getUsersByFilter function

  1. @Deprecated('The API is deprecated due to an update of the GET Users Server API to the V2 version. ' 'Use the `getUsers(Map<String, String> parameters, {RequestPaginator? paginator, RequestSorter? sorter})` function instead.')
Future<PagedResult<CubeUser>?> getUsersByFilter(
  1. RequestFilter filter

Returns users by the custom filter. Possible filters provided by link For example for getting users by ids you can use the next code snippet:

var ids = [22, 33, 44];

var requestFilter = RequestFilter(
  RequestFieldType.NUMBER, "id", QueryRule.IN, ids.join(","));

getUsersByFilter(requestFilter).then((response) {
  var users = response?.items;


    'The API is deprecated due to an update of the GET Users Server API to the V2 version. '
    'Use the `getUsers(Map<String, String> parameters, {RequestPaginator? paginator, RequestSorter? sorter})` function instead.')
Future<PagedResult<CubeUser>?> getUsersByFilter(RequestFilter filter) {
  return GetUsersQuery.byFilter(filter).perform();