coinlib library
A dart library for Peercoin using secp256k1 with corss-platform support
- Address
- Base class for all addresses. Encoded addresses for sub-classes are provided via the toString() method.
- Base58Address
- Base class for all addresses that use base58: P2PKHAddress and P2SHAddress.
- Bech32
- Encapsules 5-bit words that can be bech32 encoded and decoded. The 5-bit words may need to be further converted into the required data.
- Bech32Address
- Base class for addresses that use bech32: P2WPKHAddress and P2WSHAddress. Unknown witness programs are encoded via UnknownWitnessAddress.
- BytesReader
- Reads serialized data from a Uint8List. Throws an OutOfData exception if there is not enough data to read. If there is an error, the offset may be different than before.
- BytesWriter
- Writes serialized data to a Uint8List. Throws an OutOfData exception if there is not enough space in the bytes to write to.
- CoinSelection
- Represents a selection of inputs to fund a transaction. If the inputs provide sufficient value to cover the ouputs and fee for a transaction that isn't too large, ready shall be true and it is possible to obtain a signable transaction.
- CoinUnit
- Objects of this class represent a coin denomination with a given number of decimals. Use coin for whole coins with 6 decimal places and sats for the smallest unit with no decimal places.
- ECDSAInputSignature
- Encapsulates an ECDSA signature and hashType for inclusion in an Input.
- ECDSARecoverableSignature
- An ECDSARecoverableSignature is similar to an ECDSASignature but contains an additional byte that encodes a "recid" and compression flag that allows for the public key to be recovered from the message hash and signature.
- ECDSASignature
- ECPrivateKey
- Represents an ECC private key for use with the secp256k1 curve
- ECPublicKey
- Represents an ECC public key on the secp256k1 curve that has an associated private key
- HDKey
- HDPrivateKey
- Represents a private key with a chain code that can derive BIP32 keys.
- HDPublicKey
- Input
- The base class for all inputs, providing the Input.match factory constructor to determine the appropriate subclass from a RawInput
- InputCandidate
- A candidate input to spend a UTXO with the UTXO value
- InputSignature
- The base for input signatures that carry a hashType.
- LegacyInput
- Inputs that are not witness inputs: P2PKHInput and P2SHMultisigInput.
- LegacySignatureHasher
- Produces signature hashes for legacy non-witness inputs.
- LegacyWitnessInput
- Represents v0 witness program inputs
- MagicHash
- MeasureWriter
- Measures the serialized size of data written to it without writing to a Uint8List
- MessageSignature
- Encapsulates a signature for messages that are encoded to base-64. The base-64 representation can be obtained via toString().
- MultisigProgram
- Network
- NUMSPublicKey
- A "nothing up my sleeve" ECPublicKey that is created from a point with no known private key and tweaked with a scalar value named rTweak. The key is reproduceable from this scalar using fromRTweak(). Any of these keys have no known associted private key. Sharing the rTweak allows others to verify this. These keys can be used as Taproot internal keys where no key-path spending is desired.
- OutPoint
- Reference to an Output by transaction hash and index
- Output
- A transaction output that carries a value and program specifying how the value can be spent.
- Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash program taking a 20-byte public key hash that can satisfy this script with a signature.
- P2PKHAddress
- P2PKHInput
- An input for a Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash output (P2PKH). This contains the public key that should match the hash in the associated output. It is either signed or unsigned. The sign method can be used to sign the input with the corresponding ECPrivateKey or a signature can be added without checks using addSignature.
- P2SH
- Pay-to-Script-Hash program taking a 20-byte script hash for a redeem script.
- P2SHAddress
- P2SHMultisigInput
- An input for a Pay-to-Script-Hash output (P2SH) with a multisig redeemScript and any number of required signatures. It can be signed with one of the associated ECPrivateKey objects using sign or an existing signature can be inserted with insertSignature.
- P2TR
- Pay-to-Taproot program taking a 32-byte Taproot tweaked key.
- P2TRAddress
- P2Witness
- Arbitrary witness program
- Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash program taking a 20-byte public key hash that can satisfy this script with a signature provided as witness data.
- P2WPKHAddress
- P2WPKHInput
- An input for a Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash output (P2WPKH). This contains the public key that should match the hash in the associated output. It is either signed or unsigned. The sign method can be used to sign the input with the corresponding ECPrivateKey or a signature can be added without checks using addSignature. Signature and public key data is stored in the witness data.
- Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash program taking a 32-byte script hash for a witness script whereby the witness script and other push data is to be provided as witness data.
- P2WSHAddress
- PKHInput
- A mixin for Public Key Hash input types, providing the ECPublicKey and ECDSAInputSignature required in these inputs.
- Program
- An interface for programs that wrap a Script with associated functionality. This is seperated from the Script class to present high-level abstractions.
- RawInput
- A transaction input without any associated witness data that acts as the base for all other inputs as all inputs include a outpoint, script and sequence number.
- RawProgram
- A program that is not recognised and merely wraps a Script.
- SchnorrInputSignature
- Encapsulates a Schnorr signature and hashType for inclusion in a Taproot input.
- SchnorrSignature
- Script
- ScriptOp
- Represents a single operation or script pushdata
- ScriptOpCode
- Represents a ScriptOp that is an op code
- ScriptPushData
- Represents a ScriptOp that is a pushdata
- ScriptPushDataMatcher
- Provides comparison with ScriptPushData of a particular size.
- SigHashType
- Encapsulates the signature hash type to be used for an input signature. Signatures may sign different output and inputs to allow for transaction modifications. To sign an entire transaction the all constructor should be used.
- TapBranch
- Takes two child nodes within the MAST tree.
- TapLeaf
- A leaf in the MAST tree representing the Tapscript script.
- TapNode
- A node in the MAST tree, either a TapBranch or TapLeaf.
- Taproot
- This class encapsulates the construction of Taproot tweaked keys given an internal key and MAST consisting of Tapscript leaves constructed with TapBranch and TapLeaf objects.
- TaprootInput
- Represents v1 Taproot program inputs
- TaprootKeyInput
- A TaprootInput which spends using the key-path
- TaprootScriptInput
- A TaprootInput which spends using the script-path for 0xc0 version Tapscripts. There is no signing logic and sign() is not implemented. Subclasses should handle signing. createScriptSignature can be used to create signatures as necessary. Insertion of signatures and other data can be done manually via updateStack. These signatures must be handled by the consumer and will not be filtered upon a transaction update.
- TaprootSignatureHasher
- Produces signature hashes for taproot inputs
- Transaction
- Allows construction and signing of Peercoin transactions including those with witness data.
- UnknownWitnessAddress
- This address type is for all bech32 addresses that do not match known witness versions.
- Encapsulates a ECPrivateKey and version that can be encoded or decoded in the Wallet Import Format (WIF). toString can be used to obtain the encoded WIF string.
- WitnessInput
- The base-class for all witness inputs
- WitnessSignatureHasher
- Produces signature hashes for non-taproot witness inputs
- alphabet → String
→ Map<
int, String> -
→ Map<
String, int> -
String b58) → Uint8List - Decodes a checksumed base58 string. This will throw a InvalidBase58 exception if the base58 encoding is invalid, or InvalidBase58Checksum if the checksum is wrong.
Uint8List data) → String - Encodes a checksumed base58 string
Uint8List a, Uint8List b) → bool - Determines if two Uint8List lists are equal
Uint8List bytes) → String -
Uint8List bytes, int length, {String name = "Bytes"}) → Uint8List -
Throws an ArgumentError if the
are not of the requiredlength
and returns thebytes
. -
Uint8List a, Uint8List b) → int - Compares two Uint8List bytes from the left-most to right-most byte. If all bytes are the same apart from one list being longer, the shortest list comes first.
List< int> data, int from, int to, bool pad) → List<int> ? -
from "from
" bits to "to
" bits with optional padding (pad
). Returns the new data or null if conversion was not possible. Used to convert to and from the 5-bit words for bech32. -
Uint8List bytes, int length, {String name = "Bytes"}) → Uint8List -
Throws an ArgumentError if the
are not of the requiredlength
and returns a copy of thebytes
. -
int size) → Uint8List - Generates random bytes using a CSPRNG Tested with the ent command
String tag) → Uint8List Function(Uint8List msg) -
Uint8List msg) → Uint8List -
String hex) → Uint8List -
Uint8List key, Uint8List msg) → Uint8List -
String hrp) → bool - Returns true if a bech32 hrp uses valid characters.
T> (List< T> list, T element) → List<T> -
) → Future< void> -
Uint8List msg) → Uint8List -
Uint8List msg) → Uint8List
Exceptions / Errors
- BadAmountString
- Thrown when a number does not match the expected format for a given CoinUnit.
- CannotSignInput
- InsufficientFunds
- InvalidAddress
- InvalidAddressNetwork
- InvalidBase58
- InvalidBase58Checksum
- InvalidBech32
- InvalidBech32Checksum
- InvalidECDSARecoverableSignature
- InvalidECDSASignature
- InvalidHDKey
- InvalidHDKeyVersion
- InvalidInputSignature
- InvalidPrivateKey
- InvalidPublicKey
- InvalidSchnorrSignature
- InvalidScriptAsm
- InvalidTransaction
- InvalidWif
- NoProgramMatch
- Thrown when a script doesn't match the program being constructed
- OutOfData
- Thrown when attempting to read or write beyond the boundary of data
- PushDataNotMinimal
- TransactionTooLarge
- WifVersionMismatch