CleverTapSignedCallFlutterPlatform class
call (String receiverCuid , String callContext , Map <String , dynamic > ? callOptions , SignedCallVoIPCallHandler voIPCallHandler )
→ Future <void >
Initiates a VoIP call
disconnectSignallingSocket ()
→ Future <void >
Disconnects the signalling socket.
getBackToCall ()
→ Future <bool >
Attempts to return to the active call screen.
It checks if there is an active call and if the client is on a VoIP call.
If the both conditions are met, it launches the call screen
getCallState ()
→ Future <SCCallState ? >
Retrieves the current call state.
hangUpCall ()
→ Future <void >
Ends the active call, if any.
init (Map <String , dynamic > initProperties , SignedCallInitHandler initHandler )
→ Future <void >
Initializes the Signed Call SDK
logout ()
→ Future <void >
Logs out the user from the Signed Call SDK session
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onBackgroundCallEvent (BackgroundCallEventHandler handler )
→ void
Registers a callback to handle the call events when the app is in the killed state.
onBackgroundMissedCallActionClicked (BackgroundMissedCallActionClickedHandler handler )
→ void
Registers a callback to handle the notification action clicked over missed call notification
when the app is in the killed state.
setDebugLevel (LogLevel level )
→ Future <void >
Enables or disables debugging. If enabled, see debug messages in Android's logcat utility.
Debug messages are tagged as CleverTap.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
trackSdkVersion (Map <String , dynamic > versionTrackingMap )
→ Future <void >
Passes the current SDK version for version tracking
clevertap_signedcall_flutter 0.0.7