isCustomPositionRequiredForImage function

bool isCustomPositionRequiredForImage(
  1. PaintModel paint,
  2. SizeC nodeSize

This fixes an issue with Flutter's image aligning. Flutter can't align image with given alignment when the widget and image both have same size. This is a workaround for that. It uses a stack in that case.


bool isCustomPositionRequiredForImage(PaintModel paint, SizeC nodeSize) {
  if (! return false;
  if (paint.alignment.isStandard) return false;
  if (paint.sourceWidth == null || paint.sourceHeight == null) return false;
  if (paint.isNonUniformScale) return true;
  if ( == Fit.fitWidth || == Fit.fitHeight) {
    final diff = (paint.sourceWidth! / paint.sourceHeight!) -
        (nodeSize.width / nodeSize.height);
    if (diff.closeTo(0)) return true;

  final imgX = paint.sourceWidth! / paint.scaleX.abs();
  final imgY = paint.sourceHeight! / paint.scaleY.abs();

  return imgX == nodeSize.width || imgY == nodeSize.height;