S class




chat_is_typing String
Is Typing
no setter
chat_message_action_collect String
no setter
chat_message_action_copy String
no setter
chat_message_action_delete String
no setter
chat_message_action_forward String
no setter
chat_message_action_multi_select String
no setter
chat_message_action_pin String
no setter
chat_message_action_reply String
no setter
chat_message_action_revoke String
no setter
chat_message_action_un_pin String
no setter
chat_message_ait_contact_title String
Choose a reminder
no setter
chat_message_brief_audio String
no setter
chat_message_brief_custom String
[Custom Message]
no setter
chat_message_brief_file String
no setter
chat_message_brief_image String
no setter
chat_message_brief_location String
no setter
chat_message_brief_video String
no setter
chat_message_collect_success String
Collect Success
no setter
chat_message_copy_success String
Copy Success
no setter
chat_message_delete_confirm String
Delete this message?
no setter
chat_message_have_been_revoked String
Message revoked
no setter
chat_message_image_save String
Image saved successfully
no setter
chat_message_image_save_fail String
Failed to save image
no setter
chat_message_more_shoot String
no setter
chat_message_open_message_notice String
Open message notice
no setter
chat_message_pick_photo String
Pick photo
no setter
chat_message_pick_video String
Pick video
no setter
chat_message_reedit String
Reedit >
no setter
chat_message_revoke_confirm String
Revoke this message?
no setter
chat_message_revoke_failed String
Revoke failed
no setter
chat_message_revoke_over_time String
Over Time,Revoke failed
no setter
chat_message_send String
no setter
chat_message_set_top String
Set session top
no setter
chat_message_signal String
Message mark
no setter
chat_message_take_photo String
Take photo
no setter
chat_message_take_video String
Take video
no setter
chat_message_unknown_notification String
Unknown Notification
no setter
chat_message_unknown_type String
Unknown Type
no setter
chat_message_video_save String
Video saved successfully
no setter
chat_message_video_save_fail String
Failed to save video
no setter
chat_message_voice_in String
Release to send, hold and swipe to an empty area to cancel
no setter
chat_message_you String
no setter
chat_pressed_to_speak String
Pressed to speak
no setter
chat_setting String
Chat setting
no setter
chat_team_ait_all String
no setter
chat_team_all_mute String
no setter
chat_team_cancel_all_mute String
cancel all mute
no setter
chat_team_full_mute String
mute all
no setter
chat_team_notify_update_team_avatar String
team avatar have updated
no setter
chat_team_verify_update_as_disallow_anyone_join String
update as disallow anyone join
no setter
chat_team_verify_update_as_need_no_verify String
update as need no verify
no setter
chat_team_verify_update_as_need_verify String
update as need verify
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
message_all_read String
All member have read
no setter
message_all_unread String
All member unread
no setter
message_cancel String
no setter
message_forward_to String
Send to
no setter
message_forward_to_p2p String
Forward to person
no setter
message_forward_to_team String
Forward to team
no setter
message_read_status String
Message read status
no setter
message_search_empty String
No chat history
no setter
message_search_hint String
Search chat content
no setter
message_search_title String
Search History
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


chat_advanced_team_notify_leave(String users) String
{users}have left team
chat_advanced_team_notify_remove(String users) String
{users} have been removed from team
chat_advice_team_notify_invite(String user, String members) String
{user} invited join the team
chat_discuss_team_notify_invite(String user, String members) String
{user} invited {members} join discuss team
chat_discuss_team_notify_leave(String users) String
{users}have left discuss team
chat_discuss_team_notify_remove(String users) String
{users} have been removed from discuss team
chat_message_pin_message(String userName) String
Pined by {userName},visible to both of you
chat_message_pin_message_for_team(String userName) String
Pined by {userName},visible to everyone
chat_message_reply_someone(String content) String
Reply {content}
chat_message_send_hint(String userName) String
Send to {userName}
chat_team_invitation_permission_update(String permission) String
team invite permission update as {permission}
chat_team_invited_id_verify_permission_update(String permission) String
team invited verify update as {permission}
chat_team_modify_extension_permission_update(String permission) String
team extension update permission as {permission}
chat_team_modify_resource_permission_update(String permission) String
team resource permission update:{permission}
chat_team_notice_update(String notice) String
team announcement update as {notice}
chat_team_notify_accept_invite(String members, String user) String
{user} accept {members}'s invite and join
chat_team_notify_add_manager(String member) String
{member} set as manager
chat_team_notify_dismiss(String users) String
{users}dismissed team
chat_team_notify_manager_pass(String members) String
Manager accepted {members} team apply
chat_team_notify_mute(String user) String
{user} mute by manager
chat_team_notify_remove_manager(String member) String
{member}remove from managers
chat_team_notify_trans_owner(String members, String user) String
{user} transfer owner to {members}
chat_team_notify_un_mute(String user) String
{user} un mute by manager
chat_team_notify_update_extension(String name) String
team extension update as {name}
chat_team_notify_update_extension_server(String name) String
team extension (server) update as{name}
chat_team_notify_update_introduction(String name) String
team introduction updated as {name}
chat_team_notify_update_name(String name) String
team name updated as {name}
chat_team_update(String key, String value) String
team {key} updated as {value}
message_forward_message_tips(String user) String
[Forward]{user} message
message_read_with_number(String num) String
Read ({num})
message_unread_with_number(String num) String
Unread ({num})
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

current S
no setter

Static Methods

load(Locale locale) Future<S>
maybeOf(BuildContext context) S?
of(BuildContext context) S


delegate → const AppLocalizationDelegate