WidgetExtension extension



center({double? heightFactor, double? widthFactor}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

set parent widget in center
cornerRadiusWithClipRRect(double radius) ClipRRect

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add corner radius
cornerRadiusWithClipRRectOnly({int bottomLeft = 0, int bottomRight = 0, int topLeft = 0, int topRight = 0}) ClipRRect

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add custom corner radius each side
expand({dynamic flex = 1}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add Expanded to parent widget
fit({BoxFit? fit, AlignmentGeometry? alignment}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add FittedBox to parent widget
flexible({dynamic flex = 1, FlexFit? fit}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add Flexible to parent widget
launch<T>(BuildContext context, {bool isNewTask = false, PageRouteAnimation? pageRouteAnimation, Duration? duration}) Future<T?>

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

Launch a new screen
onTap(Function? function, {BorderRadius? borderRadius, Color? splashColor, Color? hoverColor, Color? highlightColor}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add tap to parent widget
opacity({required double opacity, int durationInSecond = 1, Duration? duration}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add opacity to parent widget
paddingAll(double padding) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding all
paddingBottom(double bottom) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding bottom
paddingLeft(double left) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding left
paddingOnly({double top = 0.0, double left = 0.0, double bottom = 0.0, double right = 0.0}) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return custom padding from each side
paddingRight(double right) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding right
paddingSymmetric({double vertical = 0.0, double horizontal = 0.0}) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding symmetric
paddingTop(double top) Padding

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

return padding top
rotate({required double angle, bool transformHitTests = true, Offset? origin}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add rotation to parent widget
scale({required double scale, Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, bool transformHitTests = true}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add scaling to parent widget
tooltip({required String msg}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

translate({required Offset offset, bool transformHitTests = true, Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

add translate to parent widget
validate({Widget value = const SizedBox()}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

Validate given widget is not null and returns given value if null.
visible(bool visible, {Widget? defaultWidget}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

set visibility
withHeight(double height) SizedBox

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

With custom height
withRoundedCorners({Color backgroundColor = whiteColor, BorderRadius borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)), LinearGradient? gradient, BoxBorder? border, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadow, DecorationImage? decorationImage, BoxShape boxShape = BoxShape.rectangle}) Container

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withScroll({ScrollPhysics? physics, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical, ScrollController? controller, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start, bool? primary, required bool reverse}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withShaderMask(List<Color> colors, {BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcATop}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

Wrap with ShaderMask widget
withShaderMaskGradient(Gradient gradient, {BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcATop}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

Wrap with ShaderMask widget Gradient
withShadow({Color bgColor = whiteColor, Color shadowColor = Colors.black12, dynamic blurRadius = 10.0, dynamic spreadRadius = 0.0, Offset offset = const Offset(0.0, 0.0), LinearGradient? gradient, BoxBorder? border, DecorationImage? decorationImage, BoxShape boxShape = BoxShape.rectangle}) Container

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

withSize({double width = 0.0, double height = 0.0}) SizedBox

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

With custom height and width
withTooltip({required String msg}) Widget

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

Validate given widget is not null and returns given value if null.
withVisibility(bool visible, {Widget? replacement, bool maintainAnimation = false, bool maintainState = false, bool maintainSize = false, bool maintainSemantics = false, bool maintainInteractivity = false}) Visibility

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

set widget visibility
withWidth(double width) SizedBox

Available on Widget?, provided by the WidgetExtension extension

With custom width