fromWallet static method

CommercioDocReceipt fromWallet({
  1. required Wallet wallet,
  2. required String recipient,
  3. required String txHash,
  4. required String documentId,
  5. String? proof,

Build a CommercioDocReceipt from the given wallet, recipient, txHash, documentId and an optional proof.

The txHash is the transaction in the blockchain that contains the CommercioDoc that you want to generate a recepit for. You can get the recipient, that is, the CommercioDoc sender and the documentId from the transaction data.

The proof should be some kind of agreeded method between the CommercioDoc sender and receivers that the documen has been read.


static CommercioDocReceipt fromWallet({
  required Wallet wallet,
  required String recipient,
  required String txHash,
  required String documentId,
  String? proof,
}) {
  return CommercioDocReceipt(
    uuid: const Uuid().v4(),
    senderDid: wallet.bech32Address,
    recipientDid: recipient,
    txHash: txHash,
    documentUuid: documentId,
    proof: proof,