fromWallet static method

Future<RequestDidPowerUp> fromWallet({
  1. required Wallet wallet,
  2. required String pairwiseDid,
  3. required List<StdCoin> amount,
  4. required CommercioRSAPrivateKey privateKey,
  5. Client? client,

Creates a RequestDidPowerUpHelper from the given wallet, pairwiseDid, amount and privateKey


static Future<RequestDidPowerUp> fromWallet({
  required Wallet wallet,
  required String pairwiseDid,
  required List<StdCoin> amount,
  required CommercioRSAPrivateKey privateKey,
  http.Client? client,
}) async {
  // Get the timestamp
  final timestamp =;
  final senderDid = wallet.bech32Address;

  // Build and sign the signature
  final signedSignatureHash = SignHelper.signPowerUpSignature(
    senderDid: senderDid,
    pairwiseDid: pairwiseDid,
    timestamp: timestamp,
    rsaPrivateKey: privateKey,

  // Build the payload
  final payload = DidPowerUpRequestPayload(
    senderDid: senderDid,
    pairwiseDid: pairwiseDid,
    timestamp: timestamp,
    signature: base64Encode(signedSignatureHash),

  // =============
  // Encrypt proof
  // =============

  // Generate an AES-256 key
  final aesKey = await KeysHelper.generateAesKey();

  // Encrypt the payload
  final encryptedProof = EncryptionHelper.encryptStringWithAesGCM(

  // =================
  // Encrypt proof key
  // =================

  // Encrypt the key using the Tumbler public RSA key
  final rsaPubTkKey = await EncryptionHelper.getGovernmentRsaPubKey(
    client: client,
  final encryptedProofKey =
      EncryptionHelper.encryptBytesWithRsa(aesKey, rsaPubTkKey.publicKey);

  // Build the RequestDidPowerUp
  return RequestDidPowerUp(
    claimantDid: senderDid,
    amount: amount,
    powerUpProof: base64Encode(encryptedProof),
    uuid: const Uuid().v4(),
    encryptionKey: base64Encode(encryptedProofKey),