complex_num library

Support for doing something awesome.

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Complex<T extends num, E extends num>
Representation of Dart imaginary numbers containing complex specific constants and operations and specializations of operations


abs(Complex<num, num> complex) double
the distance between the origin (0,0) and the complex in the complex plane returns Infinity if one of the complex values if Infinity returns NaN if one of the complex values if NaN.
acos(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the arc cosine of complex. There are two branch cuts: One extends right from 1 along the real axis to ∞, continuous from below. The other extends left from -1 along the real axis to -∞, continuous from above.
acosh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of complex. There is one branch cut, extending left from 1 along the real axis to -∞, continuous from above.
asin(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the arc sine of complex. This has the same branch cuts as acos.
asinh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of complex. There are two branch cuts: One extends from 1i along the imaginary axis to ∞i, continuous from the right. The other extends from -1i along the imaginary axis to -∞i, continuous from the left.
atan(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the arc tangent of complex. There are two branch cuts: One extends from 1i along the imaginary axis to ∞i, continuous from the right. The other extends from -1i along the imaginary axis to -∞i, continuous from the left.
atanh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of complex. There are two branch cuts: One extends from 1 along the real axis to ∞, continuous from below. The other extends from -1 along the real axis to -∞, continuous from above.
cos(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the cosine of complex.
cosh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the hyperbolic cosine of complex.
exp(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return e raised to the power complex, where e is the base of natural logarithms.
log(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
returns the natural logarithm of complex. There is one branch cut, from 0 along the negative real axis to -∞, continuous from above.
log10(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the base-10 logarithm of complex. This has the same branch cut as log.
phase(Complex<num, num> complex) double
the angle to the real axis of a line drawn from the point of origin (real,imaginary) returns NaN if one of complex values is NaN.
polar(Complex<num, num> complex) List<num>
combination of modulus abs and argument phase.
rect<R extends num, I extends num>(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<R, I>
Return the complex number complex with polar coordinates abs and phase.
sin(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the sine of complex.
sinh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the hyperbolic sine of complex.
sqrt(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the square root of complex. This has the same branch cut as log.
tan(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the tangent of complex.
tanh(Complex<num, num> complex) Complex<num, num>
Return the hyperbolic tangent of complex.