CleverTapSignedCallFlutterPlatform class abstract



callEventsListener Stream<CallEventResult>
Broadcasts the CallEvent data stream to listen the real-time changes in the call-state.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
missedCallActionClickListener Stream<MissedCallActionClickResult>
Broadcasts the MissedCallActionClickResult data stream to listen the missed call action click events.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


call(String receiverCuid, String callContext, Map<String, dynamic>? callOptions, SignedCallVoIPCallHandler voIPCallHandler) Future<void>
Initiates a VoIP call
disconnectSignallingSocket() Future<void>
Disconnects the signalling socket.
getBackToCall() Future<bool>
Attempts to return to the active call screen. It checks if there is an active call and if the client is on a VoIP call. If the both conditions are met, it launches the call screen
getCallState() Future<SCCallState?>
Retrieves the current call state.
hangUpCall() Future<void>
Ends the active call, if any.
init(Map<String, dynamic> initProperties, SignedCallInitHandler initHandler) Future<void>
Initializes the Signed Call SDK
logout() Future<void>
Logs out the user from the Signed Call SDK session
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onBackgroundCallEvent(BackgroundCallEventHandler handler) → void
Registers a callback to handle the call events when the app is in the killed state.
onBackgroundMissedCallActionClicked(BackgroundMissedCallActionClickedHandler handler) → void
Registers a callback to handle the notification action clicked over missed call notification when the app is in the killed state.
setDebugLevel(LogLevel level) Future<void>
Enables or disables debugging. If enabled, see debug messages in Android's logcat utility. Debug messages are tagged as CleverTap.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trackSdkVersion(Map<String, dynamic> versionTrackingMap) Future<void>
Passes the current SDK version for version tracking


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance CleverTapSignedCallFlutterPlatform
getter/setter pair