cCAvenueInit static method

Future<void> cCAvenueInit({
  1. required String transUrl,
  2. required String rsaKeyUrl,
  3. required String accessCode,
  4. required String merchantId,
  5. required String orderId,
  6. required String currencyType,
  7. required String amount,
  8. required String cancelUrl,
  9. required String redirectUrl,

cCAvenueInit Initialized the field requried for Payment GateWay transUrl Transaction Url rsakeyUrl RSA Key Url merchant Server getRSA API accessCode Access Code given by CCAvenue merchantId merchantId Code given by CCAvenue orderId orderId you generate it or get this from merchant currencyType currencyType Specify the currency type Like "INR","EU"...etc Please follow the documentation by CCAvenue amount Transaction Amount cancelUrl when the user cancel the request redirectUrl After the Transaction it will redirect and shows the status either Success or Failed


static Future<void> cCAvenueInit({
  required String transUrl,
  required String rsaKeyUrl,
  required String accessCode,
  required String merchantId,
  required String orderId,
  required String currencyType,
  required String amount,
  required String cancelUrl,
  required String redirectUrl,
}) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod('CC_Avenue', {
    'transUrl': transUrl,
    'rsaKeyUrl': rsaKeyUrl,
    'accessCode': accessCode,
    'merchantId': merchantId,
    'orderId': orderId,
    'currencyType': currencyType,
    'amount': amount,
    'cancelUrl': cancelUrl,
    'redirectUrl': redirectUrl