ascii library

Declare integer constants for each ASCII character.

The constants all start with "$" to avoid conflicting with other constants.

For characters that are valid in an identifier, the character itself follows the "$". For other characters, a symbolic name is used. In some cases, multiple alternative symbolic names are provided. Please stick to using one name per character in your code.

The symbolic names are, where applicable, the name of the symbol without any "mark", "symbol" "sign" or "accent" suffix. Examples: $exclamation, $pipe, $dollar and $grave. For less common symbols, a selection of common names are used.

For parenthetical markers, there is both a short name, $lparen/$rparen, and a long name, $openParen/ $closeParen.

For common HTML entities, the entity names are also usable as symbolic names: $apos, $quot, $lt, $gt, and $amp.


$$ → const int
Character $.
$0 → const int
Character 0.
$1 → const int
Character 1.
$2 → const int
Character 2.
$3 → const int
Character 3.
$4 → const int
Character 4.
$5 → const int
Character 5.
$6 → const int
Character 6.
$7 → const int
Character 7.
$8 → const int
Character 8.
$9 → const int
Character 9.
$_ → const int
Character _.
$A → const int
Character A.
$a → const int
Character a.
$ack → const int
"Acknowledgment" control character.
$amp → const int
Character &, short name.
$ampersand → const int
Character &.
$apos → const int
Character '.
$apostrophe → const int
Character '.
$asterisk → const int
Character *.
$at → const int
Character @.
$b → const int
Character b.
$B → const int
Character B.
$backquote → const int
Character `.
$backslash → const int
Character \.
$bar → const int
Character |.
$bel → const int
"Bell" control character.
$bs → const int
"Backspace" control character.
$C → const int
Character C.
$c → const int
Character c.
$can → const int
"Cancel" control character.
$caret → const int
Character ^.
$circumflex → const int
Character ^.
$close_angle → const int
Character >.
$close_brace → const int
Character }.
$close_bracket → const int
Character ].
$close_paren → const int
Character ).
$close_parenthesis → const int
Character ).
$closeAngle → const int
Character >.
$closeBrace → const int
Character }.
$closeBracket → const int
Character ].
$closeParen → const int
Character ).
$closeParenthesis → const int
Character ).
$colon → const int
Character :.
$comma → const int
Character ,.
$cr → const int
"Carriage return" control character.
$d → const int
Character d.
$D → const int
Character D.
$dash → const int
Character -.
$dc1 → const int
"Device Control 1" control character (oft. XON).
$dc2 → const int
"Device Control 2" control character.
$dc3 → const int
"Device Control 3" control character (oft. XOFF).
$dc4 → const int
"Device Control 4" control character.
$del → const int
"Delete" control character.
$division → const int
Character /.
$dle → const int
"Data Link Escape" control character.
$dollar → const int
Character $.
$dot → const int
Character ..
$double_quote → const int
Character ".
$doubleQuote → const int
Character ".
$e → const int
Character e.
$E → const int
Character E.
$em → const int
"End of Medium" control character.
$enq → const int
"Enquiry" control character.
$eot → const int
"End of Transmission" control character.
$equal → const int
Character =.
$esc → const int
"Escape" control character.
$etb → const int
"End of Transmission Block" control character.
$etx → const int
"End of Text" control character.
$exclamation → const int
Character !.
$f → const int
Character f.
$F → const int
Character F.
$ff → const int
"Form feed" control character.
$fs → const int
"File Separator" control character.
$fullstop → const int
Character ..
$g → const int
Character g.
$G → const int
Character G.
$grave → const int
Character `.
$greater_than → const int
Character >.
$greaterThan → const int
Character >.
$gs → const int
"Group Separator" control character.
$gt → const int
Character >.
$h → const int
Character h.
$H → const int
Character H.
$hash → const int
Character #.
$hat → const int
Character ^.
$ht → const int
"Horizontal Tab" control character.
$i → const int
Character i.
$I → const int
Character I.
$j → const int
Character j.
$J → const int
Character J.
$K → const int
Character K.
$k → const int
Character k.
$L → const int
Character L.
$l → const int
Character l.
$langle → const int
Character <.
$lbrace → const int
Character {.
$lbracket → const int
Character [.
$less_than → const int
Character <.
$lessThan → const int
Character <.
$lf → const int
"Line feed" control character.
$lparen → const int
Character (.
$lt → const int
Character <.
$M → const int
Character M.
$m → const int
Character m.
$minus → const int
Character -.
$N → const int
Character N.
$n → const int
Character n.
$nak → const int
"Negative Acknowledgment" control character.
$nul → const int
"Null character" control character.
$O → const int
Character O.
$o → const int
Character o.
$open_angle → const int
Character <.
$open_brace → const int
Character {.
$open_bracket → const int
Character [.
$open_paren → const int
Character (.
$open_parenthesis → const int
Character (.
$openAngle → const int
Character <.
$openBrace → const int
Character {.
$openBracket → const int
Character [.
$openParen → const int
Character (.
$openParenthesis → const int
Character (.
$P → const int
Character P.
$p → const int
Character p.
$percent → const int
Character %.
$pipe → const int
Character |.
$plus → const int
Character +.
$Q → const int
Character Q.
$q → const int
Character q.
$question → const int
Character ?.
$quot → const int
Character "', short nam.
$quotation → const int
Character ".
$quote → const int
Character ".
$R → const int
Character R.
$r → const int
Character r.
$rangle → const int
Character >.
$rbrace → const int
Character }.
$rbracket → const int
Character ].
$rparen → const int
Character ).
$rs → const int
"Record Separator" control character.
$s → const int
Character s.
$S → const int
Character S.
$semicolon → const int
Character ;.
$si → const int
"Shift In" control character.
$single_quote → const int
Character '.
$singleQuote → const int
Character '.
$slash → const int
Character /.
$so → const int
"Shift Out" control character.
$soh → const int
"Start of Header" control character.
$solidus → const int
Character /.
$space → const int
Space character.
$stx → const int
"Start of Text" control character.
$sub → const int
"Substitute" control character.
$syn → const int
"Synchronous idle" control character.
$t → const int
Character t.
$T → const int
Character T.
$tab → const int
"Horizontal Tab" control character, common name.
$tilde → const int
Character ~.
$U → const int
Character U.
$u → const int
Character u.
$underline → const int
Character _.
$underscore → const int
Character _.
$us → const int
"Unit Separator" control character.
$V → const int
Character V.
$v → const int
Character v.
$vt → const int
"Vertical Tab" control character.
$w → const int
Character w.
$W → const int
Character W.
$x → const int
Character x.
$X → const int
Character X.
$y → const int
Character y.
$Y → const int
Character Y.
$Z → const int
Character Z.
$z → const int
Character z.