getUnresolvedUnit method

CompilationUnit getUnresolvedUnit()

Returns the unresolved AST for this file.

If the fully resolved AST is needed, use getResolvedUnit.


CompilationUnit getUnresolvedUnit() {
  final result =
      parseString(content: sourceText, path: path, throwIfDiagnostics: false);
  if (result.errors.isEmpty) return result.unit;

  // Errors thrown by parseString don't include the filename, and result in
  // the codemod halting without indicating which file it failed on.
  // To aid in debugging, we'll construct the error message the same way
  // parseString does, but also include the path to the file.
  var buffer = StringBuffer();
  for (var error in result.errors) {
    var location = result.lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset);
    buffer.writeln('  ${}: ${error.message} - '
  throw ArgumentError(
      'File "${relativePath}" produced diagnostics when parsed:\n$buffer');