method/metadata_msg library

Metadata MSG is a generation method used to extract the changelog from a list of commits with the help of the metadata.

This generation method works with commits that looks like as follows:

graphql: add a new API to refresh the client

Changelog-Add: add a new API to refresh the client

The changelog line are as reported as follow:

  • Changelog-Added: if the pull request adds a new feature
  • Changelog-Changed: if a feature has been modified and might require changes on the user side
  • Changelog-Deprecated: if a feature has been marked for deprecation, but not yet removed
  • Changelog-Fixed: if a bug has been fixed
  • Changelog-Removed: if a (previously deprecated) feature has been removed
  • Changelog-Experimental: if it only affects –enable-experimental-features builds, or experimental- config options.
