MapChecks<K, V> extension



entries Subject<Iterable<MapEntry<K, V>>>

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

no setter
keys Subject<Iterable<K>>

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

no setter
length Subject<int>

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

no setter
values Subject<Iterable<V>>

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

no setter


containsKey(K key) → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

Expects that the map contains key according to Map.containsKey.
containsKeyThat(Condition<K> keyCondition) → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

Expects that the map contains some key such that keyCondition is satisfied.
containsValue(V value) → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

Expects that the map contains value according to Map.containsValue.
containsValueThat(Condition<V> valueCondition) → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

Expects that the map contains some value such that valueCondition is satisfied.
deepEquals(Map<Object?, Object?> expected) → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

Expects that the map contains entries that are deeply equal to the entries of expected.
isEmpty() → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension

isNotEmpty() → void

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension


operator [](K key) Subject<V>

Available on Subject<Map<K, V>>, provided by the MapChecks extension