card enum called CCType with 4 values: visa, mastercard, americanExpress,
address ()
→ Address
It takes the addresses string, decodes it, parses it into a map,
converts the map into a list of
addresses, and returns a random address from that list
age ({int ? max })
→ int
returns a random integer between 0 and 123
amPm ()
→ String
Return a random element from a list containing the am and pm value.
animal ()
→ String
Return a random animal from the animals list.
areaCode ()
→ String
Return the country code of the current locale, or an empty string
if it's not available.
birthday ()
→ String
It takes the user object from the store, parses the date of birth from it,
and returns a string with
the day, month, and year
boolean ()
→ bool
It returns a random boolean value.
cc ({CCType ? ccType , int ? visaLength })
→ String
It takes in a credit card type and a length, and returns a valid credit
card number
ccType ()
→ CCType
It returns a random value from the CCType enum.
cedi ({int ? max , int ? min , int ? fixed })
→ String
It returns a random number between the min and max values, with a fixed
number of decimal places
character ({bool ? alpha , String ? pool , bool ? numeric , Casing ? casing , bool ? symbols })
→ String
Return a random character.
character({ pool: 'abcde' })
chance.character({ alpha: true })
chance.character({ numeric: true })
chance.character({ casing: 'lower' })
chance.character({ symbols: true })
city ()
→ String
Return the city of the address of the user.
coin ()
→ String
Return a random value from a set of two strings i.e
the head and tail of a coin.
coordinates ()
→ Coordinate
Return the coordinates of the address of the user.
country ()
→ Country
It returns a random country from a list of countries.
currency ({String ? currencyKeyToRemove })
→ Currency
It takes a currency key to remove from the list of currencies, decodes the
base64 encoded string,
converts it to a map, removes the currency key if it's not null,
converts the map to a list of
currencies, and returns a random currency from the list
currencyPair ()
→ List <Currency >
Return a list of two currencies, where the second currency is not the same
as the first currency.
date ()
→ String
Return a string containing the current day, month, and year, separated by
dice ()
→ String
dollar ({int ? max , int ? min , int ? fixed })
→ String
Generate a random dollar amount.
euro ({int ? max , int ? min , int ? fixed })
→ String
Generate a random euro value
exp ()
→ String
Return a string with the current month and year separated by a dash.
expMonth ({bool ? future })
→ String
Generate a random integer between 1 and 12, or a random integer between
the current month and 12 if
future is true.
expYear ()
→ String
Generate a random integer between the current year and the current year
plus 10.
falsy ({Set ? pool })
→ dynamic
Return a random falsy value (false, null, 0, '').
falsy({ pool: {null, '', 0} })
firstName ()
→ String
"Return the first name of the current user, or an empty string if the user
is not logged in or the
first name is not set."
floating ({int ? fixed , num ? min , num ? max })
→ double
It returns a random double point number between min and max
fullName ()
→ String
If a raandom user's name is not null, return the user's last name followed
by a space followed by the
user's first name.
gender ()
→ String
return a random user's gender, otherwise return an empty string.
generateUUID ()
→ String
Generates a UUID.
geohash ()
→ String
It takes a random address, gets the coordinates, and then uses the
GeoHasher library to encode those
coordinates into a geohash
hour ()
→ int
Returns a random integer between 0 and 999.
integer ({int ? min , int ? max })
→ int
This function returns a random integer between min value and max value.
If no argument if passed, it will generate random integers between
0 and 1,000,000,000.
lastName ()
→ String
If the user's name is not null, return the user's last name, otherwise
return an empty string.
latitude ()
→ double
Return the latitude of the address of the current user.
letter ({Casing ? casing })
→ String
a function that returns a random letter.
locale ()
→ String
It returns the state of a random address.
longitude ()
→ double
Return the longitude of a randomly generated address.
millisecond ()
→ int
Returns a random integer between 0 and 999.
minute ()
→ int
Returns a random integer between 0 and 60.
month ()
→ String
returns a month of the year
Return a random month of the year.
naira ({int ? max , int ? min , int ? fixed })
→ String
It returns a random number between the min and max values, with a fixed
number of decimal places
natural ({int ? max })
→ int
Generate a random number between 0 and 1,000,000,000
(or a max value if provided).
paragraph ({int ? sentences , bool lineBreak = true })
→ String
It generates a paragraph of sentences.
personTitle ()
→ String
It returns the title of the user.
phone ([String ? temp ])
→ String
It generates a random phone number.
postal ()
→ String
It takes a base64 encoded JSON string, decodes it, converts it to a map,
gets the keys of the map,
converts the keys to a list, and returns a random key from the list
postCode ()
→ String
Return a random postal code.
prime ({int ? max })
→ int
Return a random prime number, optionally between 1 and max.
second ()
→ int
Return a random integer between 0 and 60.
sentence ()
→ String
It returns a random sentence from the list of sentences
ssn ()
→ String
Generate a random 9 digit number, convert it to a string, and return it.
state ()
→ String
Return the state of a generated address.
street ()
→ String
Return a randomly generated address street.
string ({int length = 5 , int ? max , String ? pool , bool ? alpha , Casing ? casing , bool ? symbols })
→ String
It generates a random string of characters from a given string of characters
syllable (String count )
→ String
It takes a string, decodes it from base64, parses it as JSON, and returns a
random element from the
list of syllables that matches the input string
template (String temp )
→ String
It takes a string and replaces all the 'a' characters with a
random lowercase letter, all the 'A'
characters with a random uppercase letter, and all the '#'
characters with a random number
timeStamp ()
→ String
It returns a string that represents the current time in microseconds
weekday ()
→ String
Return a random weekday.
word ()
→ String
"Return a random word from the list of words."
year ({int ? max , int ? min = 1701 })
→ String
Generate a random year between 1701 and the current year.