BaseAuthQuery<T>.usingSocial constructor

  1. String? _provider,
  2. List<String?> args

This constructor uses for creating query for sign in user via social networks or other providers. Different providers contains different count of parameters for authorisation and we can set they to parameter args.

_provider Name of provider. All possible values can be found CubeProvider args Parameters needed to authorisation. CubeProvider.FACEBOOK args0 - Access Token; CubeProvider.TWITTER args0 - Access Token; args1 - Access Token Secret; CubeProvider.FIREBASE_PHONE args0 - ID of project in Firebase Console; args1 - Access Token; CubeProvider.FIREBASE_EMAIL args0 - ID of project in Firebase Console; args1 - Access Token;

Please describe parameters for new Provider here.


BaseAuthQuery.usingSocial(this._provider, List<String?> args) {
  if (_provider == CubeProvider.FACEBOOK ||
      _provider == CubeProvider.TWITTER) {
    this._accessToken = args[0];
    this._accessTokenSecret = args[1];
  } else if (_provider == CubeProvider.FIREBASE_PHONE ||
      _provider == CubeProvider.FIREBASE_EMAIL) {
    this._projectId = args[0];
    this._accessToken = args[1];