ConnectionManagerStub<E extends Decodable> class



ConnectionManagerStub({int? responseStatusCode, bool awaitResponse = true, E decodeErrorFromMap(int statusCode, Map<String, dynamic> data)?, int? mapStatusCodeFromResponse(Map<String, dynamic>? data)?, Future<String?> onTokenExpired()?, void onResponseReceived(Response response)?, bool returnCatchedErrorMessage = true})


awaitResponse bool
baseUrl String
The base url for all the API calls
getter/setter pairinherited
client → Client?
If set, overrides the default http client for API calls
constantHeaders Map<String, String>
Headers for the API requests that are not supposed to change for different API calls.
decodeErrorFromMap → E Function(int statusCode, Map<String, dynamic> data)?
A function to decode an error body received from an API call can be eventually provided. The E type must extend Decodable.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, String>
The headers used for the API call
no setterinherited
mapStatusCodeFromResponse int? Function(Map<String, dynamic>? data)?
By default, the response of doApiRequest method has the status code retrieved by the http header. Sometimes, this status code is overridden by a code in the response body. You can use this method to map that code from body and use it to override the http status code.
onResponseReceived → void Function(Response response)?
A function fired, if not null, when the doApiRequest method receives a response from the BE. This can be useful to manage broadly a http.Response the same way for every api call.
onTokenExpired Future<String?> Function()?
A function fired when the http client gives a 401 response after an API call. It is used to refresh the auth token, if set, and after returning the new token the ConnectionManager will attempt the API call once again.
onTokenExpiredRuleOverride bool Function(Response response)?
This method can be used in combination with onTokenExpired to define a custom rule to trigger the onTokenExpired method. By default, onTokenExpired is fired when the http response has a 401 status code. Eventually, this rule can be expanded thanks to this method.
persistCookies bool
If true, creates a persistent instance of a cookie manager to be used for all the API calls done with this ConnectionManager. Defaluts to false.
returnCatchedErrorMessage bool
Specify if the error message coming from the try-catch block in doApiRequest should be returned in the response (i.e. decoding errors). Default to true.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
timeout Duration
Specify the timeout for all the API calls done with this ConnectionManager. Defaults to 1 minute.


changeBaseUrl(String newBaseUrl) → void
Call this method to change the base url of the ConnectionManager.
doApiRequest<T extends Decodable>({ApiRequestType requestType = ApiRequestType.get, required String endpoint, ApiBodyType bodyType = ApiBodyType.json, Map<String, String>? headers, Map<String, String>? query, Object? body, T decodeContentFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> data)?, dynamic filterMapResponseToDecodeContent(Map<String, dynamic> data)?, E decodeErrorFromMapOverride(int statusCode, Map<String, dynamic> data)?, bool unescapeHtmlCodes = false, bool tryRefreshToken = true, bool useUtf8Decoding = false, Duration? timeout, bool? persistCookies, void uploadPercentage(int)?, bool validateStatus(int)?, void downloadProgress(int, int, int)?, CancelToken? cancelToken}) Future<APIResponse<T, E>>
This method is used to generate an API request. It returns a Future to await with a APIResponse with some useful attributes from http response.
getResponse({required ApiRequestType requestType, required String url, required Map<String, String> headersForApiRequest, ApiBodyType bodyType = ApiBodyType.json, Object? body, required Duration timeout, Map<String, String>? query, required bool persistCookies, void uploadPercentage(int p1)?, bool validateStatus(int p1)?, void downloadProgress(int p1, int p2, int p3)?, required Client httpClient, CancelToken? cancelToken}) Future<Response>
mockResponse({required String responseJsonPath, int statusCode = 200}) Future<String>
mockResponseStatus({int statusCode = 200}) ConnectionManagerStub<Decodable>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeAuthHeader() → void
Deletes the auth header from headers
setAuthHeader(String token) → void
Call this method to add or reset an Authorization header after creating the ConnectionManager.
setSharedHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, {bool override = false}) → void
Call this method to add new headers to the Connection Manager to be used for all the API calls toghether with constantHeaders passed to the constructor.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.