getPatterns function

Map<String, List<String>> getPatterns(
  1. String patternName,
  2. String subject,
  3. RegExp regex

This method returns a map with a list of substrings matched. The key is that by the name of patternName.


Map<String, List<String>> getPatterns(
    String patternName, String subject, RegExp regex) {
  Map<String, List<String>> result = {};
  Iterable<Match> matchObj = regex.allMatches(subject);
  List<String> imList = [];
  for (int i = 0; i < matchObj.length; i++) {
    Match myMatch = matchObj.elementAt(i);
    int actualLength = myMatch.groupCount + 1;
    for (int x = 0; x < actualLength; x++) {
      String subString =;
  result.addAll({patternName: imList});
  return result;