entities/export library
- BurnCcc
- Contains the data to burn previously minteted CCC.
- BuyMembership
- Contains the data related to a membership buying.
- ByteBuffer
- A sequence of bytes underlying a typed data object.
- ByteData
- A fixed-length, random-access sequence of bytes that also provides random and unaligned access to the fixed-width integers and floating point numbers represented by those bytes.
- BytesBuilder
- Builds a list of bytes, allowing bytes and lists of bytes to be added at the end.
- CommercioDoc
- Contains all the data related to a document that is sent to the chain when a user wants to share a document with another user.
- CommercioDocChecksum
- CommercioDocEncryptionData
- CommercioDocEncryptionDataKey
- CommercioDocMetadata
- CommercioDocMetadataSchema
- CommercioDocReceipt
- Represents a document receipt that indicates that the document having the given documentUuid present inside the transaction with has txHash and sent by recipientDid has been received from the senderDid.
- CommercioDoSign
- CommercioECPrivateKey
- Wrapper of the pointyCastle ECPrivateKey
- CommercioECPublicKey
- Wrapper of the pointyCastle ECPublicKey
P extends CommercioPublicKey, S extends CommercioPrivateKey> - An asymmetric pair of public and private asymmetric keys
- CommercioPrivateKey
- Represents a generic asymmetric private key
- CommercioPublicKey
- Represents a generic asymmetric public key
- CommercioRSAPrivateKey
- Wrapper of the pointyCastle RSAPrivateKey
- CommercioRSAPublicKey
- Wrapper of the pointyCastle RSAPublicKey
- DidDocument
- Commercio network's did document is described here: https://scw-gitlab.zotsell.com/Commercio.network/Cosmos-application/blob/master/Commercio%20Decentralized%20ID%20framework.md
- DidDocumentProof
- Contains the data of the proof that makes sure the user has properly signed the Did Document contents with his authentication key so that he can guarantee that he is the real controller of the Did Document itself.
- DidDocumentProofSignatureContent
- DidDocumentPublicKey
- Contains the data of public key contained inside a Did document.'
- DidDocumentService
- Contains the data of a service that can accept the Did Document as authentication method or something else.
- DidPowerUpRequestPayload
- Represents the payload that should be put inside a MsgRequestDidPowerUp message.
- Ed25519HdKey
- Implementation of ED25519 private key derivation from master private key
- Ed25519PublicKey
- Wrapper of the Ed25519_hd_key
- Endian
- Endianness of number representation.
- ExchangeTradePosition
- Float32List
- A fixed-length list of IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Float32x4
- Float32x4 immutable value type and operations.
- Float32x4List
- A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Float64List
- A fixed-length list of IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Float64x2
- Float64x2 immutable value type and operations.
- Float64x2List
- A fixed-length list of Float64x2 numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int16List
- A fixed-length list of 16-bit signed integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int32List
- A fixed-length list of 32-bit signed integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int32x4
- Int32x4 and operations.
- Int32x4List
- A fixed-length list of Int32x4 numbers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int64List
- A fixed-length list of 64-bit signed integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Int8List
- A fixed-length list of 8-bit signed integers.
- InviteUser
- Contains the data related to invite a new user to join the system.
- MintCcc
- MsgBurnCcc
- Represents the transaction message that must be used to burn previously minteted CCC
- MsgBuyMembership
- Represents the transaction message that must be used when wanting to buy a membership.
- MsgInviteUser
- Represents the transaction message that must be used when wanting to invite a new user to join the system and being recognized as his invitee. After doing so, if the invited user buys a membership, you will be able to get a reward based on your current membership and the type he has bought.
- MsgMintCcc
- Represents the transaction message that must be used to mint CCC
- MsgRequestDidPowerUp
- Represents the transaction message that should be used when asking for a private Did power up.
- MsgRewardPoolDeposit
- Represents the transaction message that must be used when wanting to deposit into reward pool.
- MsgSendDocumentReceipt
- Message that should be used when wanting to send a document receipt transaction.
- MsgSetDidDocument
- Message that must be used when setting a Did document.
- Represents the transaction message that must be used when wanting to share a document from one user to another one.
- NodeInfo
- NodeInfoApplicationVersion
- NodeInfoOther
- NodeInfoProtocolVersion
- NodeInfoResponse
- RequestDidPowerUp
- Contains the data related to a Did PowerUp that is requested by a user.
- RewardPoolDeposit
- Contains the data related to a reward pool deposit .
- TypedData
- A typed view of a sequence of bytes.
E> - A TypedData fixed-length List-view on the bytes of buffer.
- Uint16List
- A fixed-length list of 16-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Uint32List
- A fixed-length list of 32-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Uint64List
- A fixed-length list of 64-bit unsigned integers that is viewable as a TypedData.
- Uint8ClampedList
- A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers.
- Uint8List
- A fixed-length list of 8-bit unsigned integers.