Either<L, R> class abstract

Represents a value of one of two possible types, Left or Right.

Either is commonly used to handle errors. Instead of returning placeholder values when a computation may fail (such as -1, null, etc.), we return an instance of Right containing the correct result when a computation is successful, otherwise we return an instance of Left containing information about the kind of error that occurred.

Available Extensions


Either.Do(DoFunctionEither<L, R> f)
Initialize a Do Notation chain.
Either.flatten(Either<L, Either<L, R>> e)
Flat a Either contained inside another Either to be a single Either.
Either.fromNullable(R? r, L onNull())
If r is null, then return the result of onNull in Left. Otherwise return Right(r).
Either.fromOption(Option<R> m, L onNone())
Return an Either from a Option:
Either.fromPredicate(R r, bool predicate(R r), L onFalse(R r))
If calling predicate with r returns true, then return Right(r). Otherwise return Left containing the result of onFalse.
Either.left(L l)
Return a Left(l).
Either.of(R r)
Return a Right(r).
Either.right(R r)
Return a Right(r).
Either.safeCast(dynamic value, L onError(dynamic value))
Safely cast a value to type R.
Either.tryCatch(R run(), L onError(Object o, StackTrace s))
Try to execute run. If no error occurs, then return Right. Otherwise return Left containing the result of onError.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


all(bool predicate(R a)) bool
Return the result of predicate applied to the value of Right. If the Either is Left, returns true.
alt(covariant Either<L, R> orElse()) Either<L, R>
Return the current Either if it is a Right, otherwise return the result of orElse.
andThen<R2>(covariant Either<L, R2> then()) Either<L, R2>
If this Either is a Right, then return the result of calling then. Otherwise return Left.
any(bool predicate(R a)) bool
Return the result of predicate applied to the value of Right. If the Either is Left, returns false.
ap<C>(covariant Either<L, C Function(R r)> a) Either<L, C>
Apply the function contained inside a to change the value on the Right from type R to a value of type C.
bimap<C, D>(C mLeft(L l), D mRight(R b)) Either<C, D>
Define two functions to change both the Left and Right value of the Either.
bind<R2>(Either<L, R2> f(R r)) Either<L, R2>
Used to chain multiple functions that return a Either.
bindFuture<R2>(Future<Either<L, R2>> f(R r)) → TaskEither<L, R2>
Used to chain multiple functions that return a Future<Either>.
call<B>(covariant Either<L, B> chain) Either<L, B>
Chain multiple functions having the same left type L.
chainFirst<C>(covariant Either<L, C> chain(R b)) Either<L, R>
Chain a request that returns another Either, execute it, ignore the result, and return the same value as the current Either.
concatenate(Monoid<R> monoid) → R
Use monoid to combine the value of Right.
duplicate() Either<L, Either<L, R>>
Wrap this Either inside another Either.
elem(R r, Eq<R> eq) bool
Return true when value of r is equal to the value inside this Either. If this Either is Left, then return false.
exists(bool predicate(R r)) bool
Return the result of calliing predicate with the value of Either if it is a Right. Otherwise return false.
extend<Z>(Z f(Either<L, R> t)) Either<L, Z>
Change the value of Either from type R to type Z based on the value of Either<L, R> using function f.
filterOrElse(bool f(R r), L onFalse(R r)) Either<L, R>
If f applied on this Either as Right returns true, then return this Either. If it returns false, return the result of onFalse in a Left.
flatMap<C>(covariant Either<L, C> f(R a)) Either<L, C>
Used to chain multiple functions that return a Either.
fold<C>(C onLeft(L l), C onRight(R r)) → C
Execute onLeft when value is Left, otherwise execute onRight.
foldLeft<C>(C b, C f(C acc, R b)) → C
Return the result of f called with b and the value of Right. If this Either is Left, return b.
foldLeftWithIndex<C>(C c, C f(int i, C acc, R b)) → C
Return the result of f called with b and the value of Right. If this Either is Left, return b.
foldMap<C>(Monoid<C> monoid, C f(R b)) → C
Use monoid to combine the value of Right applied to f.
foldRight<C>(C b, C f(C acc, R b)) → C
Return the result of f called with b and the value of Right. If this Either is Left, return b.
foldRightWithIndex<C>(C c, C f(int i, C acc, R b)) → C
Return the result of f called with b and the value of Right. If this Either is Left, return b.
getLeft() → Option<L>
Extract the value from Left in a Option.
getOrElse(R orElse(L l)) → R
Return the value inside this Either if it is a Right. Otherwise return result of onElse.
getRight() → Option<R>
Extract the value from Right in a Option.
isLeft() bool
Return true when this Either is Left.
isRight() bool
Return true when this Either is Right.
length() int
Returns 1 when Either is Right, 0 otherwise.
map<C>(C f(R a)) Either<L, C>
If the Either is Right, then change its value from type R to type C using function f.
map2<C, D>(covariant Either<L, C> m1, D f(R b, C c)) Either<L, D>
Change type of this Either based on its value of type R and the value of type C of another Either.
map3<C, D, E>(covariant Either<L, C> m1, covariant Either<L, D> m2, E f(R b, C c, D d)) Either<L, E>
Change type of this Either based on its value of type R, the value of type C of a second Either, and the value of type D of a third Either.
mapLeft<C>(C f(L a)) Either<C, R>
If the Either is Left, then change its value from type L to type C using function f.
match<C>(C onLeft(L l), C onRight(R r)) → C
Execute onLeft when value is Left, otherwise execute onRight.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
orElse<L1>(Either<L1, R> onLeft(L l)) Either<L1, R>
If this Either is Left, return the result of onLeft.
pure<C>(C c) Either<L, C>
Return a Right containing the value c.
swap() Either<R, L>
Swap the values contained inside the Left and Right of this Either.
toIOEither() → IOEither<L, R>
Convert this Either to a IOEither.
toNullable() → R?
Convert Either to nullable R?.
toOption() → Option<R>
Convert this Either to a Option:
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toTaskEither() → TaskEither<L, R>
Convert this Either to a TaskEither.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getEq<L, R>(Eq<L> eqL, Eq<R> eqR) → Eq<Either<L, R>>
Build an Eq<Either> by comparing the values inside two Either.
getSemigroup<L, R>(Semigroup<R> semigroup) → Semigroup<Either<L, R>>
Build a Semigroup<Either> from a Semigroup.
lefts<E, A>(List<Either<E, A>> list) List<E>
Extract all the Left values from a List<Either<E, A>>.
partitionEithers<E, A>(List<Either<E, A>> list) → Tuple2<List<E>, List<A>>
Extract all the Left and Right values from a List<Either<E, A>> and return them in two partitioned List inside Tuple2.
rights<E, A>(List<Either<E, A>> list) List<A>
Extract all the Right values from a List<Either<E, A>>.
safeCastStrict<L, R, V>(V value, L onError(V value)) Either<L, R>
Safely cast a value to type R.
sequenceList<E, A>(List<Either<E, A>> list) Either<E, List<A>>
Convert a List<Either<E, A>> to a single Either<E, List<A>>.
traverseList<E, A, B>(List<A> list, Either<E, B> f(A a)) Either<E, List<B>>
Map each element in the list to an Either using the function f, and collect the result in an Either<E, List<B>>.
traverseListWithIndex<E, A, B>(List<A> list, Either<E, B> f(A a, int i)) Either<E, List<B>>
Map each element in the list to an Either using the function f, and collect the result in an Either<E, List<B>>.
tryCatchK<L, R, T>(R run(T), L onError(Object o, StackTrace s)) Either<L, R> Function(T)
Try to execute run. If no error occurs, then return Right. Otherwise return Left containing the result of onError.