currency function

Currency currency({
  1. String? currencyKeyToRemove,

It takes a currency key to remove from the list of currencies, decodes the base64 encoded string, converts it to a map, removes the currency key if it's not null, converts the map to a list of currencies, and returns a random currency from the list

Args: currencyKeyToRemove (String): This is the key of the currency you want to remove from the list.

Returns: A random currency from the list of currencies.


Currency currency({
  String? currencyKeyToRemove,
}) {
  /// decoding the base64 encoded string.
  final decodedCurrency = base64Decode(currencyList);
  final currencyMap = jsonDecode(
  if (currencyKeyToRemove != null) {
    (currencyMap as Map).remove(currencyKeyToRemove);
  (currencyMap as Map<String, Currency>).forEach((key, value) {
    currencyMap[key] = Currency.fromMap(value as Map<String, dynamic>);
  return currencyMap.entries
      .map((entry) => entry.value)