cookie_consent library


getCookieConsent({required String category, required String sharedPrefrencesPrefix}) Future<bool>
removeCookieConsent({required String category, required String sharedPrefrencesPrefix}) Future<void>
setCookieConsent({required String category, required String sharedPrefrencesPrefix, required bool value}) Future<void>
showCookieConsent(BuildContext context, {CookieConsentLayout layout = CookieConsentLayout.floatingBottomSheet, String sharedPrefrencesPrefix = defaultCookieConsentSharedPrefrencesPrefix, String title = 'Your privacy', String consent = 'By clicking [acceptallcookies], you agree that we can store cookies ' 'on your device and disclose information in accordance with our [cookiepolicy].', required Uri cookiePolicyUrl, String cookiePolicyLabel = 'Cookie Policy', bool showAcceptNecessary = true, String acceptNecessaryLabel = 'Only necessary cookies', String acceptNecessaryCategoryId = 'necessary', bool showAcceptAll = true, String acceptAllLabel = 'Accept all cookies', bool showCustomize = true, bool? showCustomizeLabel, bool? showCustomizeIcon, String customizeLabel = 'Customize settings', String customizeHeadline = 'Customize your choices', IconData customizeIcon = Icons.settings, bool showRejectAll = false, String rejectAllLabel = 'Reject all cookies', String customizeSaveLabel = 'Confirm my choices', List<CookeConsentCategory>? categories, bool dismissible = true}) → dynamic
showCustomizeCookieConsentDialog(BuildContext context, {required CookieConsentLayout layout, required List<CookeConsentCategory> categories, required bool dismissible, required String acceptNecessaryCategoryId, required String sharedPrefrencesPrefix, required String acceptAllLabel, required bool showAcceptAll, required String customizeSaveLabel, required String customizeHeadline}) → dynamic