ConsoleColor enum

The convenient enum of 256 colors for Xterm prompt (console). The color code is equal to the order

Note that the first 16 colors are generally defined by the system or your terminal software.





black → const ConsoleColor

System black

red → const ConsoleColor

System red

green → const ConsoleColor

System green

yellow → const ConsoleColor

System yellow

blue → const ConsoleColor

System blue

magenta → const ConsoleColor

System magenta

cyan → const ConsoleColor

System cyan

white → const ConsoleColor

System white

brightBlack → const ConsoleColor

System bright black

brightRed → const ConsoleColor

System bright red

brightGreen → const ConsoleColor

System bright green

brightYellow → const ConsoleColor

System bright yellow

brightBlue → const ConsoleColor

System bright blue

brightMagenta → const ConsoleColor

System bright magenta

brightCyan → const ConsoleColor

System bright cyan

brightWhite → const ConsoleColor

System bright white

grey0 → const ConsoleColor

#000000 │ rgb(0,0,0)

#00005f │ rgb(0,0,95)

darkBlue → const ConsoleColor

#000087 │ rgb(0,0,135)

blue3 → const ConsoleColor

#0000d7 │ rgb(0,0,215)

blue1 → const ConsoleColor

#0000ff │ rgb(0,0,255)

darkGreen → const ConsoleColor

#005f00 │ rgb(0,95,0)

deepSkyBlue4 → const ConsoleColor

#005faf │ rgb(0,95,175)

dodgerBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#005fd7 │ rgb(0,95,215)

dodgerBlue2 → const ConsoleColor

#005fff │ rgb(0,95,255)

green4 → const ConsoleColor

#008700 │ rgb(0,135,0)

springGreen4 → const ConsoleColor

#00875f │ rgb(0,135,95)

turquoise4 → const ConsoleColor

#008787 │ rgb(0,135,135)

deepSkyBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#0087d7 │ rgb(0,135,215)

dodgerBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#0087ff │ rgb(0,135,255)

darkCyan → const ConsoleColor

#00af87 │ rgb(0,175,135)

lightSeaGreen → const ConsoleColor

#00afaf │ rgb(0,175,175)

deepSkyBlue2 → const ConsoleColor

#00afd7 │ rgb(0,175,215)

deepSkyBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#00afff │ rgb(0,175,255)

green3 → const ConsoleColor

#00d700 │ rgb(0,215,0)

springGreen3 → const ConsoleColor

#00d75f │ rgb(0,215,95)

cyan3 → const ConsoleColor

#00d7af │ rgb(0,215,175)

darkTurquoise → const ConsoleColor

#00d7d7 │ rgb(0,215,215)

turquoise2 → const ConsoleColor

#00d7ff │ rgb(0,215,255)

green1 → const ConsoleColor

#00ff00 │ rgb(0,255,0)

springGreen2 → const ConsoleColor

#00ff5f │ rgb(0,255,95)

springGreen1 → const ConsoleColor

#00ff87 │ rgb(0,255,135)

mediumSpringGreen → const ConsoleColor

#00ffaf │ rgb(0,255,175)

cyan2 → const ConsoleColor

#00ffd7 │ rgb(0,255,215)

cyan1 → const ConsoleColor

#00ffff │ rgb(0,255,255)

purple4 → const ConsoleColor

#5f00af │ rgb(95,0,175)

purple3 → const ConsoleColor

#5f00d7 │ rgb(95,0,215)

blueViolet → const ConsoleColor

#5f00ff │ rgb(95,0,255)

grey37 → const ConsoleColor

#5f5f5f │ rgb(95,95,95)

mediumPurple4 → const ConsoleColor

#5f5f87 │ rgb(95,95,135)

slateBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#5f5fd7 │ rgb(95,95,215)

royalBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#5f5fff │ rgb(95,95,255)

chartreuse4 → const ConsoleColor

#5f8700 │ rgb(95,135,0)

paleTurquoise4 → const ConsoleColor

#5f8787 │ rgb(95,135,135)

steelBlue → const ConsoleColor

#5f87af │ rgb(95,135,175)

steelBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#5f87d7 │ rgb(95,135,215)

cornflowerBlue → const ConsoleColor

#5f87ff │ rgb(95,135,255)

darkSeaGreen4 → const ConsoleColor

#5faf5f │ rgb(95,175,95)

cadetBlue → const ConsoleColor

#5fafaf │ rgb(95,175,175)

skyBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#5fafd7 │ rgb(95,175,215)

chartreuse3 → const ConsoleColor

#5fd700 │ rgb(95,215,0)

seaGreen3 → const ConsoleColor

#5fd787 │ rgb(95,215,135)

aquamarine3 → const ConsoleColor

#5fd7af │ rgb(95,215,175)

mediumTurquoise → const ConsoleColor

#5fd7d7 │ rgb(95,215,215)

steelBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#5fd7ff │ rgb(95,215,255)

seaGreen2 → const ConsoleColor

#5fff5f │ rgb(95,255,95)

seaGreen1 → const ConsoleColor

#5fffaf │ rgb(95,255,175)

darkSlateGray2 → const ConsoleColor

#5fffff │ rgb(95,255,255)

darkRed → const ConsoleColor

#870000 │ rgb(135,0,0)

darkMagenta → const ConsoleColor

#8700af │ rgb(135,0,175)

orange4 → const ConsoleColor

#875f00 │ rgb(135,95,0)

lightPink4 → const ConsoleColor

#875f5f │ rgb(135,95,95)

plum4 → const ConsoleColor

#875f87 │ rgb(135,95,135)

mediumPurple3 → const ConsoleColor

#875fd7 │ rgb(135,95,215)

slateBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#875fff │ rgb(135,95,255)

wheat4 → const ConsoleColor

#87875f │ rgb(135,135,95)

grey53 → const ConsoleColor

#878787 │ rgb(135,135,135)

lightSlateGrey → const ConsoleColor

#8787af │ rgb(135,135,175)

mediumPurple → const ConsoleColor

#8787d7 │ rgb(135,135,215)

lightSlateBlue → const ConsoleColor

#8787ff │ rgb(135,135,255)

yellow4 → const ConsoleColor

#87af00 │ rgb(135,175,0)

darkSeaGreen → const ConsoleColor

#87af87 │ rgb(135,175,135)

lightSkyBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#87afd7 │ rgb(135,175,215)

skyBlue2 → const ConsoleColor

#87afff │ rgb(135,175,255)

chartreuse2 → const ConsoleColor

#87d700 │ rgb(135,215,0)

paleGreen3 → const ConsoleColor

#87d787 │ rgb(135,215,135)

darkSlateGray3 → const ConsoleColor

#87d7d7 │ rgb(135,215,215)

skyBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#87d7ff │ rgb(135,215,255)

chartreuse1 → const ConsoleColor

#87ff00 │ rgb(135,255,0)

lightGreen → const ConsoleColor

#87ff87 │ rgb(135,255,135)

aquamarine1 → const ConsoleColor

#87ffd7 │ rgb(135,255,215)

darkSlateGray1 → const ConsoleColor

#87ffff │ rgb(135,255,255)

deepPink4 → const ConsoleColor

#af005f │ rgb(175,0,95)

mediumVioletRed → const ConsoleColor

#af0087 │ rgb(175,0,135)

darkViolet → const ConsoleColor

#af00d7 │ rgb(175,0,215)

purple → const ConsoleColor

#af00ff │ rgb(175,0,255)

mediumOrchid3 → const ConsoleColor

#af5faf │ rgb(175,95,175)

mediumOrchid → const ConsoleColor

#af5fd7 │ rgb(175,95,215)

darkGoldenrod → const ConsoleColor

#af8700 │ rgb(175,135,0)

rosyBrown → const ConsoleColor

#af8787 │ rgb(175,135,135)

grey63 → const ConsoleColor

#af87af │ rgb(175,135,175)

mediumPurple2 → const ConsoleColor

#af87d7 │ rgb(175,135,215)

mediumPurple1 → const ConsoleColor

#af87ff │ rgb(175,135,255)

darkKhaki → const ConsoleColor

#afaf5f │ rgb(175,175,95)

#afaf87 │ rgb(175,175,135)

grey69 → const ConsoleColor

#afafaf │ rgb(175,175,175)

lightSteelBlue3 → const ConsoleColor

#afafd7 │ rgb(175,175,215)

lightSteelBlue → const ConsoleColor

#afafff │ rgb(175,175,255)

darkOliveGreen3 → const ConsoleColor

#afd75f │ rgb(175,215,95)

darkSeaGreen3 → const ConsoleColor

#afd787 │ rgb(175,215,135)

lightCyan3 → const ConsoleColor

#afd7d7 │ rgb(175,215,215)

lightSkyBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#afd7ff │ rgb(175,215,255)

greenYellow → const ConsoleColor

#afff00 │ rgb(175,255,0)

darkOliveGreen2 → const ConsoleColor

#afff5f │ rgb(175,255,95)

paleGreen1 → const ConsoleColor

#afff87 │ rgb(175,255,135)

darkSeaGreen2 → const ConsoleColor

#afffaf │ rgb(175,255,175)

paleTurquoise1 → const ConsoleColor

#afffff │ rgb(175,255,255)

red3 → const ConsoleColor

#d70000 │ rgb(215,0,0)

deepPink3 → const ConsoleColor

#d70087 │ rgb(215,0,135)

magenta3 → const ConsoleColor

#d700d7 │ rgb(215,0,215)

darkOrange3 → const ConsoleColor

#d75f00 │ rgb(215,95,0)

indianRed → const ConsoleColor

#d75f5f │ rgb(215,95,95)

hotPink3 → const ConsoleColor

#d75f87 │ rgb(215,95,135)

hotPink2 → const ConsoleColor

#d75faf │ rgb(215,95,175)

orchid → const ConsoleColor

#d75fd7 │ rgb(215,95,215)

orange3 → const ConsoleColor

#d78700 │ rgb(215,135,0)

lightSalmon3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7875f │ rgb(215,135,95)

lightPink3 → const ConsoleColor

#d78787 │ rgb(215,135,135)

pink3 → const ConsoleColor

#d787af │ rgb(215,135,175)

plum3 → const ConsoleColor

#d787d7 │ rgb(215,135,215)

violet → const ConsoleColor

#d787ff │ rgb(215,135,255)

gold3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7af00 │ rgb(215,175,0)

lightGoldenrod3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7af5f │ rgb(215,175,95)

tan → const ConsoleColor

#d7af87 │ rgb(215,175,135)

mistyRose3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7afaf │ rgb(215,175,175)

thistle3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7afd7 │ rgb(215,175,215)

plum2 → const ConsoleColor

#d7afff │ rgb(215,175,255)

yellow3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7d700 │ rgb(215,215,0)

khaki3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7d75f │ rgb(215,215,95)

lightYellow3 → const ConsoleColor

#d7d7af │ rgb(215,215,175)

grey84 → const ConsoleColor

#d7d7d7 │ rgb(215,215,215)

lightSteelBlue1 → const ConsoleColor

#d7d7ff │ rgb(215,215,255)

yellow2 → const ConsoleColor

#d7ff00 │ rgb(215,255,0)

darkOliveGreen1 → const ConsoleColor

#d7ff87 │ rgb(215,255,135)

darkSeaGreen1 → const ConsoleColor

#d7ffaf │ rgb(215,255,175)

honeydew2 → const ConsoleColor

#d7ffd7 │ rgb(215,255,215)

lightCyan1 → const ConsoleColor

#d7ffff │ rgb(215,255,255)

red1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff0000 │ rgb(255,0,0)

deepPink2 → const ConsoleColor

#ff005f │ rgb(255,0,95)

deepPink1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff00af │ rgb(255,0,175)

magenta2 → const ConsoleColor

#ff00d7 │ rgb(255,0,215)

magenta1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff00ff │ rgb(255,0,255)

orangeRed1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff5f00 │ rgb(255,95,0)

indianRed1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff5f87 │ rgb(255,95,135)

hotPink → const ConsoleColor

#ff5fd7 │ rgb(255,95,215)

mediumOrchid1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff5fff │ rgb(255,95,255)

darkOrange → const ConsoleColor

#ff8700 │ rgb(255,135,0)

salmon1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff875f │ rgb(255,135,95)

lightCoral → const ConsoleColor

#ff8787 │ rgb(255,135,135)

paleVioletRed1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff87af │ rgb(255,135,175)

orchid2 → const ConsoleColor

#ff87d7 │ rgb(255,135,215)

orchid1 → const ConsoleColor

#ff87ff │ rgb(255,135,255)

orange1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffaf00 │ rgb(255,175,0)

sandyBrown → const ConsoleColor

#ffaf5f │ rgb(255,175,95)

lightSalmon1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffaf87 │ rgb(255,175,135)

lightPink1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffafaf │ rgb(255,175,175)

pink1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffafd7 │ rgb(255,175,215)

plum1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffafff │ rgb(255,175,255)

gold1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffd700 │ rgb(255,215,0)

lightGoldenrod2 → const ConsoleColor

#ffd787 │ rgb(255,215,135)

#ffd7af │ rgb(255,215,175)

mistyRose1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffd7d7 │ rgb(255,215,215)

thistle1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffd7ff │ rgb(255,215,255)

yellow1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffff00 │ rgb(255,255,0)

lightGoldenrod1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffff5f │ rgb(255,255,95)

khaki1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffff87 │ rgb(255,255,135)

wheat1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffffaf │ rgb(255,255,175)

cornSilk1 → const ConsoleColor

#ffffd7 │ rgb(255,255,215)

grey100 → const ConsoleColor

#ffffff │ rgb(255,255,255)

grey3 → const ConsoleColor

#080808 │ rgb(8,8,8)

grey7 → const ConsoleColor

#121212 │ rgb(18,18,18)

grey11 → const ConsoleColor

#1c1c1c │ rgb(28,28,28)

grey15 → const ConsoleColor

#262626 │ rgb(38,38,38)

grey19 → const ConsoleColor

#303030 │ rgb(48,48,48)

grey23 → const ConsoleColor

#3a3a3a │ rgb(58,58,58)

grey27 → const ConsoleColor

#444444 │ rgb(68,68,68)

grey30 → const ConsoleColor

#4e4e4e │ rgb(78,78,78)

grey35 → const ConsoleColor

#585858 │ rgb(88,88,88)

grey39 → const ConsoleColor

#626262 │ rgb(98,98,98)

grey42 → const ConsoleColor

#6c6c6c │ rgb(108,108,108)

grey46 → const ConsoleColor

#767676 │ rgb(118,118,118)

grey50 → const ConsoleColor

#808080 │ rgb(128,128,128)

grey54 → const ConsoleColor

#8a8a8a │ rgb(138,138,138)

grey58 → const ConsoleColor

#949494 │ rgb(148,148,148)

grey62 → const ConsoleColor

#9e9e9e │ rgb(158,158,158)

grey66 → const ConsoleColor

#a8a8a8 │ rgb(168,168,168)

grey70 → const ConsoleColor

#b2b2b2 │ rgb(178,178,178)

grey74 → const ConsoleColor

#bcbcbc │ rgb(188,188,188)

grey78 → const ConsoleColor

#c6c6c6 │ rgb(198,198,198)

grey82 → const ConsoleColor

#d0d0d0 │ rgb(208,208,208)

grey85 → const ConsoleColor

#dadada │ rgb(218,218,218)

grey89 → const ConsoleColor

#e4e4e4 │ rgb(228,228,228)

grey93 → const ConsoleColor

#eeeeee │ rgb(238,238,238)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<ConsoleColor>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.