loadFromPem static method

Future<Ed25519KeyPair> loadFromPem(
  1. File pemFile

Loads the key pair from a PEM file pemFile containing the private key.


static Future<Ed25519KeyPair> loadFromPem(File pemFile) async {
  try {
    final pemString = await pemFile.readAsString();
    final bytes = CryptoUtils.getBytesFromPEMString(pemString);
    final parser = ASN1Parser(bytes);
    final sequence = parser.nextObject() as ASN1Sequence;
    final octetString = sequence.elements![2] as ASN1OctetString;
    // Feels like a hack, but works (for private DER encoded ed25519 private key PEM files).
    final privateKeyBytes = octetString.valueBytes!.sublist(2);
    final algorithm = crypt.Ed25519();
    final keyPair = await algorithm.newKeyPairFromSeed(privateKeyBytes);
    final result = Ed25519KeyPair(keyPair);
    await result.initializeClPublicKey();
    return result;
  } catch (e) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        "Unable to load private key from PEM file: Either an unsupported format, or invalid PEM file");