ShimmerPro.text constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. int depth = 20,
  3. Duration duration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
  4. int? maxLine = 3,
  5. double? textSize = 14,
  6. double? borderRadius = 10,
  7. Alignment? alignment =,
  8. ShimmerProLight? light = ShimmerProLight.darker,
  9. required Color scaffoldBackgroundColor,
  10. double? width,

ShimmerPro.text must use text widgets. You can delegate width ;ShimmerPro.text generate text shimmer. duration animation duration. borderRadius sized widget border radius. alignment sized vidget alignment. Defoult light shimmer is lighter color or darker color. scaffoldBackgroundColor must be geven. ShimmerPro.text generate from this color. maxLine is defoult 3. ShimmerPro.text will be generated this count. textSize is ShimmerPro.text's text size.Defoult 14.


    this.depth = 20,
    this.duration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
    this.maxLine = 3,
    this.textSize = 14,
    this.borderRadius = 10,
    this.alignment =,
    this.light = ShimmerProLight.darker,
    required this.scaffoldBackgroundColor,
    this.width}) {
  isText = true;