CloudflareStreamVideo class

Available Extensions
  • @CopyWith(skipFields: true)
  • @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)


CloudflareStreamVideo({String? id, DateTime? uploaded, int? size, Watermark? watermark, bool? requireSignedURLs, Map? meta, List<String>? allowedOrigins, int? maxDurationSeconds, DateTime? created, String? preview, DateTime? modified, VideoSize? input, String? thumbnail, String? animatedThumbnail, VideoStatus? status, double? duration, DateTime? uploadExpiry, double? thumbnailTimestampPct, VideoPlaybackInfo? playback, MediaNFT? nft, bool? readyToStream, String? liveInput, String? customAccountSubdomainUrl})
CloudflareStreamVideo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


allowedOrigins List<String>
List which origins should be allowed to display the video. Enter allowed origin domains in an array and use * for wildcard subdomains. Empty array will allow the video to be viewed on any origin.
getter/setter pair
animatedThumbnail String
URI to GIF thumbnail for a media item. Omitted until encoding is complete.
created DateTime
When the media item was created. Using ISO 8601 ZonedDateTime
duration double
Duration of the video in seconds. A value of -1 means the duration is unknown. The duration becomes available after the upload, before the video is ready.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
id String
Media item unique identifier max length: 32
input VideoSize
Size of the video after upload is completed and before video is ready. e.g: { "height": 1080, "width": 1920 }
isReady bool
no setter
liveInput String?
Live input ID that was used to upload this video with Stream Live.
maxDurationSeconds int?
Maximum duration for a video upload. Can be set for a video that is not yet uploaded to limit its duration. Uploaded that exceed this duration will fail during processing. A value of -1 means the value is unknown.
getter/setter pair
meta Map?
User modifiable key-value store. Can be used for keeping references to another system of record for managing videos.
getter/setter pair
modified DateTime
When the media item was last modified. Using ISO 8601 ZonedDateTime
nft MediaNFT?
read only
playback VideoPlaybackInfo?
read only
preview String
URI of preview page for video. Omitted until encoding is complete.
readyToStream bool
Indicates whether the video is ready for viewing.
requireSignedURLs bool
Indicates whether the video can be a accessed only using it's UID. If set to true, a signed token needs to be generated with a signing key to view the video.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size int
Size of the media item in bytes.
status VideoStatus
Object specifying more fine-grained status for this video item. If "state" is "inprogress" or "error", "step" will be one of "encoding" or "manifest". When "state" is "inprogress", "pctComplete" will be a number between 0 and 100 indicating the approximate percent of that step that has been completed. If the "state" is "error", "errorReasonCode" and "errorReasonText" will contain additional details.
thumbnail String
URI to JPG thumbnail for a media item. Omitted until encoding is complete.
thumbnailTimestampPct double
Timestamp location of thumbnail image calculated as a percentage value of the video's duration. To convert from a second-wise timestamp to a percentage, divide the desired timestamp by the total duration of the video. If this value is not set, the default thumbnail image will be from 0s of the video.
getter/setter pair
uploaded DateTime
When the media item was uploaded. Using ISO 8601 ZonedDateTime
uploadExpiry DateTime?
Date at which the video upload URL is no longer valid for direct user uploads.
getter/setter pair
watermark Watermark?
You can create watermark profile for different videos.
getter/setter pair


customAnimatedThumbnail({String? time, int? width, int? height, ThumbnailFit? fit, String? duration, int? fps}) String
Customizing animated GIF thumbnails on the fly
customThumbnail({String? time, int? width, int? height, ThumbnailFit? fit}) String
Customizing static JPG thumbnails on the fly
fromJsonList(List? jsonList) List<CloudflareStreamVideo>?
fromJsonMap(Map<String, dynamic>? json) CloudflareStreamVideo?
fromJsonString(String? json) CloudflareStreamVideo?
fromJsonStringList(String? jsonStringList) List<CloudflareStreamVideo>?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonMap() Map<String, dynamic>
toJsonString() String
toString() String
This is just to suggest children to implement a named constructor to support creating objects fromJson(...) and fromJsonString(...) as easy as or


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

dataFromVideoDeliveryUrl(String url) Map<String, dynamic>
fromUrl(String url) CloudflareStreamVideo?
Builds a CloudflareStreamVideo from an url if url is properly created