Uref constructor

  1. String value

Creates a Uref object with a hex string that contains an access rights suffix. The hex string value can be prefixed with "uref-" or not.


Uref(String value) {
  bool isPrefixed = value.startsWith(KeyIdentifier.uref.prefix);
  int partCount = (isPrefixed ? 3 : 2);
  final parts = value.split("-");
  if (parts.length != partCount) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        value, 'value', 'Uref key must contain 3 (or 2 if not prefixed) parts, separated by "-"');
  keyIdentifier = KeyIdentifier.uref;
  final key = parts[isPrefixed ? 1 : 0];
  final accessRightsStr = parts[isPrefixed ? 2 : 1];
  if (key.length != 64) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(value, 'value', 'Uref key must contain 32 bytes');
  final bytes = GlobalStateKey._verifyChecksum(key);
  this.key = keyIdentifier.prefix + Cep57Checksum.encode(bytes) + "-" + accessRightsStr;
  accessRights = AccessRightsExt.fromString(accessRightsStr);