ChalkX11Strings extension

This extension class adds proper methods to Chalk for all of the standard X11/CSS/SVG color names for use by Chalk.



aliceBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aliceBlue         (0xF0F8FF)/rgb(240, 248, 255)
no setter
antiqueWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color antiqueWhite         (0xFAEBD7)/rgb(250, 235, 215)
no setter
aqua String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aqua         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
aquamarine String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color aquamarine         (0x7FFFD4)/rgb(127, 255, 212)
no setter
azure String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color azure         (0xF0FFFF)/rgb(240, 255, 255)
no setter
beige String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color beige         (0xF5F5DC)/rgb(245, 245, 220)
no setter
bisque String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color bisque         (0xFFE4C4)/rgb(255, 228, 196)
no setter
blackX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blackX11         (0x000000)/rgb(0, 0, 0)
no setter
blanchedAlmond String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blanchedAlmond         (0xFFEBCD)/rgb(255, 235, 205)
no setter
blueViolet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blueViolet         (0x8A2BE2)/rgb(138, 43, 226)
no setter
blueX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color blueX11         (0x0000FF)/rgb(0, 0, 255)
no setter
brown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color brown         (0xA52A2A)/rgb(165, 42, 42)
no setter
burlywood String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color burlywood         (0xDEB887)/rgb(222, 184, 135)
no setter
cadetBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cadetBlue         (0x5F9EA0)/rgb(95, 158, 160)
no setter
chartreuse String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color chartreuse         (0x7FFF00)/rgb(127, 255, 0)
no setter
chocolate String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color chocolate         (0xD2691E)/rgb(210, 105, 30)
no setter
coral String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color coral         (0xFF7F50)/rgb(255, 127, 80)
no setter
cornflowerBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cornflowerBlue         (0x6495ED)/rgb(100, 149, 237)
no setter
cornsilk String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cornsilk         (0xFFF8DC)/rgb(255, 248, 220)
no setter
crimson String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color crimson         (0xDC143C)/rgb(220, 20, 60)
no setter
cyanX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color cyanX11         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
darkBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkBlue         (0x00008B)/rgb(0, 0, 139)
no setter
darkCyan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkCyan         (0x008B8B)/rgb(0, 139, 139)
no setter
darkGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGoldenrod         (0xB8860B)/rgb(184, 134, 11)
no setter
darkGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGray         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
darkGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGreen         (0x006400)/rgb(0, 100, 0)
no setter
darkGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkGrey         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
darkKhaki String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkKhaki         (0xBDB76B)/rgb(189, 183, 107)
no setter
darkMagenta String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkMagenta         (0x8B008B)/rgb(139, 0, 139)
no setter
darkOliveGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOliveGreen         (0x556B2F)/rgb(85, 107, 47)
no setter
darkOrange String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOrange         (0xFF8C00)/rgb(255, 140, 0)
no setter
darkOrchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkOrchid         (0x9932CC)/rgb(153, 50, 204)
no setter
darkRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkRed         (0x8B0000)/rgb(139, 0, 0)
no setter
darkSalmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSalmon         (0xE9967A)/rgb(233, 150, 122)
no setter
darkSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSeaGreen         (0x8FBC8F)/rgb(143, 188, 143)
no setter
darkSlateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateBlue         (0x483D8B)/rgb(72, 61, 139)
no setter
darkSlateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGray         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
darkSlateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGrey         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
darkTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkTurquoise         (0x00CED1)/rgb(0, 206, 209)
no setter
darkViolet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color darkViolet         (0x9400D3)/rgb(148, 0, 211)
no setter
deepPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color deepPink         (0xFF1493)/rgb(255, 20, 147)
no setter
deepSkyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color deepSkyBlue         (0x00BFFF)/rgb(0, 191, 255)
no setter
dimGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dimGray         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
dimGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dimGrey         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
dodgerBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color dodgerBlue         (0x1E90FF)/rgb(30, 144, 255)
no setter
fireBrick String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color fireBrick         (0xB22222)/rgb(178, 34, 34)
no setter
floralWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color floralWhite         (0xFFFAF0)/rgb(255, 250, 240)
no setter
forestGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color forestGreen         (0x228B22)/rgb(34, 139, 34)
no setter
fuchsia String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color fuchsia         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
gainsboro String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color gainsboro         (0xDCDCDC)/rgb(220, 220, 220)
no setter
ghostWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color ghostWhite         (0xF8F8FF)/rgb(248, 248, 255)
no setter
gold String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color gold         (0xFFD700)/rgb(255, 215, 0)
no setter
goldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color goldenrod         (0xDAA520)/rgb(218, 165, 32)
no setter
grayX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color grayX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
greenX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greenX11         (0x008000)/rgb(0, 128, 0)
no setter
greenYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greenYellow         (0xADFF2F)/rgb(173, 255, 47)
no setter
greyX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color greyX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
honeydew String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color honeydew         (0xF0FFF0)/rgb(240, 255, 240)
no setter
hotPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color hotPink         (0xFF69B4)/rgb(255, 105, 180)
no setter
indianRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color indianRed         (0xCD5C5C)/rgb(205, 92, 92)
no setter
indigo String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color indigo         (0x4B0082)/rgb(75, 0, 130)
no setter
ivory String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color ivory         (0xFFFFF0)/rgb(255, 255, 240)
no setter
khaki String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color khaki         (0xF0E68C)/rgb(240, 230, 140)
no setter
lavender String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lavender         (0xE6E6FA)/rgb(230, 230, 250)
no setter
lavenderBlush String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lavenderBlush         (0xFFF0F5)/rgb(255, 240, 245)
no setter
lawnGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lawnGreen         (0x7CFC00)/rgb(124, 252, 0)
no setter
lemonChiffon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lemonChiffon         (0xFFFACD)/rgb(255, 250, 205)
no setter
lightBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightBlue         (0xADD8E6)/rgb(173, 216, 230)
no setter
lightCoral String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightCoral         (0xF08080)/rgb(240, 128, 128)
no setter
lightCyan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightCyan         (0xE0FFFF)/rgb(224, 255, 255)
no setter
lightGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11 color lightGoldenrod         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
lightGoldenrodYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to CSS color lightGoldenrodYellow         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
lightGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGray         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
lightGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGreen         (0x90EE90)/rgb(144, 238, 144)
no setter
lightGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightGrey         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
lightPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightPink         (0xFFB6C1)/rgb(255, 182, 193)
no setter
lightSalmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSalmon         (0xFFA07A)/rgb(255, 160, 122)
no setter
lightSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSeaGreen         (0x20B2AA)/rgb(32, 178, 170)
no setter
lightSkyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSkyBlue         (0x87CEFA)/rgb(135, 206, 250)
no setter
lightSlateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGray         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
lightSlateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGrey         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
lightSteelBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightSteelBlue         (0xB0C4DE)/rgb(176, 196, 222)
no setter
lightYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lightYellow         (0xFFFFE0)/rgb(255, 255, 224)
no setter
lime String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color lime         (0x00FF00)/rgb(0, 255, 0)
no setter
limeGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color limeGreen         (0x32CD32)/rgb(50, 205, 50)
no setter
linen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color linen         (0xFAF0E6)/rgb(250, 240, 230)
no setter
magentaX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color magentaX11         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
maroon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color maroon         (0x800000)/rgb(128, 0, 0)
no setter
mediumAquamarine String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumAquamarine         (0x66CDAA)/rgb(102, 205, 170)
no setter
mediumBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumBlue         (0x0000CD)/rgb(0, 0, 205)
no setter
mediumOrchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumOrchid         (0xBA55D3)/rgb(186, 85, 211)
no setter
mediumPurple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumPurple         (0x9370DB)/rgb(147, 112, 219)
no setter
mediumSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSeaGreen         (0x3CB371)/rgb(60, 179, 113)
no setter
mediumSlateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSlateBlue         (0x7B68EE)/rgb(123, 104, 238)
no setter
mediumSpringGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumSpringGreen         (0x00FA9A)/rgb(0, 250, 154)
no setter
mediumTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumTurquoise         (0x48D1CC)/rgb(72, 209, 204)
no setter
mediumVioletRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mediumVioletRed         (0xC71585)/rgb(199, 21, 133)
no setter
midnightBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color midnightBlue         (0x191970)/rgb(25, 25, 112)
no setter
mintCream String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mintCream         (0xF5FFFA)/rgb(245, 255, 250)
no setter
mistyRose String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color mistyRose         (0xFFE4E1)/rgb(255, 228, 225)
no setter
moccasin String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color moccasin         (0xFFE4B5)/rgb(255, 228, 181)
no setter

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color navajoWhite         (0xFFDEAD)/rgb(255, 222, 173)
no setter

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color navy         (0x000080)/rgb(0, 0, 128)
no setter
oldLace String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color oldLace         (0xFDF5E6)/rgb(253, 245, 230)
no setter
olive String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color olive         (0x808000)/rgb(128, 128, 0)
no setter
oliveDrab String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color oliveDrab         (0x6B8E23)/rgb(107, 142, 35)
no setter
onAliceBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aliceBlue         (0xF0F8FF)/rgb(240, 248, 255)
no setter
onAntiqueWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color antiqueWhite         (0xFAEBD7)/rgb(250, 235, 215)
no setter
onAqua String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aqua         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
onAquamarine String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color aquamarine         (0x7FFFD4)/rgb(127, 255, 212)
no setter
onAzure String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color azure         (0xF0FFFF)/rgb(240, 255, 255)
no setter
onBeige String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color beige         (0xF5F5DC)/rgb(245, 245, 220)
no setter
onBisque String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color bisque         (0xFFE4C4)/rgb(255, 228, 196)
no setter
onBlackX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blackX11         (0x000000)/rgb(0, 0, 0)
no setter
onBlanchedAlmond String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blanchedAlmond         (0xFFEBCD)/rgb(255, 235, 205)
no setter
onBlueViolet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blueViolet         (0x8A2BE2)/rgb(138, 43, 226)
no setter
onBlueX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color blueX11         (0x0000FF)/rgb(0, 0, 255)
no setter
onBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color brown         (0xA52A2A)/rgb(165, 42, 42)
no setter
onBurlywood String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color burlywood         (0xDEB887)/rgb(222, 184, 135)
no setter
onCadetBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cadetBlue         (0x5F9EA0)/rgb(95, 158, 160)
no setter
onChartreuse String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color chartreuse         (0x7FFF00)/rgb(127, 255, 0)
no setter
onChocolate String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color chocolate         (0xD2691E)/rgb(210, 105, 30)
no setter
onCoral String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color coral         (0xFF7F50)/rgb(255, 127, 80)
no setter
onCornflowerBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cornflowerBlue         (0x6495ED)/rgb(100, 149, 237)
no setter
onCornsilk String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cornsilk         (0xFFF8DC)/rgb(255, 248, 220)
no setter
onCrimson String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color crimson         (0xDC143C)/rgb(220, 20, 60)
no setter
onCyanX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color cyanX11         (0x00FFFF)/rgb(0, 255, 255)
no setter
onDarkBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkBlue         (0x00008B)/rgb(0, 0, 139)
no setter
onDarkCyan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkCyan         (0x008B8B)/rgb(0, 139, 139)
no setter
onDarkGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGoldenrod         (0xB8860B)/rgb(184, 134, 11)
no setter
onDarkGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGray         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
onDarkGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGreen         (0x006400)/rgb(0, 100, 0)
no setter
onDarkGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkGrey         (0xA9A9A9)/rgb(169, 169, 169)
no setter
onDarkKhaki String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkKhaki         (0xBDB76B)/rgb(189, 183, 107)
no setter
onDarkMagenta String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkMagenta         (0x8B008B)/rgb(139, 0, 139)
no setter
onDarkOliveGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOliveGreen         (0x556B2F)/rgb(85, 107, 47)
no setter
onDarkOrange String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOrange         (0xFF8C00)/rgb(255, 140, 0)
no setter
onDarkOrchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkOrchid         (0x9932CC)/rgb(153, 50, 204)
no setter
onDarkRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkRed         (0x8B0000)/rgb(139, 0, 0)
no setter
onDarkSalmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSalmon         (0xE9967A)/rgb(233, 150, 122)
no setter
onDarkSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSeaGreen         (0x8FBC8F)/rgb(143, 188, 143)
no setter
onDarkSlateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateBlue         (0x483D8B)/rgb(72, 61, 139)
no setter
onDarkSlateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGray         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
onDarkSlateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkSlateGrey         (0x2F4F4F)/rgb(47, 79, 79)
no setter
onDarkTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkTurquoise         (0x00CED1)/rgb(0, 206, 209)
no setter
onDarkViolet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color darkViolet         (0x9400D3)/rgb(148, 0, 211)
no setter
onDeepPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color deepPink         (0xFF1493)/rgb(255, 20, 147)
no setter
onDeepSkyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color deepSkyBlue         (0x00BFFF)/rgb(0, 191, 255)
no setter
onDimGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dimGray         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
onDimGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dimGrey         (0x696969)/rgb(105, 105, 105)
no setter
onDodgerBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color dodgerBlue         (0x1E90FF)/rgb(30, 144, 255)
no setter
onFireBrick String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color fireBrick         (0xB22222)/rgb(178, 34, 34)
no setter
onFloralWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color floralWhite         (0xFFFAF0)/rgb(255, 250, 240)
no setter
onForestGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color forestGreen         (0x228B22)/rgb(34, 139, 34)
no setter
onFuchsia String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color fuchsia         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
onGainsboro String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color gainsboro         (0xDCDCDC)/rgb(220, 220, 220)
no setter
onGhostWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color ghostWhite         (0xF8F8FF)/rgb(248, 248, 255)
no setter
onGold String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color gold         (0xFFD700)/rgb(255, 215, 0)
no setter
onGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color goldenrod         (0xDAA520)/rgb(218, 165, 32)
no setter
onGrayX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color grayX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
onGreenX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greenX11         (0x008000)/rgb(0, 128, 0)
no setter
onGreenYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greenYellow         (0xADFF2F)/rgb(173, 255, 47)
no setter
onGreyX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color greyX11         (0x808080)/rgb(128, 128, 128)
no setter
onHoneydew String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color honeydew         (0xF0FFF0)/rgb(240, 255, 240)
no setter
onHotPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color hotPink         (0xFF69B4)/rgb(255, 105, 180)
no setter
onIndianRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color indianRed         (0xCD5C5C)/rgb(205, 92, 92)
no setter
onIndigo String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color indigo         (0x4B0082)/rgb(75, 0, 130)
no setter
onIvory String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color ivory         (0xFFFFF0)/rgb(255, 255, 240)
no setter
onKhaki String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color khaki         (0xF0E68C)/rgb(240, 230, 140)
no setter
onLavender String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lavender         (0xE6E6FA)/rgb(230, 230, 250)
no setter
onLavenderBlush String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lavenderBlush         (0xFFF0F5)/rgb(255, 240, 245)
no setter
onLawnGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lawnGreen         (0x7CFC00)/rgb(124, 252, 0)
no setter
onLemonChiffon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lemonChiffon         (0xFFFACD)/rgb(255, 250, 205)
no setter
onLightBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightBlue         (0xADD8E6)/rgb(173, 216, 230)
no setter
onLightCoral String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightCoral         (0xF08080)/rgb(240, 128, 128)
no setter
onLightCyan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightCyan         (0xE0FFFF)/rgb(224, 255, 255)
no setter
onLightGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11 color lightGoldenrod         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
onLightGoldenrodYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to CSS color lightGoldenrodYellow         (0xFAFAD2)/rgb(250, 250, 210)
no setter
onLightGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGray         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
onLightGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGreen         (0x90EE90)/rgb(144, 238, 144)
no setter
onLightGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightGrey         (0xD3D3D3)/rgb(211, 211, 211)
no setter
onLightPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightPink         (0xFFB6C1)/rgb(255, 182, 193)
no setter
onLightSalmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSalmon         (0xFFA07A)/rgb(255, 160, 122)
no setter
onLightSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSeaGreen         (0x20B2AA)/rgb(32, 178, 170)
no setter
onLightSkyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSkyBlue         (0x87CEFA)/rgb(135, 206, 250)
no setter
onLightSlateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGray         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
onLightSlateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSlateGrey         (0x778899)/rgb(119, 136, 153)
no setter
onLightSteelBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightSteelBlue         (0xB0C4DE)/rgb(176, 196, 222)
no setter
onLightYellow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lightYellow         (0xFFFFE0)/rgb(255, 255, 224)
no setter
onLime String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color lime         (0x00FF00)/rgb(0, 255, 0)
no setter
onLimeGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color limeGreen         (0x32CD32)/rgb(50, 205, 50)
no setter
onLinen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color linen         (0xFAF0E6)/rgb(250, 240, 230)
no setter
onMagentaX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color magentaX11         (0xFF00FF)/rgb(255, 0, 255)
no setter
onMaroon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color maroon         (0x800000)/rgb(128, 0, 0)
no setter
onMediumAquamarine String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumAquamarine         (0x66CDAA)/rgb(102, 205, 170)
no setter
onMediumBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumBlue         (0x0000CD)/rgb(0, 0, 205)
no setter
onMediumOrchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumOrchid         (0xBA55D3)/rgb(186, 85, 211)
no setter
onMediumPurple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumPurple         (0x9370DB)/rgb(147, 112, 219)
no setter
onMediumSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSeaGreen         (0x3CB371)/rgb(60, 179, 113)
no setter
onMediumSlateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSlateBlue         (0x7B68EE)/rgb(123, 104, 238)
no setter
onMediumSpringGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumSpringGreen         (0x00FA9A)/rgb(0, 250, 154)
no setter
onMediumTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumTurquoise         (0x48D1CC)/rgb(72, 209, 204)
no setter
onMediumVioletRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mediumVioletRed         (0xC71585)/rgb(199, 21, 133)
no setter
onMidnightBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color midnightBlue         (0x191970)/rgb(25, 25, 112)
no setter
onMintCream String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mintCream         (0xF5FFFA)/rgb(245, 255, 250)
no setter
onMistyRose String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color mistyRose         (0xFFE4E1)/rgb(255, 228, 225)
no setter
onMoccasin String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color moccasin         (0xFFE4B5)/rgb(255, 228, 181)
no setter
onNavajoWhite String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color navajoWhite         (0xFFDEAD)/rgb(255, 222, 173)
no setter
onNavy String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color navy         (0x000080)/rgb(0, 0, 128)
no setter
onOldLace String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color oldLace         (0xFDF5E6)/rgb(253, 245, 230)
no setter
onOlive String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color olive         (0x808000)/rgb(128, 128, 0)
no setter
onOliveDrab String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color oliveDrab         (0x6B8E23)/rgb(107, 142, 35)
no setter
onOrange String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orange         (0xFFA500)/rgb(255, 165, 0)
no setter
onOrangeRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orangeRed         (0xFF4500)/rgb(255, 69, 0)
no setter
onOrchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color orchid         (0xDA70D6)/rgb(218, 112, 214)
no setter
onPaleGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleGoldenrod         (0xEEE8AA)/rgb(238, 232, 170)
no setter
onPaleGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleGreen         (0x98FB98)/rgb(152, 251, 152)
no setter
onPaleTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleTurquoise         (0xAFEEEE)/rgb(175, 238, 238)
no setter
onPaleVioletRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color paleVioletRed         (0xDB7093)/rgb(219, 112, 147)
no setter
onPapayaWhip String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color papayaWhip         (0xFFEFD5)/rgb(255, 239, 213)
no setter
onPeachPuff String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color peachPuff         (0xFFDAB9)/rgb(255, 218, 185)
no setter
onPeru String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color peru         (0xCD853F)/rgb(205, 133, 63)
no setter
onPink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color pink         (0xFFC0CB)/rgb(255, 192, 203)
no setter
onPlum String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color plum         (0xDDA0DD)/rgb(221, 160, 221)
no setter
onPowderBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color powderBlue         (0xB0E0E6)/rgb(176, 224, 230)
no setter
onPurple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color purple         (0x800080)/rgb(128, 0, 128)
no setter
onRebeccaPurple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11 color rebeccaPurple         (0x663399)/rgb(102, 51, 153)
no setter
onRedX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color redX11         (0xFF0000)/rgb(255, 0, 0)
no setter
onRosyBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color rosyBrown         (0xBC8F8F)/rgb(188, 143, 143)
no setter
onRoyalBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color royalBlue         (0x4169E1)/rgb(65, 105, 225)
no setter
onSaddleBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color saddleBrown         (0x8B4513)/rgb(139, 69, 19)
no setter
onSalmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color salmon         (0xFA8072)/rgb(250, 128, 114)
no setter
onSandyBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color sandyBrown         (0xF4A460)/rgb(244, 164, 96)
no setter
onSeaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color seaGreen         (0x2E8B57)/rgb(46, 139, 87)
no setter
onSeashell String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color seashell         (0xFFF5EE)/rgb(255, 245, 238)
no setter
onSienna String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color sienna         (0xA0522D)/rgb(160, 82, 45)
no setter
onSilver String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color silver         (0xC0C0C0)/rgb(192, 192, 192)
no setter
onSkyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color skyBlue         (0x87CEEB)/rgb(135, 206, 235)
no setter
onSlateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateBlue         (0x6A5ACD)/rgb(106, 90, 205)
no setter
onSlateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateGray         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
onSlateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color slateGrey         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
onSnow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color snow         (0xFFFAFA)/rgb(255, 250, 250)
no setter
onSpringGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color springGreen         (0x00FF7F)/rgb(0, 255, 127)
no setter
onSteelBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color steelBlue         (0x4682B4)/rgb(70, 130, 180)
no setter
onTan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color tan         (0xD2B48C)/rgb(210, 180, 140)
no setter
onTeal String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color teal         (0x008080)/rgb(0, 128, 128)
no setter
onThistle String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color thistle         (0xD8BFD8)/rgb(216, 191, 216)
no setter
onTomato String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color tomato         (0xFF6347)/rgb(255, 99, 71)
no setter
onTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color turquoise         (0x40E0D0)/rgb(64, 224, 208)
no setter
onViolet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color violet         (0xEE82EE)/rgb(238, 130, 238)
no setter
onWheat String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color wheat         (0xF5DEB3)/rgb(245, 222, 179)
no setter
onWhiteSmoke String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color whiteSmoke         (0xF5F5F5)/rgb(245, 245, 245)
no setter
onWhiteX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color whiteX11         (0xFFFFFF)/rgb(255, 255, 255)
no setter
onYellowGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color yellowGreen         (0x9ACD32)/rgb(154, 205, 50)
no setter
onYellowX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set background color to X11/CSS color yellowX11         (0xFFFF00)/rgb(255, 255, 0)
no setter
orange String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orange         (0xFFA500)/rgb(255, 165, 0)
no setter
orangeRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orangeRed         (0xFF4500)/rgb(255, 69, 0)
no setter
orchid String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color orchid         (0xDA70D6)/rgb(218, 112, 214)
no setter
paleGoldenrod String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleGoldenrod         (0xEEE8AA)/rgb(238, 232, 170)
no setter
paleGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleGreen         (0x98FB98)/rgb(152, 251, 152)
no setter
paleTurquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleTurquoise         (0xAFEEEE)/rgb(175, 238, 238)
no setter
paleVioletRed String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color paleVioletRed         (0xDB7093)/rgb(219, 112, 147)
no setter
papayaWhip String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color papayaWhip         (0xFFEFD5)/rgb(255, 239, 213)
no setter
peachPuff String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color peachPuff         (0xFFDAB9)/rgb(255, 218, 185)
no setter
peru String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color peru         (0xCD853F)/rgb(205, 133, 63)
no setter
pink String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color pink         (0xFFC0CB)/rgb(255, 192, 203)
no setter
plum String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color plum         (0xDDA0DD)/rgb(221, 160, 221)
no setter
powderBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color powderBlue         (0xB0E0E6)/rgb(176, 224, 230)
no setter
purple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color purple         (0x800080)/rgb(128, 0, 128)
no setter
rebeccaPurple String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11 color rebeccaPurple         (0x663399)/rgb(102, 51, 153)
no setter
redX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color redX11         (0xFF0000)/rgb(255, 0, 0)
no setter
rosyBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color rosyBrown         (0xBC8F8F)/rgb(188, 143, 143)
no setter
royalBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color royalBlue         (0x4169E1)/rgb(65, 105, 225)
no setter
saddleBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color saddleBrown         (0x8B4513)/rgb(139, 69, 19)
no setter
salmon String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color salmon         (0xFA8072)/rgb(250, 128, 114)
no setter
sandyBrown String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color sandyBrown         (0xF4A460)/rgb(244, 164, 96)
no setter
seaGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color seaGreen         (0x2E8B57)/rgb(46, 139, 87)
no setter
seashell String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color seashell         (0xFFF5EE)/rgb(255, 245, 238)
no setter
sienna String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color sienna         (0xA0522D)/rgb(160, 82, 45)
no setter
silver String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color silver         (0xC0C0C0)/rgb(192, 192, 192)
no setter
skyBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color skyBlue         (0x87CEEB)/rgb(135, 206, 235)
no setter
slateBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateBlue         (0x6A5ACD)/rgb(106, 90, 205)
no setter
slateGray String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateGray         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
slateGrey String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color slateGrey         (0x708090)/rgb(112, 128, 144)
no setter
snow String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color snow         (0xFFFAFA)/rgb(255, 250, 250)
no setter
springGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color springGreen         (0x00FF7F)/rgb(0, 255, 127)
no setter
steelBlue String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color steelBlue         (0x4682B4)/rgb(70, 130, 180)
no setter
tan String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color tan         (0xD2B48C)/rgb(210, 180, 140)
no setter
teal String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color teal         (0x008080)/rgb(0, 128, 128)
no setter
thistle String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color thistle         (0xD8BFD8)/rgb(216, 191, 216)
no setter
tomato String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color tomato         (0xFF6347)/rgb(255, 99, 71)
no setter
turquoise String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color turquoise         (0x40E0D0)/rgb(64, 224, 208)
no setter
violet String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color violet         (0xEE82EE)/rgb(238, 130, 238)
no setter
wheat String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color wheat         (0xF5DEB3)/rgb(245, 222, 179)
no setter
whiteSmoke String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color whiteSmoke         (0xF5F5F5)/rgb(245, 245, 245)
no setter
whiteX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color whiteX11         (0xFFFFFF)/rgb(255, 255, 255)
no setter
yellowGreen String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color yellowGreen         (0x9ACD32)/rgb(154, 205, 50)
no setter
yellowX11 String

Available on String, provided by the ChalkX11Strings extension

set foreground color to X11/CSS color yellowX11         (0xFFFF00)/rgb(255, 255, 0)
no setter