continuation_token library


Allows light protection of bytes by XOR-ing them with another byte array (secret).


base64UrlNoPad Codec<List<int>, String>
Allows base64 encoding bytes into ASCII strings and decoding valid encodings back to bytes. This is a modified version of Base64Codec in dart:convert, using no URL-safe characters (base64Url) with no padding (the = characters at the end).
continuationTokenCodec Codec<Map<String, dynamic>, String>
The default Codec that uses JSON encoding, without any secret.


jsonContinuationCodec<R>({dynamic secret}) Codec<R, String>
Creates a continuation codec that encodes the values as JSON, UTF-8, XOR (if secret is provided) and URL-safe, no-pad BASE-64 text.
jsonMapContinuationCodec({dynamic secret}) Codec<Map<String, dynamic>, String>
Creates a continuation codec that encodes the values as JSON Objects (Maps), UTF-8, XOR (if secret is provided) and URL-safe, no-pad BASE-64 text.
stringContinuationCodec({dynamic secret}) Codec<String, String>
Creates a continuation codec that encodes the String value as UTF-8, XOR (if secret is provided) and URL-safe, no-pad BASE-64 text.