build method

  1. @override
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context

Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.

The framework calls this method when this widget is inserted into the tree in a given BuildContext and when the dependencies of this widget change (e.g., an InheritedWidget referenced by this widget changes). This method can potentially be called in every frame and should not have any side effects beyond building a widget.

The framework replaces the subtree below this widget with the widget returned by this method, either by updating the existing subtree or by removing the subtree and inflating a new subtree, depending on whether the widget returned by this method can update the root of the existing subtree, as determined by calling Widget.canUpdate.

Typically implementations return a newly created constellation of widgets that are configured with information from this widget's constructor and from the given BuildContext.

The given BuildContext contains information about the location in the tree at which this widget is being built. For example, the context provides the set of inherited widgets for this location in the tree. A given widget might be built with multiple different BuildContext arguments over time if the widget is moved around the tree or if the widget is inserted into the tree in multiple places at once.

The implementation of this method must only depend on:

If a widget's build method is to depend on anything else, use a StatefulWidget instead.

See also:

  • StatelessWidget, which contains the discussion on performance considerations.


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return ValueListenableBuilder<SquareModel>(
    valueListenable: squareNotifier,
    builder: (context, square, _) {
      return Expanded(
          flex: 1,
          child: DragTarget(
            builder: (context, accepted, rejected) {
              /// get the piece on the square
              final state = square.squarePiece;
              return state != null

                  /// if there is a piece on the square, returns a draggable image of the piece
                          getImageToDisplay(size: size, squareState: state),
                      feedback: getImageToDisplay(
                        size: (1.15 * size),
                        squareState: state,

                      /// Data to be dropped in this drag target: the squareName where
                      /// the move originated, and the type and color of the piece that was
                      /// on that square
                      data: [

                  /// Changing here Container for SizedBox wont allow to make a move
                  /// Container expands to the child size, SizedBox wont, so the drag target
                  /// property will be on a 0 size widget and wont work
                  : Container();

              /// accepted information about the move
              /// the square from where the move originated is moveInfo[0],
              /// the type of piece is moveInfo[1], and the color is moveInfo[2]
            onWillAccept: (List? moveInfo) {
              if (moveInfo != null) {
                /// If dragging and dropping in same place return false
                if (moveInfo[0] != squareName) {
                  /// moveInfo should have 3 items
                  if (moveInfo.length == 3) {
                    /// Accept only if the game turn is right and the enableUserMoves is true
                    if (moveInfo[2] == controller.logic.turn &&
                        controller.board.enableMoves) {
                      /// control who are allowed to move with the isUserWhite property
                      if (controller.board.playerMode == PlayerMode.any ||
                          (controller.board.playerMode == PlayerMode.isWhite &&
                              controller.logic.turn == chessjs.WHITE) ||
                          (controller.board.playerMode == PlayerMode.isBlack &&
                              controller.logic.turn == chessjs.BLACK)) {
                        /// DO NOT ACCEPT ILLEGAL MOVES
                        final legalMoves = controller.logic.generateMoves();
                        legalMoves.removeWhere((move) {
                          /// if the [from] move field is different, discard move from the legal moves
                          if (move.fromAlgebraic != moveInfo[0]) {
                            return true;
                          } else {
                            /// if [to] move part is different, also discard move
                            if (move.toAlgebraic != squareName) {
                              return true;
                            } else {
                              return false;

                        /// If there were not matches of intended move don't accept
                        if (legalMoves.isEmpty) {
                          return false;
                        } else {
                          return true;

                      /// incorrect turn to play
                      else {
                        return false;

                    /// moves not enable
                    else {
                      return false;

                  /// missing move information
                  else {
                    return false;
                } else
                  return false;
              } else
                return false;
            onAccept: (List moveInfo) async {
              Map<String, String>? move;

              /// handle promotion
              if (moveInfo[1] == "P" &&
                  ((moveInfo[0][1] == "7" &&
                          squareName[1] == "8" &&
                          moveInfo[2] == chessjs.WHITE) ||
                      (moveInfo[0][1] == "2" &&
                          squareName[1] == "1" &&
                          moveInfo[2] == chessjs.BLACK))) {
                /// get the promotion piece selected by the user from the dialog
                String? val =
                    await promotionDialog(context, controller.logic.turn);
                if (val == 'n' || val == 'b' || val == 'r' || val == 'q') {
                  /// move to return in case of promotion
                  move = {
                    "from": moveInfo[0],
                    "to": squareName,
                    "promotion": val!,
                  /// dispatch a move notification to the controller in the chessboard
                  /// The controller will make the move internally and will notify
                  /// the corespondent square listeners
                  MoveNotification(move: move).dispatch(context);
                  if (onMove != null) {
              } else {
                move = {"from": moveInfo[0], "to": squareName};
                /// dispatch a move notification to the controller in the chessboard
                /// The controller will make the move internally and will notify
                /// the corespondent square listeners
                MoveNotification(move: move).dispatch(context);
                if (onMove != null) {