
Common convert methods exposed as static extensions method from the Dart core library and the convert package. Base64, ASCII, UTF8, Latin1, JSON, and more.

The convert_extensions package is a collection of extension methods based on the dart:convert core library, the package:convert package by the Dart team, and other conversion methods that are found in the Dart language.

These extension methods make it easier to read and write code that uses conversions is it hides the conversion complexity behind expressive getters and methods.

Encode or decode with UTF8, Base64, JSON (and many more) with a simple and expressive API.

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  • old api is clunky and I had to look up the exact conversion every time I used these...
  • with this package, code reads better, auto complete and IDE support much better
  • todo add good examples, chaining, combinations, etc
  • clarify that it is just extension methods, func comes from either the dart core or convert package




A collection of static extension methods that expose common conversion methods from the Dart core library (dart:convert and others) and the package:convert by the Dart team.
A collection of static extension methods that expose common conversion methods from the Dart core library (dart:convert).
A collection of static extension methods that expose common conversion methods from the Dart core library (expect those from dart:convert).
A collection of static extension methods that expose common conversion methods from the package:convert package by the Dart team.