chess_vectors/vector_image library
- ArcElement
- Path element of type Arc
- CloseElement
- Path element of type Close
- CubicCurveElement
- Path element of type CubicCurve
- DrawingParameters
- Drawing parameters for each element of the Vector
- LineElement
- Path element of type Line
- MoveElement
- Path element of type MoveTo
- PathElement
- Element of a Path integrated into a Vector
- VectorBase
- The base definition of a Vector Widget.
- VectorCircle
- A Vector circle element.
- VectorDrawableElement
- A drawable element of the Vector.
- VectorImageGroup
- A Vector group element (
- VectorImagePainter
- CustomPaint used for drawing Vector elements into a canvas.
- VectorImagePathDefinition
- A Vector path element (
List< double> ? matrixValues) → Float64List? - Just a translation from List of double to a Float64List.
DrawingParameters childDrawingParameters, DrawingParameters? parentDrawingParameters) → DrawingParameters - Use each property of childDrawingParameters in priority, and properties of parentDrawingParameters if not defined in child parameters. Note that it is allowed for a property that both definitions are null.
VectorImagePainter originPainter, double baseImageSize) → VectorImagePainter - Returns an equivalent VectorImagePainter but also setting size of its image.
String pathStr) → List< PathElement> - Transform a path definition (value of 'd' attribute in SVG