all library


An empty IntRange, which contains no value.
A range of values of type int, and it also represents an arithmetic progression.
An arithmetic progression.
Range<T extends num>
Represents a range of numbers.


DoubleRangeExt on double
Add range extensions to double.
IntRangeExt on int
Add range extensions to int.
IterableExt on Iterable<E>?
Extensions to Iterables
MapExt on Map<K, V>?
Extensions to Maps
NumericIterableExt on Iterable<E>?
Extensions to numeric iterables.
NumRangeExt on num
Add range extensions to num.


add<T extends num>(T a, T b) → T
Function-styled arithmetic operator +
divide<T extends num>(T a, T b) double
Function-styled arithmetic operator /
divideTruncated<T extends num>(T a, T b) int
Function-styled arithmetic operator ~/
mapFromList<K, V>(Iterable pairs) Map<K, V>
Create a Map from a list of key, value... pairs, if the list has an odd length, the last entry of the resulted map will has a null value.
mapFromPairs<K, V>(Iterable<Tuple2<K, V>> pairs) Map<K, V>
Create a Map from a list of Tuple2s, which provides key/value pairs.
multiply<T extends num>(T a, T b) → T
Function-styled arithmetic operator *
partial<T1, T2, R>(BinaryFun<T1, T2, R> f, T1 a) → UnaryFun<T2, R>
Returns a partial applied version of function f.
partialRight<T1, T2, R>(BinaryFun<T1, T2, R> f, T2 b) → UnaryFun<T1, R>
Returns a partial applied version of function f, in a right-to-left manner.
subtract<T extends num>(T a, T b) → T
Function-styled arithmetic operator -