readByteStream function

Future<Uint8List> readByteStream(
  1. Stream<List<int>> input, {
  2. int? maxSize,

Read all bytes from input and return a Uint8List consisting of all bytes from input.

If the maximum number of bytes exceeded maxSize this will stop reading and throw MaximumSizeExceeded.


import 'dart:io';

Uint8List readFile(String filePath) async {
  Stream<List<int>> fileStream = File(filePath).openRead();
  Uint8List contents = await readByteStream(fileStream);
  return contents;

This method does the same as readChunkedStream, except it returns a Uint8List which can be faster when working with bytes.

Remark The returned Uint8List might be a view on a larger ByteBuffer. Do not use Uint8List.buffer without taking into account Uint8List.lengthInBytes and Uint8List.offsetInBytes. Doing so is never correct, but in many common cases an instance of Uint8List will not be a view on a larger buffer, so such mistakes can go undetected. Consider using Uint8List.sublistView, to create subviews if necessary.


Future<Uint8List> readByteStream(
  Stream<List<int>> input, {
  int? maxSize,
}) async {
  if (maxSize != null && maxSize < 0) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(maxSize, 'maxSize must be positive, if given');

  final result = BytesBuilder();
  await for (final chunk in input) {
    if (maxSize != null && result.length > maxSize) {
      throw MaximumSizeExceeded(maxSize);
  return result.takeBytes();