partialRight<T1, T2, R> function

UnaryFun<T1, R> partialRight<T1, T2, R>(
  1. BinaryFun<T1, T2, R> f,
  2. T2 b

Returns a partial applied version of function f, in a right-to-left manner.

It holds the function f and an argument b, returns a new function, which accepts an argument a, when applied, it returns the result of f(a, b). For example:

final subtract = (num a, num b) => a - b;
final subtract2 = partialRight(subtract, 2);
final subtractBy2 = partial(subtract, 2);
subtract2(3); // => (3 - 2) => 1
subtractBy2(3); // => (2 - 3) => -1

See Parital Application & Currying


UnaryFun<T1, R> partialRight<T1, T2, R>(BinaryFun<T1, T2, R> f, T2 b) =>
    (a) => f(a, b);