxRequest
- GetTx fetches a tx by hash.
- GetTxResponse
- GetTxResponse is the response type for the Service.GetTx method.
- GetTxsEventRequest
- GetTxsEventRequest is the request type for the Service.TxsByEvents RPC method.
- GetTxsEventResponse
- GetTxsEventResponse is the response type for the Service.TxsByEvents RPC method.
- GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest
- GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest is the request type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method.
- GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse
- GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse is the response type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method.
- GovDeposit
- Deposit defines an amount deposited by an account address to an active proposal.
- GovDepositParams
- DepositParams defines the params for deposits on governance proposals.
- GovGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the gov module's genesis state.
- GovMsgDeposit
- MsgDeposit defines a message to submit a deposit to an existing proposal.
- GovMsgSubmitProposal
- MsgSubmitProposal defines an sdk.Msg type that supports submitting arbitrary proposal Content.
- GovMsgSubmitProposalResponse
- GovMsgVote
- MsgVote defines a message to cast a vote.
- GovMsgVoteWeighted
- VoteWeighted defines a method to add a weighted vote on a specific proposal. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
- GovProposal
- Proposal defines the core field members of a governance proposal.
- GovQueryDepositRequest
- QueryDepositRequest is the request type for the Query/Deposit RPC method.
- GovQueryDepositResponse
- QueryDepositResponse is the response type for the Query/Deposit RPC method.
- GovQueryDepositsRequest
- QueryDepositsRequest is the request type for the Query/Deposits RPC method.
- GovQueryDepositsResponse
- QueryDepositsResponse is the response type for the Query/Deposits RPC method.
- GovQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- GovQueryProposalRequest
- QueryProposalRequest is the request type for the Query/Proposal RPC method.
- GovQueryProposalResponse
- QueryProposalResponse is the response type for the Query/Proposal RPC method.
- GovQueryProposalsRequest
- QueryProposalsRequest is the request type for the Query/Proposals RPC method.
- GovQueryProposalsResponse
- QueryProposalsResponse is the response type for the Query/Proposals RPC method.
- GovQueryTallyResultRequest
- QueryTallyResultRequest is the request type for the Query/Tally RPC method.
- GovQueryTallyResultResponse
- QueryTallyResultResponse is the response type for the Query/Tally RPC method.
- GovQueryVoteRequest
- QueryVoteRequest is the request type for the Query/Vote RPC method.
- GovQueryVoteResponse
- QueryVoteResponse is the response type for the Query/Vote RPC method.
- GovQueryVotesRequest
- QueryVotesRequest is the request type for the Query/Votes RPC method.
- GovQueryVotesResponse
- QueryVotesResponse is the response type for the Query/Votes RPC method.
- GovTallyParams
- TallyParams defines the params for tallying votes on governance proposals.
- GovTallyResult
- TallyResult defines a standard tally for a governance proposal.
- GovTextProposal
- TextProposal defines a standard text proposal whose changes need to be manually updated in case of approval.
- GovVote
- Vote defines a vote on a governance proposal. A Vote consists of a proposal ID, the voter, and the vote option.
- GovVoteOption
- VoteOption enumerates the valid vote options for a given governance proposal.
- GovVotingParams
- VotingParams defines the params for voting on governance proposals.
- GovWeightedVoteOption
- WeightedVoteOption defines a unit of vote for vote split. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
- HashedParams
- HashedParams is a subset of ConsensusParams. It is hashed into the Header.ConsensusHash.
- Header
- Header defines the structure of a block header.
- HistoricalRecord
- Historical contains a set of minimum values needed for evaluating historical validator sets and blocks. It is stored as part of staking module's state, which persists the n most recent HistoricalInfo (n is set by the staking module's historical_entries parameter).
- HostGenesisState
- HostGenesisState defines the interchain accounts host genesis state
- IbcChannelChannel
- Channel defines pipeline for exactly-once packet delivery between specific modules on separate blockchains, which has at least one end capable of sending packets and one end capable of receiving packets.
- IbcChannelCounterParty
- Counterparty defines a channel end counterparty
- IbcChannelErrorReceipt
- ErrorReceipt defines a type which encapsulates the upgrade sequence and error associated with the upgrade handshake failure. When a channel upgrade handshake is aborted both chains are expected to increment to the next sequence.
- IbcChannelGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the ibc channel submodule's genesis state.
- IbcChannelIdentifiedChannel
- IdentifiedChannel defines a channel with additional port and channel identifier fields.
- IbcChannelMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the MsgUpdateParams request type.
- IbcChannelOrder
- Order defines if a channel is ORDERED or UNORDERED
- IbcChannelPacket
- Packet defines a type that carries data across different chains through IBC
- IbcChannelPacketId
- PacketId is an identifier for a unique Packet Source chains refer to packets by source port/channel Destination chains refer to packets by destination port/channel
- IbcChannelPacketSequence
- PacketSequence defines the genesis type necessary to retrieve and store next send and receive sequences.
- IbcChannelPacketState
- PacketState defines the generic type necessary to retrieve and store packet commitments, acknowledgements, and receipts. Caller is responsible for knowing the context necessary to interpret this state as a commitment, acknowledgement, or a receipt.
- IbcChannelParams
- Params defines the set of IBC channel parameters.
- IbcChannelResponseResultType
- ResponseResultType defines the possible outcomes of the execution of a message
- IbcChannelState
- State defines if a channel is in one of the following states: CLOSED, INIT, TRYOPEN, OPEN, FLUSHING, FLUSHCOMPLETE or UNINITIALIZED.
- IbcChannelTimeout
- Timeout defines an execution deadline structure for 04-channel handlers. This includes packet lifecycle handlers as well as the upgrade handshake handlers. A valid Timeout contains either one or both of a timestamp and block height (sequence).
- IbcChannelUpgrade
- Upgrade is a verifiable type which contains the relevant information for an attempted upgrade. It provides the proposed changes to the channel end, the timeout for this upgrade attempt and the next packet sequence which allows the counterparty to efficiently know the highest sequence it has received. The next sequence send is used for pruning and upgrading from unordered to ordered channels.
- IbcClientClientConsensusStates
- ClientConsensusStates defines all the stored consensus states for a given client.
- IbcClientGenesisMetadata
- GenesisMetadata defines the genesis type for metadata that will be used to export all client store keys that are not client or consensus states.
- IbcClientGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the ibc client submodule's genesis state.
- IbcClientHeight
- Height is a monotonically increasing data type that can be compared against another Height for the purposes of updating and freezing clients Normally the RevisionHeight is incremented at each height while keeping RevisionNumber the same. However some consensus algorithms may choose to reset the height in certain conditions e.g. hard forks, state-machine breaking changes In these cases, the RevisionNumber is incremented so that height continues to be monitonically increasing even as the RevisionHeight gets reset
- IbcClientIdentifiedClientState
- IdentifiedClientState defines a client state with an additional client identifier field.
- IbcClientIdentifiedGenesisMetadata
- IdentifiedGenesisMetadata has the client metadata with the corresponding client id.
- IbcClientMsgUpdateParams
- IbcClientParams
- Params defines the set of IBC light client parameters.
- IbcClientQueryClientStateRequest
- QueryClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientState RPC method
- IbcClientQueryClientStateResponse
- QueryClientStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientState RPC method. Besides the client state, it includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved.
- IbcClientQueryConsensusStateRequest
- QueryConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ConsensusState RPC method. Besides the consensus state, it includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved.
- IbcClientQueryConsensusStateResponse
- QueryConsensusStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ConsensusState RPC method
- IbcCommitmentMerkleMerkleRoot
- MerkleRoot defines a merkle root hash. In the Cosmos SDK, the AppHash of a block header becomes the root.
- IbcCommitmentMerklePath
- MerklePath is the path used to verify commitment proofs, which can be an arbitrary structured object (defined by a commitment type). MerklePath is represented from root-to-leaf
- IbcCommitmentMerklePrefix
- MerklePrefix is merkle path prefixed to the key. The constructed key from the Path and the key will be append(Path.KeyPath, append(Path.KeyPrefix, key...))
- IbcCommitmentMerkleProof
- MerkleProof is a wrapper type over a chain of CommitmentProofs. It demonstrates membership or non-membership for an element or set of elements, verifiable in conjunction with a known commitment root. Proofs should be succinct. MerkleProofs are ordered from leaf-to-root
- IbcConnectConnectionPaths
- ConnectionPaths define all the connection paths for a given client state.
- IbcConnectionClientPaths
- ClientPaths define all the connection paths for a client state.
- IbcConnectionConnectionEnd
- ConnectionEnd defines a stateful object on a chain connected to another separate one. NOTE: there must only be 2 defined ConnectionEnds to establish a connection between two chains.
- IbcConnectionCounterparty
- Counterparty defines the counterparty chain associated with a connection end.
- IbcConnectionGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the ibc connection submodule's genesis state.
- IbcConnectionIdentifiedConnection
- IdentifiedConnection defines a connection with additional connection identifier field.
- IbcConnectionMsgConnectionOpenAck
- MsgConnectionOpenAck defines a msg sent by a Relayer to Chain A to acknowledge the change of connection state to TRYOPEN on Chain B.
- IbcConnectionMsgConnectionOpenConfirm
- IbcConnectionMsgConnectionOpenInit
- MsgConnectionOpenInit defines the msg sent by an account on Chain A to initialize a connection with Chain B.
- IbcConnectionMsgConnectionOpenTry
- MsgConnectionOpenTry defines a msg sent by a Relayer to try to open a connection on Chain B.
- IbcConnectionMsgUpdateParams
- UpdateConnectionParams defines a rpc handler method for MsgUpdateParams.
- IbcConnectionParams
- Params defines the set of Connection parameters.
- IbcConnectionQueryClientConnectionsRequest
- QueryConnectionRequest is the request type for the Query/Connection RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryClientConnectionsResponse
- QueryClientConnectionsResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientConnections RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionClientStateRequest
- QueryConnectionClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ConnectionClientState RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionClientStateResponse
- QueryConnectionClientStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ConnectionClientState RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionConsensusStateRequest
- QueryConnectionConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ConnectionConsensusState RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionConsensusStateResponse
- QueryConnectionConsensusStateResponse is the response type for the Query/ConnectionConsensusState RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionParamsRequest
- QueryConnectionParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/ConnectionParams RPC method.
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionParamsResponse
- QueryConnectionParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/ConnectionParams RPC method.
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionRequest
- QueryConnectionRequest is the request type for the Query/Connection RPC method
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionResponse
- QueryConnectionResponse is the response type for the Query/Connection RPC method. Besides the connection end, it includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved.
- IbcConnectionQueryConnectionsRequest
- IbcCOnnectionQueryConnectionsResponse
- IbcConnectionState
- State defines if a connection is in one of the following states: INIT, TRYOPEN, OPEN or UNINITIALIZED.
- IbcConnectionVersion
- Version defines the versioning scheme used to negotiate the IBC version in the connection handshake.
- IbcFeeFee
- Fee defines the ICS29 receive, acknowledgement and timeout fees
- IbcFeeFeeEnabledChannel
- FeeEnabledChannel contains the PortID & ChannelID for a fee enabled channel
- IbcFeeIdentifiedPacketFees
- IdentifiedPacketFees contains a list of type PacketFee and associated PacketId
- IbcFeeMetadata
- Metadata defines the ICS29 channel specific metadata encoded into the channel version bytestring See ICS004:
- IbcFeePacketFee
- PacketFee contains ICS29 relayer fees, refund address and optional list of permitted relayers
- IbcInterchainAccount
- Metadata defines a set of protocol specific data encoded into the ICS27 channel version bytestring See ICS004:
- IbcLightClientsClientState
- ClientState defines the 09-localhost client state
- IbcLightClientsWasmClientMessage
- Wasm light client message (either header(s) or misbehaviour)
- IbcLightClientsWasmClientState
- Wasm light client's Client state
- IbcLightClientsWasmConsensusState
- Wasm light client message (either header(s) or misbehaviour)
- IbcLightClientsWasmContract
- Wasm light client message (either header(s) or misbehaviour)
- IbcLightClientsWasmGenesisState
- GenesisState defines 08-wasm's keeper genesis state
- IbcLightClientsWasmMsgMigrateContract
- MsgMigrateContract defines the request type for the MigrateContract rpc.
- IbcLightClientsWasmMsgRemoveChecksum
- MsgRemoveChecksum defines the request type for the MsgRemoveChecksum rpc
- IbcLightClientsWasmMsgStoreCode
- MsgStoreCode defines the request type for the StoreCode rpc
- IbcLightClientsWasmMsgStoreCodeResponse
- MsgStoreCodeResponse defines the response type for the StoreCode rpc
- IbcLightClientsWasmQueryChecksumsRequest
- QueryChecksumsRequest is the request type for the Query/Checksums RPC method.
- IbcLightClientsWasmQueryChecksumsResponse
- QueryChecksumsResponse is the response type for the Query/Checksums RPC method.
- IbcLightClientsWasmQueryCodeRequest
- QueryCodeRequest is the request type for the Query/Code RPC method.
- IbcLightClientsWasmQueryCodeResponse
- QueryCodeResponse is the response type for the Query/Code RPC method.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ChannelStateData
- ChannelStateData returns the SignBytes data for channel state verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ClientState
- ClientState defines a solo machine client that tracks the current consensus state and if the client is frozen.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ClientStateData
- ClientStateData returns the SignBytes data for client state verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ConnectionStateData
- ConnectionStateData returns the SignBytes data for connection state verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ConsensusState
- ConsensusState defines a solo machine consensus state. The sequence of a consensus state is contained in the "height" key used in storing the consensus state.
- IbcSoloMachineV2ConsensusStateData
- ConsensusStateData returns the SignBytes data for consensus state verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2DataType
- IbcSoloMachineV2Header
- Header defines a solo machine consensus header
- IbcSoloMachineV2HeaderData
- HeaderData returns the SignBytes data for update verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2Misbehaviour
- Misbehaviour defines misbehaviour for a solo machine which consists of a sequence and two signatures over different messages at that sequence.
- IbcSoloMachineV2NextSequenceRecvData
- NextSequenceRecvData returns the SignBytes data for verification of the next sequence to be received
- IbcSoloMachineV2PacketAcknowledgementData
- PacketAcknowledgementData returns the SignBytes data for acknowledgement verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2PacketCommitmentData
- PacketCommitmentData returns the SignBytes data for packet commitment verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2PacketReceiptAbsenceData
- PacketReceiptAbsenceData returns the SignBytes data for packet receipt absence verification..
- IbcSoloMachineV2SignatureAndData
- SignatureAndData contains a signature and the data signed over to create that signature.
- IbcSoloMachineV2SignBytes
- SignBytes defines the signed bytes used for signature verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV2TimestampedSignatureData
- TimestampedSignatureData contains the signature data and the timestamp of the signature.
- IbcSoloMachineV3ClientState
- ClientState defines a solo machine client that tracks the current consensus state and if the client is frozen.
- IbcSoloMachineV3ConsensusState
- ConsensusState defines a solo machine consensus state. The sequence of a consensus state is contained in the "height" key used in storing the consensus state.
- IbcSoloMachineV3Header
- Header defines a solo machine consensus header
- IbcSoloMachineV3HeaderData
- HeaderData returns the SignBytes data for update verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV3SignatureAndData
- SignatureAndData contains a signature and the data signed over to create that signature..
- IbcSoloMachineV3SignBytes
- SignBytes defines the signed bytes used for signature verification.
- IbcSoloMachineV3TimestampedSignatureData
- TimestampedSignatureData contains the signature data and the timestamp of the signature.
- IbcTendermintClientState
- IbcTendermintConsensusState
- ConsensusState defines the consensus state from Tendermint.
- IbcTendermintFraction
- Fraction defines the protobuf message type for tmmath.Fraction that only supports positive values.
- IbcTendermintHeader
- Header defines the Tendermint client consensus Header. It encapsulates all the information necessary to update from a trusted Tendermint ConsensusState. The inclusion of TrustedHeight and TrustedValidators allows this update to process correctly, so long as the ConsensusState for the TrustedHeight exists, this removes race conditions among relayers The SignedHeader and ValidatorSet are the new untrusted update fields for the client. The TrustedHeight is the height of a stored ConsensusState on the client that will be used to verify the new untrusted header. The Trusted ConsensusState must be within the unbonding period of current time in order to correctly verify, and the TrustedValidators must hash to TrustedConsensusState.NextValidatorsHash since that is the last trusted validator set at the TrustedHeight.
- IbcTendermintMisbehaviour
- Misbehaviour is a wrapper over two conflicting Headers that implements Misbehaviour interface expected by ICS-02
- IbcTransaferParams
- Params defines the set of IBC transfer parameters. NOTE: To prevent a single token from being transferred, set the TransfersEnabled parameter to true and then set the bank module's SendEnabled parameter for the denomination to false.
- IbcTransferMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type.
- IbcTransferQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- IbcTransferQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- IbcTypeGenesisState
- Ics23BatchEntry
- Ics23BatchEntryBase
- Ics23BatchProof
- BatchProof is a group of multiple proof types than can be compressed
- Ics23CommitmentProof
- CommitmentProof is either an ExistenceProof or a NonExistenceProof, or a Batch of such messages
- Ics23CompressedBatchEntry
- Ics23CompressedBatchEntryBase
- Ics23CompressedBatchProof
- Ics23CompressedExistenceProof
- Ics23CompressedNonExistenceProof
- Ics23ExistenceProof
- ExistenceProof takes a key and a value and a set of steps to perform on it. The result of peforming all these steps will provide a "root hash", which can be compared to the value in a header. Since it is computationally infeasible to produce a hash collission for any of the used cryptographic hash functions, if someone can provide a series of operations to transform a given key and value into a root hash that matches some trusted root, these key and values must be in the referenced merkle tree. The only possible issue is maliablity in LeafOp, such as providing extra prefix data, which should be controlled by a spec. Eg. with lengthOp as NONE, prefix = FOO, key = BAR, value = CHOICE and prefix = F, key = OOBAR, value = CHOICE would produce the same value. With LengthOp this is tricker but not impossible. Which is why the "leafPrefixEqual" field in the ProofSpec is valuable to prevent this mutability. And why all trees should length-prefix the data before hashing it.
- Ics23HashOp
- Ics23InnerOp
- InnerOp represents a merkle-proof step that is not a leaf. It represents concatenating two children and hashing them to provide the next result. The result of the previous step is passed in, so the signature of this op is: innerOp(child) -> output The result of applying InnerOp should be: output = op.hash(op.prefix || child || op.suffix) where the || operator is concatenation of binary data, and child is the result of hashing all the tree below this step. Any special data, like prepending child with the length, or prepending the entire operation with some value to differentiate from leaf nodes, should be included in prefix and suffix. If either of prefix or suffix is empty, we just treat it as an empty string
- Ics23InnerSpec
- InnerSpec contains all store-specific structure info to determine if two proofs from a given store are neighbors. This enables: isLeftMost(spec: InnerSpec, op: InnerOp) isRightMost(spec: InnerSpec, op: InnerOp) isLeftNeighbor(spec: InnerSpec, left: InnerOp, right: InnerOp)
- Ics23LeafOp
- LeafOp represents the raw key-value data we wish to prove, and must be flexible to represent the internal transformation from the original key-value pairs into the basis hash, for many existing merkle trees. key and value are passed in. So that the signature of this operation is: leafOp(key, value) -> output To process this, first prehash the keys and values if needed (ANY means no hash in this case): hkey = prehashKey(key) hvalue = prehashValue(value) Then combine the bytes, and hash it output = hash(prefix || length(hkey) || hkey || length(hvalue) || hvalue)
- Ics23LengthOp
- Ics23NonExistenceProof
- NonExistenceProof takes a proof of two neighbors, one left of the desired key, one right of the desired key. If both proofs are valid AND they are neighbors, then there is no valid proof for the given key.
- Ics23ProofBase
- Ics23ProofSpec
- ProofSpec defines what the expected parameters are for a given proof type. This can be stored in the client and used to validate any incoming proofs. verify(ProofSpec, Proof) -> Proof | Error As demonstrated in tests, if we don't fix the algorithm used to calculate the LeafHash for a given tree, there are many possible key-value pairs that can generate a given hash (by interpretting the preimage differently). We need this for proper security, requires client knows a priori what tree format server uses. But not in code, rather a configuration object.
- IncentivizedAcknowledgement
- IncentivizedAcknowledgement is the acknowledgement format to be used by applications wrapped in the fee middleware
- Infraction
- Infraction indicates the infraction a validator committed.
- Input
- Input models transaction input.
- InterchainAccount
- An InterchainAccount is defined as a BaseAccount & the address of the account owner on the controller chain
- InterchainAccountPacketData
- InterchainAccountsControllerMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams defines the payload for Msg/UpdateParams
- InterchainAccountsControllerParams
- Params defines the set of on-chain interchain accounts parameters. The following parameters may be used to disable the controller submodule.
- InterchainAccountsControllerQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- InterchainAccountsControllerQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- InterchainAccountsGenesisGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the interchain accounts genesis state
- InterchainAccountsHostModuleQuerySafe
- ModuleQuerySafe defines a rpc handler for MsgModuleQuerySafe.
- InterchainAccountsHostMsgModuleQuerySafeResponse
- MsgModuleQuerySafeResponse defines the response for Msg/ModuleQuerySafe
- InterchainAccountsHostParams
- Params defines the set of on-chain interchain accounts parameters. The following parameters may be used to disable the host submodule.
- InterchainAccountsHostQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- InterchainAccountsHostQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- InterchainAccountsHostQueryRequest
- QueryRequest defines the parameters for a particular query request by an interchain account.
- InterchainAccountsHostUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams defines the payload for Msg/UpdateParams
- InterchainAccountType
- Type defines a classification of message issued from a controller chain to its associated interchain accounts host
- LastValidatorPower
- LastValidatorPower required for validator set update logic.
- LightBlock
- LightClientAttackEvidence
- LightClientAttackEvidence contains evidence of a set of validators attempting to mislead a light client.
- ListAllInterfacesRequest
- ListAllInterfaces lists all the interfaces registered in the interface registry..
- ListAllInterfacesResponse
- ListAllInterfacesResponse is the response type of the ListAllInterfaces RPC.
- ListImplementationsRequest
- ListImplementationsRequest is the request type of the ListImplementations RPC.
- ListImplementationsResponse
- ListImplementationsResponse is the response type of the ListImplementations RPC.
- Message
- Metadata
- Metadata represents a struct that describes a basic token.
- Minter
- Minter represents the minting state.
- MintGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the mint module's genesis state.
- MintParams
- ModeInfo
- ModeInfo describes the signing mode of a single or nested multisig signer.
- ModeInfoMode
- ModeInfoMulti
- Multi is the mode info for a multisig public key
- ModeInfoSignle
- Single is the mode info for a single signer. It is structured as a message to allow for additional fields such as locale for SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL in the future
- Module
- Module is the type for VersionInfo
- ModuleAccount
- ModuleAccount defines an account for modules that holds coins on a pool.
- ModuleCredential
- ModuleCredential represents a unclaimable pubkey for base accounts controlled by modules. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- ModuleVersion
- ModuleVersion specifies a module and its consensus version.
- MsgAcknowledgement
- MsgAcknowledgement receives incoming IBC acknowledgement
- MsgAcknowledgementResponse
- MsgAcknowledgementResponse defines the Msg/Acknowledgement response type.
- MsgBeginRedelegate
- MsgBeginRedelegate defines a SDK message for performing a redelegation of coins from a delegator and source validator to a destination validator.
- MsgBeginRedelegateResponse
- MsgBeginRedelegateResponse defines the Msg/BeginRedelegate response type.
- MsgBurn
- MsgBurn defines a message for burning coins. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.51
- MsgCancelUnbondingDelegation
- MsgCancelUnbondingDelegation defines the SDK message for performing a cancel unbonding delegation for delegator Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- MsgCancelUpgrade
- MsgCancelUpgrade is the Msg/CancelUpgrade request type.
- MsgChannelCloseConfirm
- MsgChannelCloseConfirm defines a msg sent by a Relayer to Chain B to acknowledge the change of channel state to CLOSED on Chain A.
- MsgChannelCloseInit
- MsgChannelCloseInit defines a msg sent by a Relayer to Chain A to close a channel with Chain B.
- MsgChannelOpenAck
- MsgChannelOpenAck defines a msg sent by a Relayer to Chain A to acknowledge the change of channel state to TRYOPEN on Chain B. WARNING: a channel upgrade MUST NOT initialize an upgrade for this channel in the same block as executing this message otherwise the counterparty will be incapable of opening.
- MsgChannelOpenConfirm
- MsgChannelOpenConfirm defines a msg sent by a Relayer to Chain B to acknowledge the change of channel state to OPEN on Chain A.
- MsgChannelOpenInit
- MsgChannelOpenInit defines an sdk.Msg to initialize a channel handshake. It is called by a relayer on Chain A.
- MsgChannelOpenInitResponse
- MsgChannelOpenInitResponse defines the Msg/ChannelOpenInit response type.
- MsgChannelOpenTry
- MsgChannelOpenInit defines a msg sent by a Relayer to try to open a channel on Chain B. The version field within the Channel field has been deprecated. Its value will be ignored by core IBC.
- MsgChannelOpenTryResponse
- MsgChannelOpenTryResponse defines the Msg/ChannelOpenTry response type.
- MsgChannelUpgradeAck
- MsgChannelUpgradeAck defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeAck rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeAckResponse
- MsgChannelUpgradeAckResponse defines MsgChannelUpgradeAck response type.
- MsgChannelUpgradeCancel
- MsgChannelUpgradeCancel defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeCancel rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeConfirm
- MsgChannelUpgradeConfirm defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeConfirm rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeConfirmResponse
- MsgTimeoutResponse defines the Msg/Timeout response type.
- MsgChannelUpgradeInit
- MsgChannelUpgradeInit defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeInit rpc WARNING: Initializing a channel upgrade in the same block as opening the channel may result in the counterparty being incapable of opening.
- MsgChannelUpgradeInitResponse
- MsgChannelUpgradeInitResponse defines the MsgChannelUpgradeInit response type
- MsgChannelUpgradeOpen
- MsgChannelUpgradeOpen defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeOpen rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeTimeout
- MsgChannelUpgradeTimeout defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeTimeout rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeTry
- MsgChannelUpgradeTry defines the request type for the ChannelUpgradeTry rpc
- MsgChannelUpgradeTryResponse
- MsgChannelUpgradeTryResponse defines the MsgChannelUpgradeTry response type
- MsgCreateClient
- MsgCreateClient defines a message to create an IBC client
- MsgCreatePeriodicVestingAccount
- MsgCreateVestingAccount defines a message that enables creating a vesting account.
- MsgCreatePermanentLockedAccount
- CreatePermanentLockedAccount defines a method that enables creating a permanent locked account.
- MsgCreateValidator
- MsgCreateValidator defines a SDK message for creating a new validator.
- MsgCreateVestingAccount
- MsgCreateVestingAccount defines a message that enables creating a vesting account.
- MsgData
- MsgData defines the data returned in a Result object during message execution. deprecated
- MsgDelegate
- MsgDelegate defines a SDK message for performing a delegation of coins from a delegator to a validator.
- MsgEditValidator
- MsgEditValidator defines a SDK message for editing an existing validator.
- MsgGrantAllowance
- GrantAllowance grants fee allowance to the grantee on the granter's account with the provided expiration time.
- MsgIBCSoftwareUpgrade
- MsgIBCSoftwareUpgrade defines the message used to schedule an upgrade of an IBC client using a v1 governance proposal
- MsgMultiSend
- MsgMultiSend represents an arbitrary multi-in, multi-out send message.
- MsgNFTSend
- Send defines a method to send a nft from one account to another account.
- MsgPayPacketFee
- MsgPayPacketFee defines the request type for the PayPacketFee rpc This Msg can be used to pay for a packet at the next sequence send & should be combined with the Msg that will be paid for
- MsgPayPacketFeeAsync
- MsgPayPacketFeeAsync defines the request type for the PayPacketFeeAsync rpc This Msg can be used to pay for a packet at a specified sequence (instead of the next sequence send)
- MsgPruneAcknowledgements
- MsgPruneAcknowledgements defines the request type for the PruneAcknowledgements rpc.
- MsgPruneAcknowledgementsResponse
- MsgPruneAcknowledgementsResponse defines the response type for the PruneAcknowledgements rpc.
- MsgPruneAllowances
- MsgPruneAllowances prunes expired fee allowances. Since cosmos-sdk 0.50
- MsgRecoverClient
- MsgRecoverClient defines the message used to recover a frozen or expired client.
- MsgRecvPacket
- MsgRecvPacket receives incoming IBC packet
- MsgRecvPacketResponse
- MsgRecvPacketResponse defines the Msg/RecvPacket response type.
- MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee
- MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee defines the request type for the RegisterCounterpartyPayee rpc
- MsgRegisterInterchainAccount
- MsgRegisterInterchainAccount defines the payload for Msg/RegisterAccount
- MsgRegisterInterchainAccountResponse
- MsgRegisterInterchainAccountResponse defines the response for Msg/RegisterAccount
- MsgRegisterPayee
- MsgRegisterPayee defines the request type for the RegisterPayee rpc
- MsgRevokeAllowance
- MsgRevokeAllowance removes any existing Allowance from Granter to Grantee.
- MsgRotateConsPubKey
- MsgSend
- MsgSend represents a message to send coins from one account to another.
- MsgSendTx
- MsgSendTx defines the payload for Msg/SendTx
- MsgSendTxResponse
- MsgSendTxResponse defines the response for MsgSendTx
- MsgSetSendEnabled
- MsgSetSendEnabled is the Msg/SetSendEnabled request type. Only entries to add/update/delete need to be included. Existing SendEnabled entries that are not included in this message are left unchanged. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- MsgSoftwareUpgrade
- MsgSoftwareUpgrade is the Msg/SoftwareUpgrade request type.
- MsgTimeout
- MsgTimeout receives timed-out packet
- MsgTimeoutOnClose
- MsgTimeoutOnClose timed-out packet upon counterparty channel closure.
- MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse
- MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse defines the Msg/TimeoutOnClose response type.
- MsgTimeoutResponse
- MsgTimeoutResponse defines the Msg/Timeout response type.
- MsgTransfer
- MsgTransfer defines a msg to transfer fungible tokens (i.e Coins) between ICS20 enabled chains. See ICS Spec here:
- MsgTransferResponse
- MsgTransferResponse defines the Msg/Transfer response type.
- MsgUndelegate
- MsgUndelegate defines a SDK message for performing an undelegation from a delegate and a validator.
- MsgUndelegateResponse
- MsgUndelegateResponse defines the Msg/Undelegate response type.
- MsgUpdateClient
- MsgUpdateClient defines an sdk.Msg to update a IBC client state using the given client message.
- MsgUpdateMintParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- MsgUpgradeClient
- MsgUpgradeClient defines an sdk.Msg to upgrade an IBC client to a new client state
- MsgVerifyInvariant
- MsgVerifyInvariant represents a message to verify a particular invariance.
- MultiSignature
- NetAddress
- NFT defines the NFT.
- NFTClass
- Class defines the class of the nft type.
- NFTGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the nft module's genesis state.
- OmosisEpochsEpochInfo
- EpochInfo is a struct that describes the data going into a timer defined by the x/epochs module.
- OmosisEpochsGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the epochs module's genesis state.
- OmosisEpochsQueryCurrentEpochRequest
- OmosisEpochsQueryCurrentEpochResponse
- OmosisEpochsQueryEpochsInfoRequest
- OmosisEpochsQueryEpochsInfoResponse
- OrderBy
- OrderBy defines the sorting order.
- OsmosisAccumAccumulatorContent
- AccumulatorContent is the state-entry for the global accumulator. It contains the name of the global accumulator and the total value of shares belonging to it from all positions.
- OsmosisAccumOptions
- OsmosisAccumRecord
- Record corresponds to an individual position value belonging to the global accumulator.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityAccumObject
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityCFMMPoolIdLinkFromConcentratedPoolIdRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityCFMMPoolIdLinkFromConcentratedPoolIdResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityClaimableIncentivesRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityClaimableIncentivesResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityClaimableSpreadRewardsRequest
- ClaimableSpreadRewards returns the amount of spread rewards that can be claimed by a position with the given id.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityClaimableSpreadRewardsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityFullTick
- FullTick contains tick index and pool id along with other tick model information.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the concentrated liquidity module's genesis state.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityGetTotalLiquidityRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityGetTotalLiquidityResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityIncentiveRecord
- IncentiveRecord is the high-level struct we use to deal with an independent incentive being distributed on a pool. Note that PoolId, Denom, and MinUptime are included in the key so we avoid storing them in state, hence the distinction between IncentiveRecord and IncentiveRecordBody.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityIncentiveRecordBody
- IncentiveRecordBody represents the body stored in state for each individual record.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityIncentiveRecordsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityIncentiveRecordsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityLiquidityDepthWithRange
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityLiquidityNetInDirectionRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityLiquidityNetInDirectionResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityLiquidityPerTickRangeRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityLiquidityPerTickRangeResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgAddToPosition
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgAddToPositionResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCollectIncentives
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCollectIncentivesResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCollectSpreadRewards
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCollectSpreadRewardsResponse
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCreatePosition
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgCreatePositionResponse
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgTransferPositionsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgWithdrawPosition
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityMsgWithdrawPositionResponse
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityNumNextInitializedTicksRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityNumNextInitializedTicksResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityParams
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityParamsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityParamsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolAccumulatorRewardsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolAccumulatorRewardsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolData
- PoolData represents a serialized pool along with its ticks for genesis state.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolIdToTickSpacingRecord
- PoolIdToTickSpacingRecord is a struct that contains a pool id to new tick spacing pair.
- OsmosisConcentratedliquidityPoolmodelConcentratedMsgCreateConcentratedPool
- OsmosisConcentratedliquidityPoolmodelConcentratedMsgCreateConcentratedPoolResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolRecord
- PoolIdToTickSpacingRecord is a struct that contains a pool id to new tick spacing pair.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPoolsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPosition
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPositionByIdRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPositionByIdResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPositionData
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityPositionWithPeriodLock
- Position contains position's id, address, pool id, lower tick, upper tick join time, and liquidity.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityTickAccumulatorTrackersRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityTickAccumulatorTrackersResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityTickInfo
- PoolIdToTickSpacingRecord is a struct that contains a pool id to new tick spacing pair.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityTickLiquidityNet
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityTickSpacingDecreaseProposal
- TickSpacingDecreaseProposal is a gov Content type for proposing a tick spacing decrease for a pool. The proposal will fail if one of the pools do not exist, or if the new tick spacing is not less than the current tick spacing.
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUptimeTracker
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUptimeTrackers
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUserPositionsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUserPositionsResponse
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUserUnbondingPositionsRequest
- OsmosisConcentratedLiquidityUserUnbondingPositionsResponse
- OsmosisGammGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the gamm module's genesis state.
- OsmosisGammMsgExitPool
- OsmosisGammMsgExitPoolResponse
- OsmosisGammMsgExitSwapExternAmountOut
- OsmosisGammMsgExitSwapExternAmountOutResponse
- OsmosisGammMsgJoinPool
- OsmosisGammMsgJoinPoolResponse
- OsmosisGammMsgJoinSwapExternAmountIn
- OsmosisGammMsgJoinSwapExternAmountInResponse
- OsmosisGammMsgSwapExactAmountIn
- OsmosisGammMsgSwapExactAmountInResponse
- OsmosisGammMsgSwapExactAmountOut
- OsmosisGammMsgSwapExactAmountOutResponse
- OsmosisGammParams
- Params holds parameters for the incentives module
- OsmosisGammPool
- OsmosisGammPoolAsset
- Pool asset is an internal struct that combines the amount of the token in the pool, and its balancer weight. This is an awkward packaging of data, and should be revisited in a future state migration.
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerMsgCreateBalancerPool
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerMsgCreateBalancerPoolResponse
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsStableSwapMsgCreateStableswapPool
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsStableSwapMsgCreateStableswapPoolResponse
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsStableSwapMsgStableSwapAdjustScalingFactors
- Sender must be the pool's scaling_factor_governor in order for the tx to succeed. Adjusts stableswap scaling factors.
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsStableSwapPool
- Pool is the stableswap Pool struct
- OsmosisGammPoolmodelsStableSwapPoolParams
- PoolParams defined the parameters that will be managed by the pool governance in the future. This params are not managed by the chain governance. Instead they will be managed by the token holders of the pool. The pool's token holders are specified in future_pool_governor.
- OsmosisGammPoolParams
- PoolParams defined the parameters that will be managed by the pool governance in the future. This params are not managed by the chain governance. Instead they will be managed by the token holders of the pool. The pool's token holders are specified in future_pool_governor.
- OsmosisGammQueryNumPoolsRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryNumPoolsResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolParamsRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolParamsResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolsRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolsResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolTypeRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryPoolTypeResponse
- OsmosisGammQuerySpotPriceRequest
- OsmosisGammQuerySpotPriceResponse
- OsmosisGammQuerySwapExactAmountInRequest
- OsmosisGammQuerySwapExactAmountInResponse
- OsmosisGammQuerySwapExactAmountOutRequest
- OsmosisGammQuerySwapExactAmountOutResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryTotalLiquidityRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryTotalLiquidityResponse
- OsmosisGammQueryTotalPoolLiquidityRequest
- OsmosisGammQueryTotalPoolLiquidityResponse
- OsmosisGammSmoothWeightChangeParams
- Parameters for changing the weights in a balancer pool smoothly from a start weight and end weight over a period of time. Currently, the only smooth change supported is linear changing between the two weights, but more types may be added in the future. When these parameters are set, the weight w(t) for pool time t is the following: t <= start_time: w(t) = initial_pool_weights start_time < t <= start_time + duration: w(t) = initial_pool_weights + (t - start_time) * (target_pool_weights - initial_pool_weights) / (duration) t > start_time + duration: w(t) = target_pool_weights
- OsmosisGammSwapAmountInRoute
- OsmosisGammSwapAmountOutRoute
- OsmosisIbchooksGenesisState
- OsmosisIbchooksMsgEmitIBCAck
- OsmosisIbchooksMsgEmitIBCAckResponse
- OsmosisIbchooksParams
- OsmosisIbcratelimitParams
- OsmosisIncentiveActiveGaugesPerDenomRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveActiveGaugesPerDenomResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveActiveGaugesRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveActiveGaugesResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveGaugeByIDRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveGaugeByIDResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveGaugesRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveGaugesResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveModuleToDistributeCoinsRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveModuleToDistributeCoinsResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveMsgAddToGauge
- MsgAddToGauge adds coins to a previously created gauge
- OsmosisIncentiveMsgCreateGauge
- OsmosisIncentiveQueryLockableDurationsRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveQueryLockableDurationsResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveRewardsEstRequest
- RewardsEst returns an estimate of the rewards from now until a specified time in the future The querier either provides an address or a set of locks for which they want to find the associated rewards
- OsmosisIncentiveRewardsEstResponse
- OsmosisIncentivesGauge
- Gauge is an object that stores and distributes yields to recipients who satisfy certain conditions. Currently gauges support conditions around the duration for which a given denom is locked.
- OsmosisIncentiveUpcomingGaugesPerDenomRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveUpcomingGaugesPerDenomResponse
- OsmosisIncentiveUpcomingGaugesRequest
- OsmosisIncentiveUpcomingGaugesResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedCoinsRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedCoinsResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedDurationRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedDurationResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedLongerDurationDenomRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedLongerDurationNotUnlockingOnlyRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedLongerDurationNotUnlockingOnlyResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedLongerDurationRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedLongerDurationResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeDenomRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeDenomResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeNotUnlockingOnlyRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeNotUnlockingOnlyResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountLockedPastTimeResponse
- OsmosisLockupAccountUnlockableCoinsRequest
- OsmosisLockupAccountUnlockingCoinsResponse
- OsmosisLockupGenesisState
- OsmosisLockupLockedDenomRequest
- OsmosisLockupLockedDenomResponse
- OsmosisLockupLockedRequest
- OsmosisLockupLockedResponse
- OsmosisLockupLockQueryType
- OsmosisLockupModuleBalanceRequest
- OsmosisLockupModuleBalanceResponse
- OsmosisLockupModuleLockedAmountRequest
- OsmosisLockupModuleLockedAmountResponse
- OsmosisLockupMsgBeginUnlocking
- OsmosisLockupMsgBeginUnlockingAll
- OsmosisLockupMsgBeginUnlockingAllResponse
- OsmosisLockupMsgBeginUnlockingResponse
- OsmosisLockupMsgExtendLockup
- MsgExtendLockup extends the existing lockup's duration. The new duration is longer than the original.
- OsmosisLockupMsgExtendLockupResponse
- OsmosisLockupMsgLockTokens
- OsmosisLockupMsgLockTokensResponse
- OsmosisLockupPeriodLock
- PeriodLock is a single lock unit by period defined by the x/lockup module. It's a record of a locked coin at a specific time. It stores owner, duration, unlock time and the number of coins locked. A state of a period lock is created upon lock creation, and deleted once the lock has been matured after the duration has passed since unbonding started.
- OsmosisLockupQueryCondition
- QueryCondition is a struct used for querying locks upon different conditions. Duration field and timestamp fields could be optional, depending on the LockQueryType.
- OsmosisLockupSyntheticLock
- SyntheticLock is creating virtual lockup where new denom is combination of original denom and synthetic suffix. At the time of synthetic lockup creation and deletion, accumulation store is also being updated and on querier side, they can query as freely as native lockup.
- OsmosisLockupSyntheticLockupsByLockupIDRequest
- OsmosisLockupSyntheticLockupsByLockupIDResponse
- OsmosisMintDistributionProportions
- DistributionProportions defines the distribution proportions of the minted denom. In other words, defines which stakeholders will receive the minted denoms and how much.
- OsmosisMintGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the mint module's genesis state.
- OsmosisMintMinter
- Minter represents the minting state.
- OsmosisMintParams
- Params holds parameters for the x/mint module.
- OsmosisMintQueryEpochProvisionsRequest
- QueryEpochProvisionsRequest is the request type for the Query/EpochProvisions RPC method.
- OsmosisMintQueryEpochProvisionsResponse
- QueryEpochProvisionsResponse is the response type for the Query/EpochProvisions RPC method.
- OsmosisMintQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- OsmosisMintQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- OsmosisMintWeightedAddress
- WeightedAddress represents an address with a weight assigned to it. The weight is used to determine the proportion of the total minted tokens to be minted to the address.
- OsmosisPoolGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the poolmanager module's genesis state.
- OsmosisPoolincentivesDistrInfo
- OsmosisPoolincentivesDistrRecord
- OsmosisPoolincentivesGaugeIdWithDuration
- OsmosisPoolincentivesGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the pool incentives module's genesis state.
- OsmosisPoolincentivesIncentivizedPool
- OsmosisPoolincentivesLockableDurationsInfo
- OsmosisPoolincentivesParams
- OsmosisPoolincentivesPoolToGauge
- OsmosisPoolincentivesPoolToGauges
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryDistrInfoRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryDistrInfoResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryExternalIncentiveGaugesRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryExternalIncentiveGaugesResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryGaugeIdsRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryGaugeIdsResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryIncentivizedPoolsRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryIncentivizedPoolsResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryLockableDurationsRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryLockableDurationsResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryParamsRequest
- OsmosisPoolincentivesQueryParamsResponse
- OsmosisPoolincentivesReplacePoolIncentivesProposal
- ReplacePoolIncentivesProposal is a gov Content type for updating the pool incentives. If a ReplacePoolIncentivesProposal passes, the proposal’s records override the existing DistrRecords set in the module. Each record has a specified gauge id and weight, and the incentives are distributed to each gauge according to weight/total_weight. The incentives are put in the fee pool and it is allocated to gauges and community pool by the DistrRecords configuration. Note that gaugeId=0 represents the community pool.
- OsmosisPoolincentivesUpdatePoolIncentivesProposal
- For example: if the existing DistrRecords were: (Gauge 0, 5), (Gauge 1, 6), (Gauge 2, 6) An UpdatePoolIncentivesProposal includes (Gauge 1, 0), (Gauge 2, 4), (Gauge 3, 10) This would delete Gauge 1, Edit Gauge 2, and Add Gauge 3 The result DistrRecords in state would be: (Gauge 0, 5), (Gauge 2, 4), (Gauge 3, 10)
- OsmosisPoolManagerAllPoolsRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerAllPoolsResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerDenomPairTakerFee
- OsmosisPoolManagerDenomPairTakerFeeProposal
- DenomPairTakerFeeProposal is a type for adding/removing a custom taker fee(s) for one or more denom pairs.
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSinglePoolSwapExactAmountOutRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountInRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountInResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountInWithPrimitiveTypesRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountOutRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountOutResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateSwapExactAmountOutWithPrimitiveTypesRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateTradeBasedOnPriceImpactRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerEstimateTradeBasedOnPriceImpactResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerListPoolsByDenomRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerListPoolsByDenomResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerModuleRoute
- ModuleRouter defines a route encapsulating pool type. It is used as the value of a mapping from pool id to the pool type, allowing the pool manager to know which module to route swaps to given the pool id.
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSetDenomPairTakerFee
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSetDenomPairTakerFeeResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSplitRouteSwapExactAmountIn
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSplitRouteSwapExactAmountInResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSplitRouteSwapExactAmountOut
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSwapExactAmountIn
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSwapExactAmountInResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSwapExactAmountOut
- OsmosisPoolManagerMsgSwapExactAmountOutResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerNumPoolsRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerNumPoolsResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerParams
- Params holds parameters for the poolmanager module.
- OsmosisPoolManagerParamsRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerParamsResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerPoolRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerPoolResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerPoolType
- OsmosisPoolManagerPoolVolume
- PoolVolume stores the KVStore entries for each pool's volume, which is used in export/import genesis.
- OsmosisPoolManagerSpotPriceRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerSpotPriceResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerSwapAmountInRoute
- OsmosisPoolManagerSwapAmountOutRoute
- OsmosisPoolManagerSwapAmountOutSplitRoute
- OsmosisPoolManagerTakerFeeDistributionPercentage
- TakerFeeDistributionPercentage defines what percent of the taker fee category gets distributed to the available categories.
- OsmosisPoolManagerTakerFeeParams
- TakerFeeParams consolidates the taker fee parameters for the poolmanager.
- OsmosisPoolManagerTakerFeesTracker
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalLiquidityRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalLiquidityResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalPoolLiquidityRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalPoolLiquidityResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalVolumeForPoolRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerTotalVolumeForPoolResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerTrackedVolume
- OsmosisPoolManagerTradingPairTakerFeeRequest
- OsmosisPoolManagerTradingPairTakerFeeResponse
- OsmosisPoolManagerV2SpotPriceRequest
- SpotPriceRequest defines the gRPC request structure for a SpotPrice query.
- OsmosisPoolManagerV2SpotPriceResponse
- OsmosisProtorevAllProtocolRevenue
- OsmosisProtorevBalancerPoolInfo
- BalancerPoolInfo contains meta data pertaining to a balancer pool type.
- OsmosisProtorevBaseDenom
- BaseDenom represents a single base denom that the module uses for its arbitrage trades. It contains the denom name alongside the step size of the binary search that is used to find the optimal swap amount
- OsmosisProtorevConcentratedPoolInfo
- ConcentratedPoolInfo contains meta data pertaining to a concentrated pool type.
- OsmosisProtorevCosmwasmPoolInfo
- CosmwasmPoolInfo contains meta data pertaining to a cosmwasm pool type.
- OsmosisProtorevInfoByPoolType
- InfoByPoolType contains information pertaining to how expensive (in terms of gas and time) it is to execute a swap on a given pool type. This distinction is made and necessary because the execution time ranges significantly between the different pool types.
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetBaseDenoms
- SetBaseDenoms sets the base denoms that will be used to create cyclic arbitrage routes. Can only be called by the admin account.
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetDeveloperAccount
- MsgSetDeveloperAccount defines the Msg/SetDeveloperAccount request type.
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetHotRoutes
- SetHotRoutes sets the hot routes that will be explored when creating cyclic arbitrage routes. Can only be called by the admin account.
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetInfoByPoolType
- SetInfoByPoolType sets the pool type information needed to make smart assumptions about swapping on different pool types
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetMaxPoolPointsPerTx
- OsmosisProtorevMsgSetMsgSetMaxPoolPointsPerBlock
- MsgSetMaxPoolPointsPerBlock defines the Msg/SetMaxPoolPointsPerBlock request type
- OsmosisProtorevOsmosisProtorevQueryQueryGetProtoRevProfitsByDenomRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevProfitsByDenomRequest is request type for the Query/GetProtoRevProfitsByDenom RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevParams
- Params defines the parameters for the module
- OsmosisProtorevPoolWeights
- PoolWeights contains the weights of all of the different pool types. This distinction is made and necessary because the execution time ranges significantly between the different pool types. Each weight roughly corresponds to the amount of time (in ms) it takes to execute a swap on that pool type.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetAllProtocolRevenueRequest
- GetAllProtocolRevenue queries all of the protocol revenue that has been accumulated by any module.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetAllProtocolRevenueResponse
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAdminAccountRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevAdminAccountResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevAdminAccount RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAdminAccountResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevAdminAccountResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevAdminAccount RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAllProfitsRequest
- GetProtoRevAllProfits queries all of the profits from the module.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAllProfitsResponse
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAllRouteStatisticsRequest
- GetProtoRevAllRouteStatistics queries all of routes that the module has arbitraged against and the number of trades and profits that have been accumulated for each route
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevAllRouteStatisticsResponse
- GetProtoRevAllRouteStatistics queries all of routes that the module has arbitraged against and the number of trades and profits that have been accumulated for each route
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevBaseDenomsRequest
- GetProtoRevBaseDenoms queries the base denoms that the module is currently utilizing for arbitrage
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevBaseDenomsResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevBaseDenomsResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevBaseDenoms RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevDeveloperAccountRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevDeveloperAccountRequest is request type for the Query/GetProtoRevDeveloperAccount RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevDeveloperAccountResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevDeveloperAccountResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevDeveloperAccount RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevEnabledRequest
- GetProtoRevEnabled queries whether the module is enabled or not
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevEnabledResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevEnabledResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevEnabled RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevInfoByPoolTypeRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevInfoByPoolTypeRequest is request type for the Query/GetProtoRevInfoByPoolType RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevInfoByPoolTypeResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevInfoByPoolTypeResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevInfoByPoolType RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerBlockRequest
- GetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerBlock queries the maximum number of pool points that can consumed per block
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerBlockResponse
- GetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerBlock queries the maximum number of pool points that can consumed per block.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerTxRequest
- GetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerTx queries the maximum number of pool points that can be consumed per transaction.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerTxResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerTxResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevMaxPoolPointsPerTx RPC method..
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevNumberOfTradesRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevNumberOfTradesRequest is request type for the Query/GetProtoRevNumberOfTrades RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevNumberOfTradesResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevNumberOfTradesResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevNumberOfTrades RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevPoolRequest
- GetProtoRevPool queries the pool id used via the highest liquidity method for arbitrage route building given a pair of denominations
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevProfitsByDenomResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevProfitsByDenomResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevProfitsByDenom RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevStatisticsByRouteRequest
- GetProtoRevStatisticsByRoute queries the number of arbitrages and profits that have been executed for a given route.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevStatisticsByRouteResponse
- GetProtoRevStatisticsByRoute queries the number of arbitrages and profits that have been executed for a given route.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutesRequest
- QueryGetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutesRequest is request type for the Query/GetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutes RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryGetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutesResponse
- QueryGetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutesResponse is response type for the Query/GetProtoRevTokenPairArbRoutes RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevQueryParamsRequest
- OsmosisProtorevQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- OsmosisProtorevRoute
- Route is a hot route for a given pair of tokens
- OsmosisProtorevRouteCyclicArbTracker
- OsmosisProtorevRouteStatistics
- RouteStatistics contains the number of trades the module has executed after a swap on a given route and the profits from the trades
- OsmosisProtorevSetProtoRevAdminAccountProposal
- SetProtoRevAdminAccountProposal is a gov Content type to set the admin account that will receive permissions to alter hot routes and set the developer address that will be receiving a share of profits from the module
- OsmosisProtorevSetProtoRevEnabledProposal
- SetProtoRevEnabledProposal is a gov Content type to update whether the protorev module is enabled
- OsmosisProtorevStablePoolInfo
- StablePoolInfo contains meta data pertaining to a stableswap pool type.
- OsmosisProtorevTokenPairArbRoutes
- TokenPairArbRoutes tracks all of the hot routes for a given pair of tokens
- OsmosisProtorevTrade
- Trade is a single trade in a route
- OsmosisProtorevWeightMap
- WeightMap maps a contract address to a weight. The weight of an address corresponds to the amount of ms required to execute a swap on that contract.
- OsmosisStoreChild
- OsmosisStoreLeaf
- OsmosisStoreNode
- OsmosisStreamSwapEventCreateSale
- OsmosisStreamSwapEventExit
- OsmosisStreamSwapEventFinalizeSale
- OsmosisStreamSwapEventSubscribe
- OsmosisStreamSwapEventWithdraw
- OsmosisStreamSwapGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the streamswap module's genesis state
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgCreateSale
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgCreateSaleResponse
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgExitSale
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgExitSaleResponse
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgFinalizeSale
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgFinalizeSaleResponse
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgSubscribe
- OsmosisStreamSwapMsgWithdraw
- OsmosisStreamSwapParams
- Params holds parameters for the streamswap module,
- OsmosisStreamSwapSale
- UserPositionKV is a record in genesis representing acc_address user position of a sale_id sale.
- OsmosisStreamSwapUserPosition
- UserPosition represents user account in a sale
- OsmosisStreamSwapUserPositionKV
- UserPositionKV is a record in genesis representing acc_address user position of a sale_id sale.
- OsmosisSuperfluidAllAssetsRequest
- Params returns the total set of superfluid parameters.
- OsmosisSuperfluidAllAssetsResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidAllIntermediaryAccountsRequest
- Params returns the total set of superfluid parameters.
- OsmosisSuperfluidAllIntermediaryAccountsResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidAssetMultiplierRequest
- Params returns the total set of superfluid parameters.
- OsmosisSuperfluidAssetMultiplierResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidAssetTypeRequest
- Params returns the total set of superfluid parameters.
- OsmosisSuperfluidAssetTypeResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidConnectedIntermediaryAccountRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidConnectedIntermediaryAccountResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidEstimateSuperfluidDelegatedAmountByValidatorDenomRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidEstimateSuperfluidDelegatedAmountByValidatorDenomResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the module's genesis state.
- OsmosisSuperfluidLockIdIntermediaryAccountConnection
- GenesisState defines the module's genesis state.
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgLockAndSuperfluidDelegate
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgLockAndSuperfluidDelegateResponse
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgSuperfluidDelegate
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgSuperfluidUnbondLock
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgSuperfluidUndelegate
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgUnPoolWhitelistedPool
- MsgUnPoolWhitelistedPool Unpools every lock the sender has, that is associated with pool pool_id. If pool_id is not approved for unpooling by governance, this is a no-op. Unpooling takes the locked gamm shares, and runs "ExitPool" on it, to get the constituent tokens. e.g. z gamm/pool/1 tokens ExitPools into constituent tokens x uatom, y uosmo. Then it creates a new lock for every constituent token, with the duration associated with the lock. If the lock was unbonding, the new lockup durations should be the time left until unbond completion.
- OsmosisSuperfluidMsgUnPoolWhitelistedPoolResponse
- Execute superfluid delegation for a lockup
- OsmosisSuperfluidOsmoEquivalentMultiplierRecord
- The Osmo-Equivalent-Multiplier Record for epoch N refers to the osmo worth we treat an LP share as having, for all of epoch N. Eventually this is intended to be set as the Time-weighted-average-osmo-backing for the entire duration of epoch N-1. (Thereby locking whats in use for epoch N as based on the prior epochs rewards) However for now, this is not the TWAP but instead the spot price at the boundary. For different types of assets in the future, it could change.
- OsmosisSuperfluidQueryParamsRequest
- Params returns the total set of superfluid parameters.
- OsmosisSuperfluidQueryParamsResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidQueryTotalDelegationByDelegatorRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidQueryTotalDelegationByDelegatorResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidRemoveSuperfluidAssetsProposal
- RemoveSuperfluidAssetsProposal is a gov Content type to remove the superfluid assets by denom
- OsmosisSuperfluidSetSuperfluidAssetsProposal
- SetSuperfluidAssetsProposal is a gov Content type to update the superfluid assets
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidAsset
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidAssetType
- SuperfluidAssetType indicates whether the superfluid asset is a native token itself or the lp share of a pool.
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationAmountRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationAmountResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationRecord
- SuperfluidDelegationRecord is a struct used to indicate superfluid delegations of an account in the state machine in a user friendly form.
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationsByDelegatorRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationsByDelegatorResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationsByValidatorDenomRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidDelegationsByValidatorDenomResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidUndelegationsByDelegatorRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidSuperfluidUndelegationsByDelegatorResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidTotalSuperfluidDelegationsRequest
- OsmosisSuperfluidTotalSuperfluidDelegationsResponse
- OsmosisSuperfluidUnpoolSuperfluidIntermediaryAccount
- SuperfluidIntermediaryAccount takes the role of intermediary between LP token and OSMO tokens for superfluid staking. The intermediary account is the actual account responsible for delegation, not the validator account itself.
- OsmosisSuperfluidUnpoolSuperfluidIntermediaryAccountInfo
- OsmosisSuperfluidUnpoolWhitelistedPools
- OsmosisTokenFactoryDenomAuthorityMetadata
- DenomAuthorityMetadata specifies metadata for addresses that have specific capabilities over a token factory denom. Right now there is only one Admin permission, but is planned to be extended to the future.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryGenesisDenom
- GenesisDenom defines a tokenfactory denom that is defined within genesis state. The structure contains DenomAuthorityMetadata which defines the denom's admin.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryGenesisState
- GenesisDenom defines a tokenfactory denom that is defined within genesis state. The structure contains DenomAuthorityMetadata which defines the denom's admin.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgBurn
- MsgBurn is the sdk.Msg type for allowing an admin account to burn a token. For now, we only support burning from the sender account.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgChangeAdmin
- MsgChangeAdmin is the sdk.Msg type for allowing an admin account to reassign adminship of a denom to a new account
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgCreateDenom
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgCreateDenomResponse
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgMint
- OsmosisTokenFactoryMsgSetDenomMetadata
- OsmosisTokenFactoryParams
- Params defines the parameters for the tokenfactory module.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryDenomAuthorityMetadataRequest
- QueryDenomAuthorityMetadataRequest defines the request structure for the DenomAuthorityMetadata gRPC query.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryDenomAuthorityMetadataResponse
- QueryDenomAuthorityMetadataResponse defines the response structure for the DenomAuthorityMetadata gRPC query.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryDenomsFromCreatorRequest
- QueryDenomsFromCreatorRequest defines the request structure for the DenomsFromCreator gRPC query.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryDenomsFromCreatorResponse
- QueryDenomsFromCreatorRequest defines the response structure for the DenomsFromCreator gRPC query.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryParamsRequest
- Params defines a gRPC query method that returns the tokenfactory module's parameters.
- OsmosisTokenFactoryQueryParamsResponse
- Params defines a gRPC query method that returns the tokenfactory module's parameters.
- OsmosisTwapArithmeticTwapRequest
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapArithmeticTwapResponse
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapArithmeticTwapToNowRequest
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapArithmeticTwapToNowResponse
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapParams
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapParamsRequest
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapParamsResponse
- Params holds parameters for the twap module.
- OsmosisTwapTwapRecord
- A TWAP record should be indexed in state by pool_id, (asset pair), timestamp The asset pair assets should be lexicographically sorted. Technically (pool_id, asset_0_denom, asset_1_denom, height) do not need to appear in the struct however we view this as the wrong performance tradeoff given SDK today. Would rather we optimize for readability and correctness, than an optimal state storage format. The system bottleneck is elsewhere for now.
- OsmosisTxfeesFeeToken
- FeeToken is a struct that specifies a coin denom, and pool ID pair. This marks the token as eligible for use as a tx fee asset in Osmosis. Its price in osmo is derived through looking at the provided pool ID. The pool ID must have osmo as one of its assets.
- OsmosisTxfeesGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the txfees module's genesis state.
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryBaseDenomRequest
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryBaseDenomResponse
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryDenomPoolIdRequest
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryDenomPoolIdResponse
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryDenomSpotPriceRequest
- QueryDenomSpotPriceRequest defines grpc request structure for querying spot price for the specified tx fee denom
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryDenomSpotPriceResponse
- QueryDenomSpotPriceRequest defines grpc response structure for querying spot price for the specified tx fee denom
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryFeeTokensRequest
- OsmosisTxfeesQueryFeeTokensResponse
- GenesisState defines the txfees module's genesis state.
- OsmosisTxfeesUpdateFeeTokenProposal
- UpdateFeeTokenProposal is a gov Content type for adding a new whitelisted fee token. It must specify a denom along with gamm pool ID to use as a spot price calculator. It can be used to add a new denom to the whitelist It can also be used to update the Pool to associate with the denom. If Pool ID is set to 0, it will remove the denom from the whitelisted set.
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceMsgDelegateToValidatorSet
- MsgDelegateToValidatorSet allows users to delegate to an existing validator-set
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceMsgSetValidatorSetPreference
- MsgCreateValidatorSetPreference is a list that holds validator-set.
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceMsgUndelegateFromValidatorSet
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceMsgWithdrawDelegationRewards
- WithdrawDelegationRewards allows users to claim rewards from the validator-set.
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceQueryUserValidatorPreferenceResponse
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceQueryUserValidatorPreferences
- Returns the list of ValidatorPreferences for the user.
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceValidatorPreference
- ValidatorPreference defines the message structure for CreateValidatorSetPreference. It allows a user to set {val_addr, weight} in state. If a user does not have a validator set preference list set, and has staked, make their preference list default to their current staking distribution.
- OsmosisValidatorPreferenceValidatorSetPreferences
- ValidatorSetPreferences defines a delegator's validator set preference. It contains a list of (validator, percent_allocation) pairs. The percent allocation are arranged in decimal notation from 0 to 1 and must add up to 1.
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgDelegateBondedTokens
- MsgDelegateBondedTokens breaks bonded lockup (by ID) of osmo, of length <= 2 weeks and takes all that osmo and delegates according to delegator's current validator set preference.
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgDelegateToValidatorSet
- DelegateToValidatorSet gets the owner, coins and delegates to a validator-set.
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgRedelegateValidatorSet
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgSetValidatorSetPreference
- MsgCreateValidatorSetPreference is a list that holds validator-set.
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgUndelegateFromRebalancedValidatorSet
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgUndelegateFromValidatorSet
- UndelegateFromValidatorSet gets the owner and coins and undelegates from validator-set. The unbonding logic will follow the Undelegate logic from the sdk.
- OsmosisValSetprefMsgWithdrawDelegationRewards
- OsmosisValSetprefUserValidatorPreferencesRequest
- Request type for UserValidatorPreferences.
- OsmosisValSetprefUserValidatorPreferencesResponse
- Response type the QueryUserValidatorPreferences query request
- OsmosisValSetprefValidatorPreference
- ValidatorPreference defines the message structure for CreateValidatorSetPreference. It allows a user to set {val_addr, weight} in state. If a user does not have a validator set preference list set, and has staked, make their preference list default to their current staking distribution.
- OsmosisValSetprefValidatorSetPreferences
- ValidatorSetPreferences defines a delegator's validator set preference. It contains a list of (validator, percent_allocation) pairs. The percent allocation are arranged in decimal notation from 0 to 1 and must add up to 1.
- Output
- Output models transaction outputs.
- Owner
- Owner defines a single capability owner. An owner is defined by the name of capability and the module name.
- P2pMessage
- Packet
- PacketFees
- PacketFees contains a list of type PacketFee
- PacketMessage
- PacketMsg
- PacketPing
- PacketPong
- PageRequest
- PageRequest is to be embedded in gRPC request messages for efficient pagination. Ex: message SomeRequest { Foo some_parameter = 1; PageRequest pagination = 2; }
- PageResponse
- PageResponse is to be embedded in gRPC response messages where the corresponding request message has used PageRequest. message SomeResponse { repeated Bar results = 1; PageResponse page = 2; }
- ParamChange
- ParamChange defines an individual parameter change, for use in ParameterChangeProposal.
- ParameterChangeProposal
- ParameterChangeProposal defines a proposal to change one or more parameters.
- ParamsQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- ParamsQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- ParamsQuerySubspacesRequest
- QuerySubspacesRequest defines a request type for querying for all registered subspaces and all keys for a subspace.
- ParamsQuerySubspacesResponse
- QuerySubspacesResponse defines the response types for querying for all registered subspaces and all keys for a subspace.
- ParamsSubspace
- Subspace defines a parameter subspace name and all the keys that exist for the subspace. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- Part
- PartSetHeader
- Period
- Period defines a length of time and amount of coins that will vest.
- PeriodicAllowance
- PeriodicAllowance extends Allowance to allow for both a maximum cap, as well as a limit per time period.
- PeriodicVestingAccount
- PeriodicVestingAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It periodically vests by unlocking coins during each specified period.
- PermanentLockedAccount
- PermanentLockedAccount implements the VestingAccount interface. It does not ever release coins, locking them indefinitely. Coins in this account can still be used for delegating and for governance votes even while locked.
- PexAddrs
- PexRequest
- Plan
- Plan specifies information about a planned upgrade and when it should occur.
- PolStaticsResponse
- Pool
- Pool is used for tracking bonded and not-bonded token supply of the bond denomination.
- Proof
- ProofOps
- ProofOps is Merkle proof defined by the list of ProofOps
- Proposal
- ProposalStatus
- ProposalStatus enumerates the valid statuses of a proposal.
- ProtobufDuration
- ProtobufEmpty
- ProtobufTimestamp
- ProtocolBufferDecoder
T> - ProtocolBufferEncoder
- Class for encoding cosmos messages using minimal protobuf encoding.
- ProtocolVersion
- QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest
- QueryAccountAddressByIDRequest is the request type for AccountAddressByID rpc method Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46.2
- QueryAccountAddressByIDResponse
- QueryAccountAddressByIDResponse is the response type for AccountAddressByID rpc method Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46.2
- QueryAccountInfoRequest
- QueryAccountInfoRequest is the Query/AccountInfo request type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QueryAccountInfoResponse
- QueryAccountInfoResponse is the Query/AccountInfo response type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QueryAccountRequest
- QueryAccountResponse is the response type for the Query/Account RPC method.
- QueryAccountResponse
- QueryAccountResponse is the response type for the Query/Account RPC method.
- QueryAccountsRequest
- QueryAccountsRequest is the request type for the Query/Accounts RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
- QueryAccountsResponse
- QueryAccountsResponse is the response type for the Query/Accounts RPC method.
- QueryAllBalancesRequest
- AllBalances queries the balance of all coins for a single account. When called from another module, this query might consume a high amount of gas if the pagination field is incorrectly set.
- QueryAllBalancesResponse
- QueryAllBalancesResponse is the response type for the Query/AllBalances RPC method.
- QueryAllowanceRequest
- QueryAllowanceRequest is the request type for the Query/Allowance RPC method.
- QueryAllowanceResponse
- QueryAllowanceResponse is the response type for the Query/Allowance RPC method.
- QueryAllowancesByGranterRequest
- QueryAllowancesByGranterRequest is the request type for the Query/AllowancesByGranter RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryAllowancesByGranterResponse
- QueryAllowancesByGranterResponse is the response type for the Query/AllowancesByGranter RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryAllowancesRequest
- QueryAllowancesRequest is the request type for the Query/Allowances RPC method.
- QueryAllowancesResponse
- QueryAllowancesResponse is the response type for the Query/Allowances RPC method.
- QueryAnnualProvisionsRequest
- QueryAnnualProvisionsRequest is the request type for the Query/AnnualProvisions RPC method.
- QueryAnnualProvisionsResponse
- QueryAnnualProvisionsResponse is the response type for the Query/AnnualProvisions RPC method.
- QueryAppliedPlanRequest
- QueryCurrentPlanRequest is the request type for the Query/AppliedPlan RPC method.
- QueryAppliedPlanResponse
- QueryAppliedPlanResponse is the response type for the Query/AppliedPlan RPC method.
- QueryAuthorityRequest
- QueryAuthorityRequest is the request type for Query/Authority Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryAuthorityResponse
- QueryAuthorityResponse is the response type for Query/Authority
- QueryBalanceRequest
- Balance queries the balance of a single coin for a single account.
- QueryBalanceResponse
- QueryChannelClientStateRequest
- QueryChannelClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientState RPC method
- QueryChannelClientStateResponse
- QueryChannelClientStateResponse is the Response type for the Query/QueryChannelClientState RPC method
- QueryChannelConsensusStateRequest
- QueryChannelConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/ConsensusState RPC method
- QueryChannelConsensusStateResponse
- QueryChannelClientStateResponse is the Response type for the Query/QueryChannelClientState RPC method
- QueryChannelParamsRequest
- QueryChannelParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/ChannelParams RPC method.
- QueryChannelParamsResponse
- QueryChannelParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/ChannelParams RPC method.
- QueryChannelRequest
- QueryChannelRequest is the request type for the Query/Channel RPC method
- QueryChannelResponse
- QueryChannelsRequest
- QueryChannelsRequest is the request type for the Query/Channels RPC method
- QueryChannelsResponse
- QueryChannelsResponse is the response type for the Query/Channels RPC method.
- QueryClassesRequest
- QueryClassesRequest is the request type for the Query/Classes RPC method
- QueryClassesResponse
- QueryClassesResponse is the response type for the Query/Classes RPC method
- QueryClientParamsRequest
- QueryClientParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientParams RPC method.
- QueryClientParamsResponse
- QueryClientParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientParams RPC method.
- QueryClientStatesRequest
- QueryClientStatesRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientStates RPC method
- QueryClientStatesResponse
- QueryClientStatesResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientStates RPC method.
- QueryClientStatusRequest
- QueryClientStatusRequest is the request type for the Query/ClientStatus RPC method
- QueryClientStatusResponse
- QueryClientStatusResponse is the response type for the Query/ClientStatus RPC method. It returns the current status of the IBC client.
- QueryConnectionChannelsRequest
- QueryConnectionChannelsRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryConnectionChannels RPC method
- QueryConnectionChannelsResponse
- QueryConnectionChannelsResponse is the Response type for the Query/QueryConnectionChannels RPC method.
- QueryConsensusStateHeightsRequest
- QueryConsensusStateHeightsRequest is the request type for Query/ConsensusStateHeights RPC method.
- QueryConsensusStateHeightsResponse
- QueryConsensusStateHeightsResponse is the response type for the Query/ConsensusStateHeights RPC method
- QueryConsensusStatesRequest
- QueryConsensusStatesRequest is the request type for the Query/ConsensusStates RPC method.
- QueryConsensusStatesResponse
- QueryConsensusStatesResponse is the response type for the Query/ConsensusStates RPC method
- QueryCounterpartyPayeeRequest
- QueryCounterpartyPayeeRequest defines the request type for the CounterpartyPayee rpc
- QueryCounterpartyPayeeResponse
- QueryCounterpartyPayeeResponse defines the response type for the CounterpartyPayee rpc
- QueryCurrentPlanRequest
- QueryCurrentPlanRequest is the request type for the Query/CurrentPlan RPC method.
- QueryCurrentPlanResponse
- QueryCurrentPlanResponse is the response type for the Query/CurrentPlan RPC method.
- QueryDelegationRequest
- QueryDelegationRequest is request type for the Query/Delegation RPC method.
- QueryDelegationResponse
- QueryDelegationResponse is response type for the Query/Delegation RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorDelegationsRequest
- QueryDelegatorDelegationsRequest is request type for the Query/DelegatorDelegations RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorDelegationsResponse
- QueryDelegatorDelegationsResponse is response type for the Query/DelegatorDelegations RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorUnbondingDelegationsRequest
- QueryDelegatorUnbondingDelegationsRequest is request type for the Query/DelegatorUnbondingDelegations RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorUnbondingDelegationsResponse
- QueryUnbondingDelegatorDelegationsResponse is response type for the Query/UnbondingDelegatorDelegations RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorValidatorRequest
- QueryDelegatorValidatorRequest is request type for the Query/DelegatorValidator RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorValidatorResponse
- QueryDelegatorValidatorResponse response type for the Query/DelegatorValidator RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsRequest
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsRequest is request type for the Query/DelegatorValidators RPC method.
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsResponse
- QueryDelegatorValidatorsResponse is response type for the Query/DelegatorValidators RPC method.
- QueryDenomHashRequest
- QueryDenomHashRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomHash RPC method
- QueryDenomHashResponse
- QueryDenomHashResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomHash RPC method.
- QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringRequest
- QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method. Identical with QueryDenomMetadataRequest but receives denom as query string..
- QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringResponse
- QueryDenomMetadataByQueryStringResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method. Identical with QueryDenomMetadataResponse but receives denom as query string in request.
- QueryDenomMetadataRequest
- QueryDenomMetadataRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method.
- QueryDenomMetadataResponse
- QueryDenomMetadataResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomMetadata RPC method.
- QueryDenomOwnersRequest
- QueryDenomOwnersRequest defines the request type for the DenomOwners RPC query, which queries for a paginated set of all account holders of a particular denomination.
- QueryDenomOwnersResponse
- QueryDenomOwnersResponse defines the RPC response of a DenomOwners RPC query. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryDenomsMetadataRequest
- QueryDenomsMetadataRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomsMetadata RPC method.
- QueryDenomsMetadataResponse
- QueryDenomsMetadataResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomsMetadata RPC method.
- QueryDenomTraceRequest
- QueryDenomTraceRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomTrace RPC method
- QueryDenomTraceResponse
- QueryDenomTraceResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomTrace RPC method.
- QueryDenomTracesRequest
- QueryConnectionsRequest is the request type for the Query/DenomTraces RPC method
- QueryDenomTracesResponse
- QueryConnectionsResponse is the response type for the Query/DenomTraces RPC method.
- QueryEscrowAddressRequest
- QueryEscrowAddressRequest is the request type for the EscrowAddress RPC method.
- QueryEscrowAddressResponse
- QueryEscrowAddressResponse is the response type of the EscrowAddress RPC method.
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelRequest
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelRequest defines the request type for the FeeEnabledChannel rpc
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelResponse
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelResponse defines the response type for the FeeEnabledChannel rpc
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelsRequest
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelsRequest defines the request type for the FeeEnabledChannels rpc
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelsResponse
- QueryFeeEnabledChannelsResponse defines the response type for the FeeEnabledChannels rpc
- QueryIncentivizedPacketRequest
- QueryIncentivizedPacketRequest defines the request type for the IncentivizedPacket rpc
- QueryIncentivizedPacketResponse
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsResponse defines the response type for the IncentivizedPacket rpc
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsForChannelRequest
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsForChannelRequest defines the request type for querying for all incentivized packets for a specific channel
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsForChannelResponse
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsResponse defines the response type for the incentivized packets RPC
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsRequest
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsRequest defines the request type for the IncentivizedPackets rpc
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsResponse
- QueryIncentivizedPacketsResponse defines the response type for the IncentivizedPackets rpc
- QueryInflationRequest
- QueryInflationRequest is the request type for the Query/Inflation RPC method.
- QueryInflationResponse
- QueryInflationResponse is the response type for the Query/Inflation RPC method.
- QueryInterchainAccountRequest
- QueryInterchainAccountRequest is the request type for the Query/InterchainAccount RPC method.
- QueryInterchainAccountResponse
- QueryInterchainAccountResponse the response type for the Query/InterchainAccount RPC method.
- QueryMintParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- QueryMintParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
- QueryModuleAccountByNameRequest
- ModuleAccountByName returns the module account info by module name
- QueryModuleAccountByNameResponse
- QueryModuleAccountByNameResponse is the response type for the Query/ModuleAccountByName RPC method.
- QueryModuleAccountsRequest
- QueryModuleAccountsRequest is the request type for the Query/ModuleAccounts RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryModuleAccountsResponse
- QueryModuleAccountsResponse is the response type for the Query/ModuleAccounts RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QueryModuleVersionsRequest
- QueryModuleVersionsRequest is the request type for the Query/ModuleVersions RPC method Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
- QueryModuleVersionsResponse
- QueryModuleVersionsResponse is the response type for the Query/ModuleVersions RPC method.
- QueryNextSequenceReceiveRequest
- QueryNextSequenceReceiveRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryNextSequenceReceiveRequest RPC method
- QueryNextSequenceReceiveResponse
- QuerySequenceResponse is the response type for the Query/QueryNextSequenceReceiveResponse RPC method
- QueryNextSequenceSendRequest
- QueryNextSequenceSendRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryNextSequenceSend RPC method
- QueryNextSequenceSendResponse
- QueryNextSequenceSendResponse is the request type for the Query/QueryNextSequenceSend RPC method
- QueryNFTBalanceByQueryStringRequest
- QueryBalanceByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/Balance RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTBalanceByQueryStringResponse
- QueryBalanceByQueryStringResponse is the response type for the Query/Balance RPC method
- QueryNFTBalanceRequest
- QueryBalanceRequest is the request type for the Query/Balance RPC method
- QueryNFTBalanceResponse
- QueryBalanceResponse is the response type for the Query/Balance RPC method
- QueryNFTByQueryStringRequest
- QueryNFTByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/NFT RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTByQueryStringResponse
- QueryNFTResponse is the response type for the Query/NFT RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTClassByQueryStringRequest
- QueryClassByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/Class RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTClassByQueryStringResponse
- QueryClassByQueryStringResponse is the response type for the Query/Class RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTClassRequest
- QueryClassRequest is the request type for the Query/Class RPC method
- QueryNFTClassResponse
- QueryClassResponse is the response type for the Query/Class RPC method
- QueryNFTOwnerRequest
- QueryOwnerRequest is the request type for the Query/Owner RPC method
- QueryNFTOwnerResponse
- QueryOwnerResponse is the response type for the Query/Owner RPC method
- QueryNFTRequest
- QueryNFTRequest is the request type for the Query/NFT RPC method
- QueryNFTResponse
- QueryNFTResponse is the response type for the Query/NFT RPC method
- QueryNFTsRequest
- QueryNFTstRequest is the request type for the Query/NFTs RPC method.
- QueryNFTsResponse
- QueryNFTsResponse is the response type for the Query/NFTs RPC methods
- QueryNFTSupplyByQueryStringRequest
- QuerySupplyByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/Supply RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryNFTSupplyByQueryStringResponse
- QuerySupplyByQueryStringResponse is the response type for the Query/Supply RPC method
- QueryNFTSupplyRequest
- QuerySupplyRequest is the request type for the Query/Supply RPC method
- QueryNFTSupplyResponse
- QuerySupplyResponse is the response type for the Query/Supply RPC method
- QueryOwnerByQueryStringRequest
- QueryOwnerByQueryStringRequest is the request type for the Query/Owner RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryOwnerByQueryStringResponse
- QueryOwnerByQueryStringResponse is the response type for the Query/Owner RPC method Since: nft v0.1.1
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementRequest
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementRequest is the request type for the Query/PacketAcknowledgement RPC method
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementResponse
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementResponse defines the client query response for a packet which also includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementsRequest
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementsRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryPacketCommitments RPC method
- QueryPacketAcknowledgementsResponse
- QueryPacketAcknowledgemetsResponse is the request type for the Query/QueryPacketAcknowledgements RPC method
- QueryPacketCommitmentRequest
- QueryPacketCommitmentRequest is the request type for the Query/PacketCommitment RPC method
- QueryPacketCommitmentResponse
- QueryPacketCommitmentResponse defines the client query response for a packet which also includes a proof and the height from which the proof was retrieved
- QueryPacketCommitmentsRequest
- QueryPacketCommitmentsRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryPacketCommitments RPC method
- QueryPacketCommitmentsResponse
- QueryPacketCommitmentsResponse is the request type for the Query/QueryPacketCommitments RPC method
- QueryPacketReceiptRequest
- QueryPacketReceiptRequest is the request type for the Query/PacketReceipt RPC method
- QueryPacketReceiptResponse
- QueryPacketReceiptResponse defines the client query response for a packet receipt which also includes a proof, and the height from which the proof was retrieved
- QueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest defines the request type for querying x/bank parameters. This message has no fields.
- QueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse defines the response type for querying x/bank parameters.
- QueryPayeeRequest
- QueryPayeeRequest defines the request type for the Payee rpc
- QueryPayeeResponse
- QueryPayeeResponse defines the response type for the Payee rpc
- QueryRedelegationsRequest
- QueryRedelegationsRequest is request type for the Query/Redelegations RPC method.
- QueryRedelegationsResponse
- QueryRedelegationsResponse is response type for the Query/Redelegations RPC method.
- QuerySendEnabledRequest
- QuerySendEnabledRequest defines the RPC request for looking up SendEnabled entries. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QuerySendEnabledResponse
- QuerySendEnabledResponse defines the RPC response of a SendEnable query. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomRequest
- QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomRequest defines the gRPC request structure for querying an account's spendable balance for a specific denom. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomResponse
- QuerySpendableBalanceByDenomResponse defines the gRPC response structure for querying an account's spendable balance for a specific denom. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- QuerySpendableBalancesRequest
- . SpendableBalances queries the spendable balance of all coins for a single account. When called from another module, this query might consume a high amount of gas if the pagination field is incorrectly set. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QuerySpendableBalancesResponse
- QuerySpendableBalancesResponse defines the gRPC response structure for querying an account's spendable balances. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46
- QuerySupplyOfRequest
- QuerySupplyOfRequest is the request type for the Query/SupplyOf RPC method.
- QuerySupplyOfResponse
- QuerySupplyOfResponse is the response type for the Query/SupplyOf RPC method.
- QueryTotalAckFeesRequest
- QueryTotalAckFeesRequest defines the request type for the TotalAckFees rpc
- QueryTotalAckFeesResponse
- QueryTotalAckFeesResponse defines the response type for the TotalAckFees rpc
- QueryTotalEscrowForDenomRequest
- QueryTotalEscrowForDenomRequest is the request type for TotalEscrowForDenom RPC method.
- QueryTotalEscrowForDenomResponse
- QueryTotalEscrowForDenomResponse is the response type for TotalEscrowForDenom RPC method.
- QueryTotalRecvFeesRequest
- QueryTotalRecvFeesRequest defines the request type for the TotalRecvFees rpc
- QueryTotalRecvFeesResponse
- QueryTotalRecvFeesResponse defines the response type for the TotalRecvFees rpc
- QueryTotalSupplyRequest
- QueryTotalSupplyRequest is the request type for the Query/TotalSupply RPC method.
- QueryTotalSupplyResponse
- QueryTotalSupplyResponse is the response type for the Query/TotalSupply RPC method.
- QueryTotalTimeoutFeesRequest
- QueryTotalTimeoutFeesRequest defines the request type for the TotalTimeoutFees rpc
- QueryTotalTimeoutFeesResponse
- QueryTotalTimeoutFeesResponse defines the response type for the TotalTimeoutFees rpc
- QueryUnbondingDelegationRequest
- QueryUnbondingDelegationRequest is request type for the Query/UnbondingDelegation RPC method.
- QueryUnbondingDelegationResponse
- QueryDelegationResponse is response type for the Query/UnbondingDelegation RPC method.
- QueryUnreceivedAcksRequest
- QueryUnreceivedAcks is the request type for the Query/UnreceivedAcks RPC method
- QueryUnreceivedAcksResponse
- QueryUnreceivedAcksResponse is the response type for the Query/UnreceivedAcks RPC method
- QueryUnreceivedPacketsRequest
- QueryUnreceivedPacketsRequest is the request type for the Query/UnreceivedPackets RPC method
- QueryUpgradedClientStateRequest
- QueryUpgradedClientStateRequest is the request type for the Query/UpgradedClientState RPC method
- QueryUpgradedClientStateResponse
- QueryUpgradedClientStateResponse is the response type for the Query/UpgradedClientState RPC method.
- QueryUpgradedConsensusStateRequest
- QueryUpgradedConsensusStateRequest is the request type for the Query/UpgradedConsensusState RPC method
- QueryUpgradedConsensusStateResponse
- QueryUpgradedConsensusStateResponse is the response type for the Query/UpgradedConsensusState RPC method.
- QueryUpgradeErrorRequest
- QueryUpgradeErrorRequest is the request type for the Query/QueryUpgradeError RPC method
- QueryUpgradeErrorResponse
- QueryUpgradeErrorResponse is the response type for the Query/QueryUpgradeError RPC method
- QueryUpgradeRequest
- QueryUpgradeRequest is the request type for the QueryUpgradeRequest RPC method
- QueryUpgradeResponse
- QueryUpgradeResponse is the response type for the QueryUpgradeResponse RPC method
- QueryValidatorDelegationsRequest
- QueryValidatorDelegationsRequest is request type for the Query/ValidatorDelegations RPC method
- QueryValidatorDelegationsResponse
- QueryValidatorDelegationsResponse is response type for the Query/ValidatorDelegations RPC method
- QueryValidatorRequest
- QueryValidatorRequest is response type for the Query/Validator RPC method
- QueryValidatorResponse
- QueryValidatorResponse is response type for the Query/Validator RPC method
- QueryValidatorsRequest
- QueryValidatorsRequest is request type for Query/Validators RPC method.
- QueryValidatorsResponse
- QueryValidatorsResponse is response type for the Query/Validators RPC method
- QueryValidatorUnbondingDelegationsRequest
- QueryValidatorUnbondingDelegationsRequest is required type for the Query/ValidatorUnbondingDelegations RPC method
- QueryValidatorUnbondingDelegationsResponse
- QueryValidatorUnbondingDelegationsResponse is response type for the Query/ValidatorUnbondingDelegations RPC method.
- QueryVerifyMembershipRequest
- QueryVerifyMembershipRequest is the request type for the Query/VerifyMembership RPC method
- QueryVerifyMembershipResponse
- QueryVerifyMembershipResponse is the response type for the Query/VerifyMembership RPC method
- Redelegation
- Redelegation contains the list of a particular delegator's redelegating bonds from a particular source validator to a particular destination validator.
- RedelegationEntry
- RedelegationEntry defines a redelegation object with relevant metadata.
- RedelegationEntryResponse
- RedelegationEntryResponse is equivalent to a RedelegationEntry except that it contains a balance in addition to shares which is more suitable for client responses.
- RedelegationResponse
- RedelegationResponse is equivalent to a Redelegation except that its entries contain a balance in addition to shares which is more suitable for client responses.
- RegisteredInterchainAccount
- RegisteredInterchainAccount contains a connection ID, port ID and associated interchain account address
- Result
- Result is the union of ResponseFormat and ResponseCheckTx.
- SearchTxsResult
- SearchTxsResult defines a structure for querying txs pageable.
- SendEnabled
- SendEnabled maps coin denom to a send_enabled status (whether a denom is sendable).
- SignatureDescriptor
- SignatureDescriptor is a convenience type which represents the full data for a signature including the public key of the signer, signing modes and the signature itself. It is primarily used for coordinating signatures between clients.
- SignatureDescriptorData
- Data represents signature data
- SignatureDescriptorDataMulti
- Multi is the signature data for a multisig public key
- SignatureDescriptorDataSingle
- Multi is the signature data for a multisig public key
- SignatureDescriptors
- SignatureDescriptors wraps multiple SignatureDescriptor's.
- SignDoc
- SignDoc is the type used for generating sign bytes for SIGN_MODE_DIRECT.
- SignDocDirectAux
- SignDocDirectAux is the type used for generating sign bytes for SIGN_MODE_DIRECT_AUX.
- SignedHeader
- SignedMsgType
- SignedMsgType is a type of signed message in the consensus.
- SignerInfo
- SignerInfo describes the public key and signing mode of a single top-level signer.
- SignMode
- SignMode represents a signing mode with its own security guarantees. This enum should be considered a registry of all known sign modes in the Cosmos ecosystem. Apps are not expected to support all known sign modes. Apps that would like to support custom sign modes are encouraged to open a small PR against this file to add a new case to this SignMode enum describing their sign mode so that different apps have a consistent version of this enum.
- SimpleValidator
- SimulateRequest
- Simulate simulates executing a transaction for estimating gas usage.
- SimulateResponse
- SimulateResponse is the response type for the Service.SimulateRPC method.
- SimulationResponse
- SimulationResponse defines the response generated when a transaction is successfully simulated.
- SlashingMsgUnjail
- MsgUnjail defines the Msg/Unjail request type
- SlashingMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- SlashingParams
- Params represents the parameters used for by the slashing module.
- SlashingQueryParamsRequest
- QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method
- SlashingQueryParamsResponse
- QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method
- SlashingQuerySigningInfoRequest
- QuerySigningInfoRequest is the request type for the Query/SigningInfo RPC method
- SlashingQuerySigningInfoResponse
- QuerySigningInfoResponse is the response type for the Query/SigningInfo RPC method
- SlashingQuerySigningInfosRequest
- QuerySigningInfosRequest is the request type for the Query/SigningInfos RPC method
- SlashingQuerySigningInfosResponse
- QuerySigningInfosResponse is the response type for the Query/SigningInfos RPC method
- SlashingValidatorSigningInfo
- ValidatorSigningInfo defines a validator's signing info for monitoring their liveness activity.
- StakingGenesisState
- GenesisState defines the staking module's genesis state.
- StakingMsgUpdateParams
- MsgUpdateParams is the Msg/UpdateParams request type. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- StakingParams
- Params defines the parameters for the x/staking module.
- StakingValidator
- Validator defines a validator, together with the total amount of the Validator's bond shares and their exchange rate to coins. Slashing results in a decrease in the exchange rate, allowing correct calculation of future undelegations without iterating over delegators. When coins are delegated to this validator, the validator is credited with a delegation whose number of bond shares is based on the amount of coins delegated divided by the current exchange rate. Voting power can be calculated as total bonded shares multiplied by exchange rate.
- StreamingSwapStateResponse
- StringEvent
- StringEvent defines en Event object wrapper where all the attributes contain key/value pairs that are strings instead of raw bytes.
- TendermintCryptoProofOp
- ProofOp defines an operation used for calculating Merkle root The data could be arbitrary format, providing nessecary data for example neighbouring node hash
- TendermintMethods
- TendermintProvider
- Facilitates communication with the tendermint by making requests using a provided TendermintProvider.
- TendermintPublicKey
- PublicKey defines the keys available for use with Validators
Response> - Query the application for some information.
- TendermintRequestBlock
- Get Block.
- TendermintRequestBlockByHash
- Get block by hash.
- TendermintRequestBlockchain
- Get block headers (max: 20) for minHeight <= height <= maxHeight.
- TendermintRequestBlockResults
- Block results.
- TendermintRequestBlockSearch
- Search for blocks by BeginBlock and EndBlock events. See /subscribe for the query syntax.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastAbciInfo
- Get info about the application.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastAbciQuery
- Query the application for some information.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastCheckTx
- Checks the transaction without executing it.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastDialPeers
- Add Peers/Persistent Peers
- TendermintRequestBroadcastDialSeeds
- Dial a peer, this route in under unsafe, and has to manually enabled to use
- TendermintRequestBroadcastEvidence
- Broadcast evidence of the misbehavior.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastTxAsync
- Returns right away, with no response. Does not wait for CheckTx nor DeliverTx results.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastTxCommit
- Returns with the responses from CheckTx and DeliverTx.
- TendermintRequestBroadcastTxSync
- Returns with the response from CheckTx. Does not wait for DeliverTx result.
- TendermintRequestCommit
- Get commit results at a specified height
- TendermintRequestConsensusParams
- Get consensus parameters
- TendermintRequestConsensusState
- Get consensus state
- TendermintRequestDetails
- Represents the details of a Tendermint request.
- TendermintRequestDumpConsensusState
- Get consensus state
- TendermintRequestGenesis
- Get Genesis
- TendermintRequestGenesisChunked
- Get Genesis in multiple chunks
- TendermintRequestHealth
- Gets Node Health
- TendermintRequestNetInfo
- Network informations
- TendermintRequestNumUnconfirmedTxs
- Get data about unconfirmed transactions
- TendermintRequestOrderingResponse
RESULT, RESPONSE> - An abstract class representing request parameters for tendermint API calls.
- TendermintRequestParams
- An abstract class representing request parameters for tendermint API calls.
Response> - TendermintRequestStatus
- Node Status
- TendermintRequestSubscribe
- Subscribe for events via WebSocket.
- TendermintRequestTx
- Get transactions by hash
- TendermintRequestTxSearch
- Search for transactions
- TendermintRequestUnconfirmedTxs
- Get the list of unconfirmed transactions
- TendermintRequestUnSubscribe
- Unsubscribe from event on Websocket
- TendermintRequestUnSubscribeAll
- Unsubscribe from all events via WebSocket
- TendermintRequestValidators
- Get validator set at a specified height
- TendermintValidator
- TendermintVersionParams
- VersionParams contains the ABCI application version.
- ThorAsgardInboundAddressesResponse
- ThorBanStatusResponse
- ThorchainAffiliateFeeCollector
- ThorchainAsset
- ThorchainBanVoter
- ThorchainBlame
- ThorchainBondProvider
- ThorchainBondProviders
- ThorchainBondType
- ThorchainChainContract
- ThorchainCoin
- ThorChainContractResponse
- ThorchainErrataTxVoter
- ThorchainEventAddLiquidity
- ThorchainEventBond
- ThorchainEventDonate
- ThorchainEventErrata
- ThorchainEventFee
- ThorchainEventGas
- ThorchainEventLimitOrder
- ThorchainEventLoanOpen
- ThorchainEventMintBurn
- ThorchainEventOutbound
- ThorchainEventPendingLiquidity
- ThorchainEventPool
- ThorchainEventPoolBalanceChanged
- ThorchainEventRefund
- ThorchainEventReserve
- ThorchainEventRewards
- ThorchainEventScheduledOutbound
- ThorchainEventSecurity
- ThorchainEventSetMimir
- ThorchainEventSetNodeMimir
- ThorchainEventSlash
- ThorchainEventSlashPoint
- ThorchainEventStreamingSwap
- ThorchainEventSwap
- ThorchainEventSwitch
- ThorchainEventSwitchV87
- ThorchainEventTHORName
- ThorchainEventTradeAccountDeposit
- ThorchainEventTradeAccountWithdraw
- ThorchainEventTssKeygenFailure
- ThorchainEventTssKeygenMetric
- ThorchainEventTssKeygenSuccess
- ThorchainEventTssKeysignMetric
- ThorchainEventVersion
- ThorchainEventWithdraw
- ThorchainFee
- ThorchainGasPool
- ThorchainJail
- ThorchainKeygen
- ThorchainKeygenBlock
- ThorchainKeygenType
- ThorchainLiquidityProvider
- ThorchainLoan
- ThorchainMinJoinLast
- ThorchainMintBurnSupplyType
- ThorchainMsgAddLiquidity
- ThorchainMsgBan
- ThorchainMsgBond
- ThorchainMsgConsolidate
- ThorchainMsgDeposit
- ThorchainMsgDonate
- ThorchainMsgErrataTx
- ThorchainMsgLeave
- ThorchainMsgLoanOpen
- ThorchainMsgLoanRepayment
- ThorchainMsgManageTHORName
- ThorchainMsgMigrate
- ThorchainMsgMimir
- ThorchainMsgNetworkFee
- ThorchainMsgNodePauseChain
- ThorchainMsgNoOp
- ThorchainMsgObservedTxIn
- ThorchainMsgObservedTxOut
- ThorchainMsgOutboundTx
- ThorchainMsgRagnarok
- ThorchainMsgRefundTx
- ThorchainMsgReserveContributor
- ThorchainMsgSend
- ThorchainMsgSetIPAddress
- ThorchainMsgSetNodeKeys
- ThorchainMsgSetVersion
- ThorchainMsgSolvency
- ThorchainMsgSwap
- ThorchainMsgSwitch
- ThorchainMsgTradeAccountDeposit
- ThorchainMsgTssKeysignFail
- ThorchainMsgTssPool
- ThorchainMsgUnBond
- ThorchainMsgWithdrawLiquidity
- ThorchainMsgYggdrasil
- ThorchainNetwork
- ThorchainNode
- ThorchainNodeAccount
- ThorchainNodeMimir
- ThorchainNodeMimirs
- ThorchainNodePauseChain
- ThorchainNodeStatus
- ThorchainNodeTssTime
- ThorchainNodeType
- ThorchainObservedNetworkFeeVoter
- ThorchainObservedTx
- ThorchainObservedTxVoter
- ThorchainOrderType
- ThorchainPendingLiquidityType
- ThorchainPool
- ThorchainPoolAmt
- ThorchainPoolMode
- ThorchainPoolStatus
- ThorchainProtocolOwnedLiquidity
- ThorchainProtoUint
- ThorchainPubKeySet
- ThorchainRagnarokWithdrawPosition
- ThorchainReserveContributor
- ThorchainSolvencyVoter
- ThorchainStatus
- ThorchainStreamingSwap
- ThorchainSwapperClout
- ThorchainTHORName
- ThorchainTHORNameAlias
- ThorchainTradeAccount
- ThorchainTradeUnit
- ThorchainTssKeygenMetric
- ThorchainTssKeysignFailVoter
- ThorchainTssKeysignMetric
- ThorchainTssVoter
- ThorchainTx
- ThorchainTxOut
- ThorchainTxOutItem
- ThorchainV1Types
- ThorchainVault
- ThorchainVaultStatus
- ThorchainVaultType
- ThorCoinResponse
- ThoreNodeRequestParams
- An abstract class representing request parameters for tendermint API calls.
- ThorLatestBlockResponse
- ThorNetworkStaticsResponse
- ThorNodeMethods
- ThorNodeNetworkConstants
- ThorNodeProvider
- Facilitates communication with the tendermint by making requests using a provided ThorNodeProvider.
- ThorNodeRequesActiveMimirConfiguration
- Returns current active mimir configuration.
- ThorNodeRequesAdminMimirConfiguration
- Returns current admin mimir configuration.
- ThorNodeRequesKeyActiveMimirConfiguration
- Returns current active mimir configuration for the provided key.
- ThorNodeRequesPubkeyKeygenMetrics
- Returns keygen metrics for the provided vault pubkey.
- ThorNodeRequestAddressAssetLiquidityProviderInformation
- Returns the liquidity provider information for an address and asset.
- ThorNodeRequestAddressAssetSaverPosition
- Returns the saver position given then savers pool and address.
- ThorNodeRequestAddressBorrowerSaverPosition
- Returns the borrower position given the pool and address.
- ThorNodeRequestAddressCloutScore
- Returns the clout score of an address
- ThorNodeRequestAsgardInboundAddresses
- Returns the set of asgard addresses that should be used for inbound transactions.
- ThorNodeRequestAssetBorrowersInformation
- Returns all borrowers for the given pool.
- ThorNodeRequestAssetLiquidityProvidersInformation
- Returns all liquidity provider information for an asset..
- ThorNodeRequestAssetPoolInformation
- Returns the pool information for the provided asset
- ThorNodeRequestAssetSaversPosition
- Returns all savers for the savers pool.
- ThorNodeRequestBanStatus
- Returns the ban status for the provided node address.
- ThorNodeRequestBlock
- Returns verbose details of the block.
- ThorNodeRequestChainLatestBlock
- Returns the last block information for the provided chain.
- ThorNodeRequestConstants
- Returns constant configuration, can be overridden by mimir.
- ThorNodeRequestCurrentAsgardVaults
- Returns current asgard vaults.
- ThorNodeRequestCurrentYggdrasilVaults
- Returns current yggdrasil vaults.
- ThorNodeRequestDerivedAssetPoolInformation
- Returns the pool information for the provided derived asset.
- ThorNodeRequestDerivedPools
- Returns the pool information for all derived assets.
- ThorNodeRequestDetails
- Represents the details of a Tendermint request.
- ThorNodeRequestGetTransaction
- Returns the observed transaction for a provided inbound or outbound hash.
- ThorNodeRequestGetTransactionDetails
- Returns the signers for a provided inbound or outbound hash..
- ThorNodeRequestGetTransactionStages
- Returns the processing stages of a provided inbound hash
- ThorNodeRequestGetTransactionStatus
- Returns the observed transaction for a provided inbound or outbound hash.
- ThorNodeRequestInvariant
- Returns result of running the given invariant.
- ThorNodeRequestInvariants
- Returns a list of available invariants.
- ThorNodeRequestKeysign
- Returns keysign information for the provided height - the height being the first block a tx out item appears in the signed-but-unobserved outbound queue.
- ThorNodeRequestLatestBlock
- Returns the last block information for all chains.
- ThorNodeRequestLoanCloseQuote
- Provide a quote estimate for the provided loan close.
- ThorNodeRequestLoanOpenQuote
- Provide a quote estimate for the provided loan open.
- ThorNodeRequestMetrics
- Returns keygen and keysign metrics for current vaults.
- ThorNodeRequestMimirV2
- Returns current mimir V2 configuration.
- ThorNodeRequestMimirV2Ids
- Returns mapping of mimir V2 IDs to name.
- ThorNodeRequestNetworkStatistics
- Returns network overview statistics.
- ThorNodeRequestNodeInformation
- Returns node information for the provided node address.
- ThorNodeRequestNodeMimirConfiguration
- Returns current node mimir configuration for the provided node address.
- ThorNodeRequestNodeMimirVotes
- Returns current node mimir votes.
- ThorNodeRequestNodesInformation
- Returns node information for all registered validators.
RESULT, RESPONSE> - An abstract class representing request parameters for tendermint API calls.
- ThorNodeRequestPing
- ThorNodeRequestPolStatics
- Returns protocol owned liquidity overview statistics..
- ThorNodeRequestPools
- Returns the pool information for all assets.
- ThorNodeRequestPubKeyKeysign
- Returns keysign information for the provided height and pubkey - the height being the block at which a tx out item is scheduled to be signed and moved from the scheduled outbound queue to the outbound queue.
- ThorNodeRequestPubkeyVault
- Returns the vault for the provided pubkey.
- ThorNodeRequestQueue
- Returns all trade accounts for an asset
- ThorNodeRequestQueueOutbound
- ThorNodeRequestQueueScheduled
- Returns the scheduled queue.
- ThorNodeRequestQueueSwap
- Returns the swap queue.
- ThorNodeRequestRagnarok
- Returns a boolean indicating whether the chain is in ragnarok.
- ThorNodeRequestSaverDepositQuote
- Provide a quote estimate for the provided saver deposit.
- ThorNodeRequestSaverWithdrawQuote
- Provide a quote estimate for the provided saver withdraw.
- ThorNodeRequestStreamingSwapsState
- Returns the state of all streaming swaps
- ThorNodeRequestStreamingSwapState
- Returns the state of a streaming swap
- ThorNodeRequestSwapQuote
- Provide a quote estimate for the provided swap.
- ThorNodeRequestTradeAccount
- Returns the units and depth of a trade account
- ThorNodeRequestTradeAccounts
- Returns all trade accounts for an asset
- ThorNodeRequestTradeUnit
- Returns the total units and depth of a trade asset
- ThorNodeRequestTradeUnits
- Returns the total units and depth for each trade asset
- ThorNodeRequestVaultsPubkeys
- Returns all pubkeys for current vaults.
- ThorNodeRequestVersion
- Returns the network's current THORNode version, the network's next THORNode version, and the querier's THORNode version.
- ThorQueueStatisticsResponse
- ThorTradeAccountResponse
- ThorVaultAddressInfoResponse
- ThorVaultInfoResponse
- ThorVaultPubkeysInfoResponse
- ThorVersionResponse
- Tip
- Tip is the tip used for meta-transactions. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.46 deprecated
- Tx
- Tx is the standard type used for broadcasting transactions.
- TXBody
- TxBody is the body of a transaction that all signers sign over.
- TxDecodeAminoRequest
- TxDecodeAminoRequest is the request type for the Service.TxDecodeAmino RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- TxDecodeAminoResponse
- TxDecodeAminoResponse is the response type for the Service.TxDecodeAmino RPC method.
- TxDecodeRequest
- TxDecodeRequest is the request type for the Service.TxDecode RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- TxDecodeResponse
- TxDecodeResponse is the response type for the Service.TxDecode method.
- TxEncodeAminoRequest
- TxEncodeAminoRequest is the request type for the Service.TxEncodeAmino RPC method.
- TxEncodeAminoResponse
- TxEncodeAminoResponse is the response type for the Service.TxEncodeAmino RPC method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- TxEncodeRequest
- TxEncodeRequest is the request type for the Service.TxEncode RPC method.
- TxEncodeResponse
- TxEncodeResponse is the response type for the Service.TxEncode method. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47
- TxMsgData
- TxMsgData defines a list of MsgData. A transaction will have a MsgData object for each message.
- TxProof
- TxProof represents a Merkle proof of the presence of a transaction in the Merkle tree.
- TxRaw
- TxRaw is a variant of Tx that pins the signer's exact binary representation of body and auth_info. This is used for signing, broadcasting and verification. The binary toBuffer() is stored in Tendermint and the hash sha256(toBuffer()) becomes the "txhash", commonly used as the transaction ID.
- TxResponse
- TxResponse defines a structure containing relevant tx data and metadata. The tags are stringified and the log is JSON decoded.
- UnbondingDelegation
- UnbondingDelegation stores all of a single delegator's unbonding bonds for a single validator in an time-ordered list.
- UnbondingDelegationEntry
- UnbondingDelegationEntry defines an unbonding object with relevant metadata.
- UpgradeFields
- UpgradeFields are the fields in a channel end which may be changed during a channel upgrade.
- ValidatorParams
- ValidatorParams restrict the public key types validators can use. NOTE: uses ABCI pubkey naming, not Amino names.
- ValidatorSet
- ValueOp
- VaultPubKeyInfo
- VersionInfo
- VersionInfo is the type for the GetNodeInfoResponse message.
- Vote
- Vote represents a prevote or precommit vote from validators for consensus.
Response> -
Response> -
Response> - TendermintServiceProvider
- A mixin defining the service provider contract for interacting with the tendermint RPC.
- ThorNodeServiceProvider
- A mixin defining the service provider contract for interacting with the tendermint RPC.