getAllUsersByIds function

Future<PagedResult<CubeUser>?> getAllUsersByIds(
  1. Set<int> ids, {
  2. RequestPaginator? paginator,
  3. RequestSorter? sorter,

ids - the set of ids of users you want to get paginator - the instance of the helper class RequestPaginator that is representing the pagination parameters in the request. Note: the should start from 0. sorter - the instance of the helper class RequestSorter that is representing the sorting parameters in the request. The example can be var sorter = RequestSorter.desc('created_at');


Future<PagedResult<CubeUser>?> getAllUsersByIds(Set<int> ids,
    {RequestPaginator? paginator, RequestSorter? sorter}) {
  return GetUsersV2Query(
    {'$FILTER_ID[${QueryRule.IN}]': ids},
    paginator: paginator,
    sorter: sorter,