celest_core library
Celest code shared between the client and the cloud.
- AuthenticatedUser
- EventChannel
- EventClient
Dart extends Object?> -
A JSON serializer for a
type. - Serializers
- A collection of Serializers which is used as a hub to serialize and deserialize values of various types.
T> - User
Extension Types
- JsonBool
- A JsonValue which represents a bool.
- JsonDouble
- A JsonValue which represents a double.
- JsonInt
- A JsonValue which represents an int.
- JsonList
- A JsonValue which represents a List.
- JsonMap
- A JsonValue which represents a Map.
- JsonNum
- A JsonValue which represents a num.
- JsonString
- A JsonValue which represents a String.
- JsonValue
- A wrapper over a JSON value.
- InternalServerException = InternalServerError
- An exception thrown by a Cloud Function when an unrecoverable internal error occurs.
Exceptions / Errors
- AuthException
- BadRequestException
- An exception thrown by a Cloud Function when a request contains invalid data or otherwise lead to a recoverable exception.
- CelestException
- An exception thrown by Celest.
- CloudException
- An exception thrown by a Cloud Widget.
- InternalServerError
- An exception thrown by a Cloud Function when an unrecoverable internal error occurs.
- SerializationException
- Thrown when a error occurs during serialization.
- An exception thrown by a Cloud Function when a request is not authorized.