StringExt extension



base64Data Uint8List
no setter
camelToSentenceCase String
no setter
capitalized String
no setter
containsUncheckedVariablePath bool
Whether the string contains a variable path that is not checked for validity. This will only check for ${...} and not the path inside.
no setter
isBase64Blob bool
no setter
isSvgUrl bool
no setter
isValidVariablePath bool
Whether the string contains all the valid variable paths inside it. This will also evaluate the path inside the ${} to be valid.
no setter


splitMap<R>(RegExp pattern, {R onMatch(RegExpMatch match)?, R onNonMatch(String text)?}) Iterable<R>
splitMapJoinRegex(RegExp pattern, {String onMatch(RegExpMatch match)?, String onNonMatch(String text)?}) String
String.splitMapJoin is limited to Pattern which can only do Match and not RegExpMatch. Because of this, you can't access named groups inside the pattern. This function fixes that. Ref:
toJsonPointerPath() String
wrapWithVariableSyntax() String