coinbase_exchange library
- Account
- A class to manage account information.
- AccountsClient
- A Client that helps manage accounts and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- AccountsRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage accounts and returns http.Response objects.
- Activate
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient which is returned when a stop order is placed.
- Auction
- The auction channel will send information about the auction while the product is in auction mode.
- Candle
- An object which reflects the price fluctuations of a product over a certain time period.
- Change
- An object which is returned by the WebsocketClient when an order has changed.
- Client
- A base class for clients which return coinbase_exchange objects basically it just contains helper functions.
- CoinbaseAccountsClient
- A Client that helps manage accounts on NOT coinbase pro and returns coinbase_exchange objects
- CoinbaseAccountsRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage accounts on NOT coinbase pro and returns http.Response objects.
- CoinbasePriceOracleClient
- A Client that helps manage the coinbase price oracle and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- CoinbasePriceOracleRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage the coinbase price oracle and returns http.Response objects.
- Conversion
- An object which reflects having converted funds from one currency to another.
- ConversionsClient
- A Client that helps manage currency conversions and returns coinbase_exchange objects
- ConversionsRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage currency conversions and returns http.Response objects.
- CryptoAddress
- A one time crypto address for depositing crypto.
- CurrenciesClient
- A Client that helps manage currencies and returns coinbase_exchange objects
- CurrenciesRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage currencies and returns http.Response objects.
- Currency
- An object carrying information about a currency.
- CurrencyDetails
- Details about a particular Currency object.
- Done
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient which indicates that an order is no longer on the book.
- Fees
- An object representing a user's fees.
- FeesClient
- A Client that helps manage fees and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- FeesRestClient
A RestClient that helps manage fees and returns
objects. - Fill
- An object reflecting the fulfillment of part or whole of an order.
- Heartbeat
- An object returned once per second by the WebsocketClient for a particular product.
- Hold
- An object which reflects any active orders or pending withdraw requests.
- L2update
- The changes property of l2updates is an array with [side, price, size] tuples. The time property of l2update is the time of the event as recorded by our trading engine. Please note that size is the updated size at that price level, not a delta. A size of "0" indicates the price level can be removed.
- LedgerEntry
- An entry in the ledger of an account.
- Match
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient that indicates a trade occurred between two orders.
- Open
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient which indicates that the order is now open on the order book.
- Order
- An an object which contains information about an order.
- OrderBook
- The order book for a product.
- OrdersClient
- A Client that helps manage orders and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- OrdersRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage orders and returns http.Response objects.
T, U> - A class to help manage pagination without having to interact with http headers.
- Params
- The parameters of a Report object.
- PaymentMethod
- An object which contains information about a transfer of funds.
- PaymentMethodFiatAccount
- An object which contains information about fiat accounts for payment methods
- PaymentMethodLimits
- An object which contains information about limits for payment methods
- PaymentMethodPickerData
- An object which contains information about picker data
- PickerDataBalance
- An object which contains information about picker data balance
- Preferences
- The preferences of a User.
- Product
- A product object such as BTC or ETH.
- ProductsClient
- A Client that helps manage products and returns coinbase_exchange objects
- ProductsRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage products and returns http.Response objects
- ProductStats
- Profile
- A user's profile information.
- ProfilesClient
- A Client that helps manage profiles and returns coinbase_exchange objects
- ProfilesRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage profiles and returns http.Response objects
- Received
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient that indicates a valid order has been received and is now active.
- Report
- An object which contains information about reports.
- ReportsClient
- A Client that helps manage reports and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- ReportsRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage reports and returns http.Response objects.
- RestClient
- An abstract class for clients which return http.Response objects
- SignedPrices
- A cryptographically signed price ready to be posted on-chain using Compound's Open Oracle smart contract.
- Snapshot
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient when subscribed to the level2 channel.
- Stats
- The 30day and 24hour stats for a product.
- Status
- An object returned by the WebsocketClient which reflects all products and currencies on a preset interval.
- StreamTicker
- A ticker returned by the WebsocketClient which provides real-time price updates every time a match happens.
- SubscribedChannel
- An object which contains information about an individually subscribed channel.
- Subscriptions
- The first message recieved when subscribing to a channel with the WebsocketClient.
- Ticker
- A snapshot information about the last trade (tick), best bid/ask and 24h volume.
- Trade
- A trade for a given product.
- TradeList
- An object which manages a list of trades in an interval for a given product.
- Transaction
- A transaction (withdrawal or deposit) object.
- Transfer
- A transfer object
- TransferDetails
- A transfer object
- TransfersClient
- A Client that helps manage transfers and returns coinbase_exchange objects.
- TransfersRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage transfers and returns http.Response objects.
- User
- Information about a user.
- UsersClient
- A Client that helps manage users.
- UsersRestClient
- A RestClient that helps manage users.
- Wallet
- A wallet object for accounts.
- WebsocketClient
- A client to connect to the coinbase exchange websocket feed.
- WebsocketError
- An simple error class for WebsocketClient errors.
- WebsocketResponse
- An abstract class for websocket responses to inherit from.
- ChannelEnum
- Websocket channel enum.
- GranularityEnum
- Granularity of candles.
- LevelEnum
- Specify which level of information is wanted for a product.
- OrderEnum
- Order type enum.
- ReasonEnum
- Reason why something is done.
- SideEnum
- Buy or sell enum.
- StatusEnum
- Status of an Order.
- TransferEnum
- Transfer type enum.
- ChannelExtension on ChannelEnum
- Convert websocket channel enum to corresponding string.
- GranularityExtension on GranularityEnum
- Convert GranularityEnum to corresponding integer.
- LevelExtension on LevelEnum
- Convert LevelEnum to corresponding integer.
- OrderExtension on OrderEnum
- Convert OrderEnum to string.
- ReasonExtension on ReasonEnum
- Convert ReasonEnum to string.
- SideExtension on SideEnum
- Convert SideEnum to string.
- StatusExtension on StatusEnum
- Convert StatuEnum to string.
- TransferExtension on TransferEnum
- convert TransferEnum to string.